Why is this franchise not multiplatform?

Why is this franchise not multiplatform?

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Because Japs don't own Xbones and Sony pissed off Capcom/MH Devs.

Go be upset somewhere else

They get money for keeping their games on a single platform

not really, capcom could've just imported their MHO chinese assets but they cant becasue of agreements

and capcom hates not reusing resources

It is.
3DS and Switch.

It's one of those franchises that the nips are inexplicably fanatical about to the point where it can be easily leveraged as a system seller. Don't question it.

Portables and mobile phones is where the money is in Japan, and the Switch is the hot/only portable system out right now.

Waiting for three frog and Wojack falseflaggers.

I don't know shit about how Capcom does Monster Hunter

Why does MHXX being on Switch mean MH5 won't be on PS4?

Every MH game has been on Ninty for several years. What has changed that makes a PS4 version likely?

someone on Sup Forums said MH5 would be on PS4

Capcom only has 5million dollars, they can't waste resources on silly things like ports.

Because if it was, we'd be btfo and you'd have more shitpost ammo. Cry a river.

They focus on the weakest hardware for MH to save on the most amount of dev time. MHO even looks like outdated junk.

Because you still can't pick up your PS4, take it on the bus and play it easily. I hear Sony pissed off Capcom over trophies but I haven't ever seen a source.

It's the reason why MH jumped ship from the PSP to the Wii/3ds. Nintendo gave them more freedom to do shit online while Sony didnt.

As someone who has never played MH, is it fun? What's it like?

No? You really think it wouldn't sell millions on the Vita?

It's hit and miss on most people. It's very enjoyable to me, especially with a team of buddies but there are some mechanics that put people off like all of the combat.

you either like it or hate it

It can be very grindy, but I find it as pretty fun. especially when I play with a good party of hunters.

each weapon class has a unique feel, so you have to experiment early on to figure out what you like.

Nintendo markets the games in the west, and they distribute them in Europe. Going multi-platform would mean losing that deal.

That being said, MH5 being PS4/Switch multi-platform wouldn't be that surprising. It's the rumors about it being PS4 exclusive that are hard to believe. Such a game would struggle to sell a million on PS4 in Japan, and it's a huge risk to bet on western sales to make up for those lost sales.

How do you like fighting monsters with epic presence? Now imagine feeling like you weigh five thousand tons and having to grind forever to become a fine tuned killing machine.

What's a Vita?

like what?
I don't think that's the reason, remember that MH3rd HD was a thing

...but it is?

I mean currently it's on 3DS and PC, but it's also been on the PS2, PSP, 360, and IOS.

There is no point in making it multiplatform. 3DS sold like 5x the PS4 in Japan and the Xbone sold jack shit. Nintendo owns the Japanese market and Monster Hunter only sells in Japan.

I played 3 thinking it would fill my PSO itch. It didn't but I might just have to try again.

Those are just shitposts, Capcom simply doesn't care about porting when the game is only big in Japan. Also keeping it exclusive without a contract lets them pull a few favor from Nintendo which own 90% of the market in Japan.

iirc the MH team was upset with Sony over P3rd, and then Nintendo stepped in and offered them a better deal.

It's really fun. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it but I was blown away. When you read the title "monster hunter" you don't think of it literally, but it is literal. It's a hunting game (think, hunting deer for example) that just happens to use Monsters (mostly dinosaurs) instead of animals. It's really relaxing.

>remember that MH3rd HD was a thing

MH3rd is EXACTLY the reason why the MH Team migrated to Ninty. Sony wanted trophies, paid DLC, and brand new online servers FOR A PORT and Capcom told them to piss off.

Day one purchase

>Sony pissed off Capcom/MH Devs
>portable 3rd sold better than most nintendo titles

Well yeah it was the last MonHun game on the PSP (and that was the shit over there back in the day).

Wrong, they were already developing 3U with the 3DS in mind before P3rd was out.

SCEE and SCEA didn't want to update a PSP-based program on their stores because the PSP was dead in the west so Capcom decided to cancel the PS3's port localization.

The port itself was a contractual obligation handled by a C team, by no means important to Capcom.

Because nintendo can pay more than sony and the limited hardware mean less cost to make each game.

Its called business

Probably should have made it obvious: the PS3 port uses that PSP tunneling program to play online.

The PSP sold a lot more than the 3DS so you would expect it to have sold better there. Regardless capcom shat out a yearly monster Hunter on 3DS and ended up selling around 15 million units on it. I'm not sure on how the money is divided but if Capcom got $20 on each game that's 300 million dollars to build one game and then make minor modifications and re-release it over a 5 year period.

Hopefully it will be one day
>inb4 just get a Switch
I'm in college
I'm poor
And I wanna hunt monsters
Fuck off.

If you like fighting the same fucking thing every single game, and fighting that same fucking thing hundreds of times so you can then fight the same fucking thing BUT FASTER, then you will love Monster Hunter.

>hunting for rathalos rubys

The 3DS was a new platform.
it's that simple

I mean, just look at MH5 being released for the Switch when they could just stick to the N2DS.

Use different weapons to keep it fresh. Los isn't a relaxing monster anyway though.

Sure, but MH has sold 12.4 million units across Sony platforms, while it has 18.6 million across Nintendo platforms.


>I'm in college
>I'm poor
Those are choices you made. You can get a job and buy it, nothing stopping you.

>Why is this franchise not multiplatform?
because nips are very precious about the few, dwindling IP's they have left that people still are kind of interested in... and thus like to keep them nipponised as much as possible

>literally, A-bomb syndrome PSTD

Because it has a Japanese fanbase and its main forte, and main reason for its gargantuan popularity, is because of its local multiplayer. The Japanese value face to face interactions so this immediately rules out home consoles.

Secondly, making it exclusive lets Nintendo help out in marketing and promoting the game. Ruling out the Vita. Not like Sony was going to bother helping anything out regarding the Vita.

Anyhow, rumor has it that Capcom is going to shoot themselves in the foot and make MH5 for the PS4, so be happy come this E3.

If monster hunter does come to PS4, I can probably sell my switch for an extra $100 and get a PS4 instead I guess

The funny thing is that the MH5 for PS4 rumor started on here. Repeat the same pasta enough times and our friendly neighborhood journalists will write articles on it.

So take that as you will.

>Anyhow, rumor has it that Capcom is going to shoot themselves in the foot and make MH5 for the PS4
was there an actual source for this rumor or was it just some post on Sup Forums? figured capcom would try to avoid making hd assets for as long as possible

I get my Switch during E3, so we'll see I guess.

Nintendo paid some third party games cause nintendo has no third party support

>No? You really think it wouldn't sell millions on the La Li Le Lo Lu?

> La Li Le Lo Lu


So I can watch sonyfags cry every time a new MH is announced for a Nintendo platform.

Aren't there a lot of tourists in Japan? Why wouldn't you want their potential money? Fucking retarded japs.

It wouldn't and shouldn't, the vita's buttons and sticks are too flimsy for action games. I love my vita but it's for jrpgs and vns only.

Nah, Sony didn't want to pay for servers, so Capcom asked Nintendo who said yes.

Sony shouldn't have been greedy, they knew MH alone sold units for PSP, and would have done the same for Vita if given the chance.

No source, just Sup Forums.

There's no other mobile platforms for them to put it on

Because years ago Nintendo paid Capcom to put it on Nintendo 3DS exclusively for the next numbered entry, that clause also included Nintendo being able to stretch out that entry to x number of titles over a period of time until it was complete. (The hilarious thing is that despite this move MonHunPort3rd on PSP is still the highest selling entry after all these years.) This is why Nintendo is a bad company, Sony never paid Capcom to keep it only on PSP and were happy to let Capcom put it on other consoles if need be but Nintendo are only interested in a monopoly where other companies can't compete because they are Jewish cunts.

Doesn't matter anymore anyway since we know that the next numbered entry is coming to to least PS4 and maybe PC. It wasn't a sure thing at first but after that genuine tweet from the Japanese twitter account it's a definite thing. I would bet E3 or TGS for the reveal especially as XX for Switch launches just a couple weeks before TGS starts.

Yes yes, we all saw when rumor dropped and when it was validated by the reveal.

What you should be complaining about is how no journalist reporting the rumor is mentioning that even at Capcom there's a big war over the game's existence.

It is multiplatform though. 3ds, and Switch.
Did you not see that they can play together?


Xebophobia is a bitch, retards are everywhere and nowhere, people will be people, etc.

My cousin works at Capcom (hurrhurr I know)
But he told me that Capcom made a deal with Nintendo where they are getting most of the online subscription fee in exchange for Monster Hunter exclusivity on Nintendo consoles as long as Capcom maintains updates and DLC to keep the service in use.

>even at Capcom there's a big war over the game's existence

So is there there tangible proof of that or is it the next big rumor?

It doesn't, however the PS4 MH5 was a rumour originating from this very board.

How credible do you believe such a source to be?

>we know that the next numbered entry is coming to to least PS4 and maybe PC
Oh i'll be laughing my sweet ass off at you people this E3

Sony refused to let Capcom put out Portable 3rd HD in english unless they built their own online service since Adhoc party that it used was japan only at the time.

Nintendo on the other hand offered to help fund development on their platforms.

I'll be right there with you. You'd be retarded to think the rumor is true, especially after XX's Switch announcement. Even Capcom isn't stupid enough to announce 5 before XXS is even out. And obviously they wouldn't announce 5 at E3 anyway.

that explains one game, not ten more. nintendo is paying big time to keep mh off playstation. this is nothing new.

your proof?

either newfag or willfully ignoring history.

have you ever noticed that sony doesn't do much to get games? even when their platforms are less popular (psp, ps3, vita), devs support them. when nintendo is less popular (n64, gc, wiiu), their platforms become nintendo boxes. when was the last time you saw a nintendo exclusive randomly switch platforms? now look at some of the random games you see on 3ds and tell me that nintendo doesn't pay.

I'm glad Monster Hunter is exclusive to a platform that isn't Sony, the faster that Sony is dissolved the faster video games cease to be the joke they are now.

Do you seriously think that Nintendo doubled the Ram in the Switch at the request of Capcom for Street Fighter or Monster Hunter XX Switch Version?

>conspiracy theorizing

you're asking for proof because you know it can't exist. do you expect a developer to publicly state they were paid off? only a console war shitposter thinks like that. read the writing on the wall

>I'm in college
Not being able to get a console is the least of your problems right now.

>So is there there tangible proof of that or is it the next big rumor?

That was the original rumor of MH5 going to the PS4, Capcom signing a deal with Sony for an exclusive open world MH5 but having an internal strife over the decision and then panicking even more over the decision when it was revealed how popular MH4U and MHG are and how they both were successful in the West, thereby invalidating the need for the lengths they're going to make MH5 appeal to the West.

If there was tangible proof, it'd be a leak. The only reason this rumor has credibility is because it got the name of MHXX correct before MHXX was officially revealed for the 3DS last year (the general thought was that the name was going to be MHXG).

And there's still the possibility of the leaker who got the name making up stuff because he got one thing right, but who knows? It's just a rumor.

Or maybe they were sick of how they were being treated and switched to a different alternative, like with megaman x and final fantasy

Because that way everyone would see how garbage it is and it would fail. This way, it's stuck to a shitty platform that has like 2 other games, so retards have no choice but to buy it every year and pretend it's good.

Nintendo doesn't really have to pay for it like that, and if they really wanted to they could just flat-out buy Capcom to get all their franchises

Are you a fucking retard or something?

>multiplat = multiple platforms
>MHXX is on 3DS and Switch
>not multiplat

In fact, Capcom just gave me a really good reason to not bother with the Switch. I can just buy it for the platform I already own (3DSXL) and play it with no online fee on the same rooms as Switch users. No fucking reason whatsoever to get the Switch.

If you are talking about non-nintendo platforms, MonHun is on all systems but the Xbone. PS4 has Frontier, PC also has Frontier, MHO, and can emulate any PSP MonHun game WITH online (MHFU and MHP3rd being the most popular)

Also, MHXX is clearly the last MonHun before a full reboot. It's clearly a low-effort entry (compare the new villages in MH4U and all the monster cutscenes to MHXX's recycled villages and lazy monster intros and lazy "Hyper" versions of monters to pad content) with a lot of fan service, callbacks to previous games and gimmicks up the wazoo to entice the tired veterans and experimenting before moving on to a new project.

My bet is that they have been using developer resources in the future reboot, building a new engine and models (MHXX will be the last to recycle PS2 models for a decade now) for the next decade to come. Thankfuly with MHX / MHXX lower sales I think Capcom wants to expand the main franchise to other systems too.

The amount of butthurt this news has caused never ceases to amuse me. Post yfw you own a Switch

i would if i could find it in stock

Are these threads false flags?
No one was shitposting when MH3/U,4,X were on Nintendo platforms, why is it suddenly a shitstorm because the Switch is getting MHXX?


AND a PS4.
Literally no worries.

better hit up ebay user

False. Sony is the best.

Feels like they ported the game so they could get used to working on the Switch

the name alone causes asspain from every corner of Sup Forums, every new game reveal is like bayonetta 2's reveal every week just imagine E3 in a few days

Because the Switch has been blowing out sonyfriends every week since launch.

Is the PS4 portable?

>I have no proof, therefore I have proof!

A reminder than anybody that thinks XX is good is the biggest of MH casuals

>Why does MHXX being on Switch mean MH5 won't be on PS4?
It doesn't.
If anything it only solidifies the rumors. Switch isn't getting a new MonHun game, just a port of a 3DS title, much like the WiiU.
I very much doubt there will be any more mainline MonHun games for the 3DS, and the Switch is too small to sustain the franchise. Capcom HAS to go multiplat with the next MonHun entries.

If Switch had a 60million population by next year then sure, MH5 could be exclusive to it. But it won't. MH5 is so obviously going multiplat.

It is though? You can still play Monster Hunter on the PS2 and PSP.

Not as good as MH4U, but it's still a fun game. All the additions and refinement to how the game feels makes it impossible to go back to before MH4, that's for sure.