What made him better than all the other P5 villains?
What made him better than all the other P5 villains?
He just wanted to diddle the girls and be superior to the others, no stupid control and thinking he was actually doing good.
He got more time and focus than the others, save for maybe Shido, and his character ended up being the most well-defined and detailed.
when it was revealed that Madarame and Kaneshiro were working for Shido I half expected it to be revealed that Kamoshida was dittling and beating high schoolers on Shido's orders.
Him and Shido were the only villains that held a personal connection to the protag before going into their palace. Unlike Shido's, however, it wasn't with a large buildup. In fact, you learn he's a dick before he really does anything dickish to you.
Because he's actually sympathetic and relatable unlike the rest who are basically Saturday morning cartoon tier.
>he looks like Tanaka
>when he is confessing in school and starts crying the first thing that comes through my mind is "Thai Kick"
>there was no Thai Kick
Oh well
>What made him better than all the other P5 villains?
Affected the students, the school you were, the new friends you made. His palace felt great, sneaking was worth your time, climbing the castle was awesome. As a villain Kamoshida had a progression and was built well.
Later palaces could be a chore. Like Futaba's or Mr.Burgervader. Holy shit, burger's is really boring and out of place
>shiho actually jumps, the absolute mad woman
>atlus is so much of a pussy to not kill her
why? they killed harus dad, with no remorse
I feel like shiho was destined to die but atlus went full pussy during the last minutes
He is literally the only villain not connected to Shido. That alone makes him better than every other villain.
seek help, bastard
He's probably the one they designed first. All the others are shit, both in characterization and boss design. The team finished work on the first dungeon then phoned the rest in for years.
Yeah, Shiho kept alive for Ann's terrible s.link seems like a waste.
Most build up and personal stakes (at first). Most other palaces were you looking for trouble.
He was real, he's a person you can find anywhere if you dig deep enough. Idk I liked him cause it shows even the people who have it all still have dark demons
He got more screen time of him being a shit
>Madarame is more defined through the dungeon
>Kaneshiro is just a common yakuza underling boss
>Futaba's mom was forgotten after the dungeon
>Okumura is just a slave driver boss but gets killed before showing off how much he worked for Shido
>Lady Sae was great all around, although the corruption was never addressed afterwards
>Shido was seen coming long beforehand
>Akechi is just Adachi 2.0
>And yabadabado was Izanami 2.0
Because he feels alive. Like, a madman that is so overfed on power, attention and asskissing he receives would obviously try shit like fucking cute girl students. And his terrible behavior having so much power is only natural. He looked and feel like a irl character, not a fictional one.
t. had to encounter this kind of person in my class, although it was principle's daughter
>tfw you realized the first 3 hours are so were the only good parts of the game.
Fuck me ...
this is so stupid, but i still laughed
have a (you)
It's funny because Sup Forums users are actually delusional enough to view Kamoshida in that light.
>shiho still alive
>she doesnt have a s. link
>you cant protect her smile
well fuck you too atlus
I hope this name sticks.
The fact that he did nothing wrong
It felt like the game took longer to build him up as a villain. The others were good too, but it felt shorter.
It's a game about an idealized reliving of high school and he mostly fits the profile of the bully jock that fucked the girls we had crushes on, which makes him far more relatable than the other villains.
He had a lot of build up which was handled really well, like Chiho's attempted suicide, and as a result you really wanted to see him brought to justice
With everyone after, like Madarame and Fat man, they get approximately 3 scenes to establish that they're bad people, and then you do their dungeon
The best villains are ones you have a personal grudge with. You don't hate Eric Sparrow because he's some god trying to take over the world. You hate him because he stole your fucking tape and claimed it was him on it.
all of the other villains connections are pulled out of the game's ass at the last moment, I was about to just say you were bullshitting until I remembered.