Kil'jaeden the Redeemed

>Kil'jaeden the Redeemed

Just when I thought Blizzard could not possibly shit on WoW lore any harder...

I havent played wow since WotLK, want to give me a quick rundown?


>dragon attacked azeroth
>Thrall single handedly defeats it and saves the world
>meanwhile pandas who gives a fuck
>orc hitler goes back in time but Thrall chases after him and kills him, single handedly saving the known universe once again
>now Legion is invading but Thrall lost his powers so we're fucked
the end

He is fed-up with Sargeras's bullshit, Velen and Anduin will show him the error of his ways after the big fight and he will help when its time to retake Argus.

Literally the greatest explanation with pretty good accuracy

His portrayal in that cinematic was great. It showed him realizing he may have not made the best choice long ago, yet also being aware there's no going back.
He won't get redeemed, you're getting upset over nothing.

He's fed up with Sargeras' BS because instead of blowing up the fucking planets the Dark Titan's gone all 'Muh Waifu Planet' for Azeroth, because apparently Fel-infused Titans have a thing for Pedophilia.
Pandaria was actually cool though. It gave us the Mantid, and DA THUNDA KENG. I mean the Pandaren themselves were weak but the rest was good.

Mogu are okay in my book but it sucks Blizzard just reused the Draenei model for them instead of making a unique model like they were originally going to.

>giving a shit when we killed Archimonde by poking him with sticks
>the same demon that destroyed Dalaran entirely by building a sand castle and waving his hand through it
I get that the story of Warcraft has always been stupid, but I still can't handle that after all these years, we manage to defeat Archimonde, who had fully crossed over, by hitting him over the head with nothing special going for us.

And incase anyone wants to bring up KJ, Blizzard went out of their way to repeatedly point out that he was struggling to pull himself through the portal the entire time and we merely pushed him back.

I'm glad I don't play it anymore. I thought green jesus was bad but Khadgar is way worse. He's never not had a perfect answer to any foe or any situation. He could probably just walk into any raid and beat the big bad in seconds they've made him so OP with plot armor.

Bravo blizzard

Khadgar is the current "fan favorite" character.
He will be untouchable for the next for expansions until the playerbase gets sick of him and the cycle repeats itself like with Thrall and Vol'jin.

Wait really, you just flat out kill him in WoD? The fuck? The being that needed thousands of wisps and an alliance between all the major races in order to stop? I thought the way he was killed in W3 was already pretty stupid, but that's on a whole other level.

That's not even the stupid part.
The real stupid part is immediately afterwards the AU Draenei immediately forgive and team up with the Orcs who were just trying to genocide their entire race a little bit ago.
As usual Orcs dindu nuffin.

Is he even dead or "merely banished"?

straight up dead, you finish him off inside of the twisting nether

I want another pandaria.

two expansions in a row it feels like we're just revisiting old shit and recycling characters. I want to see a strange new land with new races again

A South Seas expansion is almost guaranteed at this point.
I hope you like Pirates, Goblins, and Trolls.

How many fucking islands you want?

We've already had goblins, pirates, and trolls.

Doesn't make any fucking sense
Such shitty writing

>two expansions in a row it feels like we're just revisiting old shit and recycling characters.
This feeling is never going to go away because there's nothing new left for them to do. They never have any original ideas and all the old lore from the RTS series has been used already. Get ready to go fight the Lich King again.


either way, we killed him. Even if Blizzard doesn't treat the mythic as canon, that only means that we killed him and he gets sent back to the nether to be reborn.

The best you can say is that, if getting pulled into nether isn't canon, he was slightly less powerful than he could have been

Well we're getting more, with some old god nu-Lovecraft shit to spice things up.

No hes dead as in dead dead. Once killed in the nether thats it.

Why does it have to be an island? Why can't it be a giant Souls/DMC3-esque tower that sprouts up from from the useless as shit exodar?

It's a fantasy setting, there's room for imagination

reminder at least 1 million blizzdrones still exist shilling 15/mo to collect rare mounts after 500 retries on a boss

Loving this reddit meme game

Besides raid ive done everything in legion. This is a strange feel.

>there's room for imagination
Not in WoW there isn't.

And its still one of the most polished mmos out there.

>the day I took the fel fire into my veins

lol nope, turned it off then.

Doesn't count as a retcon since his origin was retconned in TBC and they can just say they were fleshing out his character.

Unfortunately true.
Its sad to think that this genre has fallen to the point that the only new releases to look forward to are doomed kickstarter projects.

He's going to get Holy Powers, and they're going to unlock Orc Priests/Paladins. Get ready.

This hurts to read. I stopped playing WoW after WotLK and thought the Warcraft lore was pretty fucking cool. Give me some more info on how Blizz is butchering the lore.

Well, if we assume that character progression has some sort of canonical basis in reality, than the players who fought Archimonde in WoD were exponentially more powerful than the players who fought KJ in the Sunwell. Likewise, the adventurers who fight Kil'Jaeden at the end of Tomb of Sargeras are about ten times more powerful than the ones who killed Archimonde so...

This is actually more likely than you think given that Night Elf paladins are already pretty much confirmed

That's not saying much since mmos are shit

Skinner boxes are here to stay aren't they?

Night Elf Paladins and Anti-Corrupted Light Dreadlords are some of the more recent stuff they've done.
They also wrote Old Gods into being nothing but mooks for the REAL bad guys, the void lords or whatever the fuck.

you fucks are making me want to get out of bed and resub

>Well, if we assume that character progression has some sort of canonical basis in reality

Unfortunately that's what Blizzard seems to be doing.

However, the racial leaders and their guards are always several steps ahead of the players. If the players are that strong then surely the 5 alliance leaders could just get together and solo the entire Burning Legion

A polished turd is still a turd. I will always take a jagged piece of gold over it.

How is any of this making you want to resub?

>Get funneled into doing world-quests and quests on the broken shore as its only content

Dont do it. Legion is a poor mans wod. Its just so half assed.

Wow is currently and UNIRONICALLY the most devoid of imagination it could ever possibly be.

>Nelfs end up getting shamans
>undead get paladins instead

Well they do work.

As I understand it, that's also how it goes canonically. Small-time bosses and dungeons may be conquered by "warriors of the horde/alliance", but the big dudes like Arthas, Deathwing, etc. are all canonically killed by faction leaders and other notable NPCs.

>They also wrote Old Gods into being nothing but mooks for the REAL bad guys

im really burnt out on ESO

i need a new MMO
(no black desert that game is cancer)


What kind of people do they hire at Blizzard? I feel like even I could take the game in a better direction at this point

>release the last expansion
>retcon WoW's lore in its entirety
>release Warcraft 4 with new (good) writers that continues where TFT left off

Would this be the only way to save the franchise?

Anyone who plays wow now just lacks any motivation in life and has too much spare time to blow.

I have a friend who literally just plays wow to collect gold so he can resub for free and rinse-and-repeat. He also plays for the SP content where he ABSOLUTELY talks to NO ONE IN THE GAME and just does LFR to "experience the epic story at his pace". He quit wow when he was busy but when he had more time he just goes back to doing the exact same shit.

Also when asked what were good points in story its always the "depth and lore" point without any details and just "theres so much lore man".

I'd actually resub for a couple months to roll an RP an undead paladin. I'd hate myself for doing it, but I would.

Just make a spiritual successor.

>thrall single-handedly defeats it and saves the world

Come on, user. It was bullshit that he got the killing blow but Deathwing got fucked by everyone

To elaborate: imagine all of WoW as Warcraft 4, but from the inside of it. We think we're all the baddest fuckin warriors to walk the earth, but we are the Footmen and Elven Archers who just tag along with the Hero units during battles.

ouch this hit home

Never going to happen. Not only has WoW been a huge cash cow but RTS games sell like dog shit these days. If anything they'd turn Warcraft 4 into some shitty f2p thing like Hearthstone or HotS.

>Final battle with the Lich King
>When he slaughters everyone and starts casting that resurrection spell, he was just casting Animate Dead on Fordring's chump units

Varian did solo a huge version of a boss that takes several people to kill as-is.

Arthas straight up said that the players were the greatest fighting force the world has ever known. The players haven't been random mooks since vanilla.

That's how it used to be, and that was fine. The issue is now WE are the hero units. And that's not fine.

>i need a new MMO
Then its pretty much WoW or nothing.
There is FFXIV which is pretty much WoW with an anime reskin if you're into that sort of thing.

Wow dosnt matter.

>Blizzard was haunted by the vocal minority boogieman SO much, they scrapped Pandaria as a trigger to WoD altogether.

Ok, land of mythical powers. The source of evil that triggers the next expansion?

No, of course not. That would make the expansion relevant, and we can't have Billy Von "I need to stare at human/elf ass while I shit green fire everywhere" Fucktard's vision for the game spoiled. No. Too much "pandashit" for our super serious manchild in his fantasy world. Have to make it devoid of that, or the Blood Elf playershare may drop 1%.

Instead, Old Gods, and then Bronze Dragonflight, because fuck it. He thinks both of those are cool.

Count your fucking blessings you gave Arrakoa some interesting lore, Blizzard. You kept my attention for at least ONE more expansion before shitting the bed in Legion on Dindullidan and even MORE greenfire "badassery".

Fuck off. I'll be laughing at your Blizzcon reveal of Corrupted Angelic Undead Jaina vs. Fel Demon Hunter Alleria and her half elf/racemixed dragon/orc/draenei daughter courtesy of a cucked Turalyon.

Forgot to mention, Azeroth is actually an unborn Titan which is why Sargeras is so apeshit about destroying it.


Nigga you what?

Anyway, FFXIV is good if you like good story, music, and group-based PvE. Some of the best raids in any game. It lacks in world content and PvP though.

I think you need to read the post again

WoW is shit but Draenei still make my dick harder than any substance in the known universe. Even better when they have big, thick, dripping horse cocks

What's the big deal with BDO? I was just playing the free trial after being curious about the Steam release and it seemed pretty fun. Persistent mounts and the housing shit was unexpected.

>entire roadway exit from the dark portal is LITERALLY made of draenei skeletons
>gromm a good boy he dindu nuffin, need mo' lumber for dem strongholds

Do you like grinding mobs for hours every day? If so, it's a great game. If not, stay away, because that's literally all it is outside of shitty "world pvp" (aka get ganked by 40 russians spamming cuss words).

i have over 14 days put into that game

youll see when you get to the soft level cap that you have to be autisitc or on disability to progress in that game.

its so annoying and no one sees it

OR youll spend time processing "playing"
but really youre either traveling or processing somewhere arent playing

That's only on Mythic mode.

Blizzard hasn't decided which fight is canon.

So currently Archimonde's dead or banished status is a giant ?.

You heard me.
I do wish that boss fights in WoW had there own themesongs like in FFXIV though.

WoW was a meme game before reddit was a thing. It thrives on references.

>mythic isn't canon
But im pretty sure the firelands ragnaros heroic fight is canon fight though since he dies in that fight instead of fleeing like in normal.

>tfw unused content

At least they ended up explaining the scary shit beneath Tirisfal Glades

It has korean level grinding/crafting with no payoff beyond "now I can grind/craft some more"

Sucks to hear. I was looking forward to the sailing and fishing.

>At least they ended up explaining the scary shit beneath Tirisfal Glades
Yeah and it sucked.

I hear you, it's jarring when all you hear in a big fight is the boss talking to you or the player's sound effects, then everything stops for a phase change and it's dead silence

Was he right? Is this how WoW will end?

I've pretty much always listened to my own music for that reason.
Most of the WoW soundtrack is really dull and forgettable these days.

Needs more Panda women

There's literally nothing wrong with Night Elf Paladins.

If a race can be a priest and a warrior there's no reason they can't be a Paladin save for Undead.

I think the only note worthy soundtrack is Ulduar, its the magnum opus of WoW there.
Then they decided to jew out the music and put generic music as BG so the niggers can listen to their dubstep. Sad shit, I still have some chills when I remember entering Ulduar for the first time.

Tauren Paladins were fucking retarded and Nelf Pallies is even worse.

Tauren couldn't be priests before they could be Paladins.

Literally what is wrong with a nelf paladin? Explain to me how they shouldn't already be paladins with priests and warriors available to them you faggot.

Yeah, Ulduar had some good ones.
I still wish they would bother to compose some hype tracks for the big boss fights though, even just some war drums pounding or some shit instead of the usual droning ambient music playing on a loop through the entire raid.

>Guys just you wait Tirisfal's got some spooky shit and we swear it isn't Old Gods!
>It's Old Gods

Nelf Paladins make vastly more sense than Tauren and as much sense as Draenei now that Elune is a Naaru.

>faction A gets its identity destroyed for the benefit of faction B
>people from faction B whine endlessly on the forums that faction A is favored

Its gotten so bad some people have stopped going "no we have it worse because______" and have switched to "come on, its not that bad"

Its the same reason why humans shouldn't be able to be shamans. It ruins the unique identity of each class if literally anyone can pick it up and do it even though it isn't grounded in their culture at all. I would even argue Dwarf Paladins was a bit of a stretch at this point.