Fire Emblem Heroes

>Caeda is taken
>Charlotte friendzones you
>Lyn friendzones you AGAIN
>Cordelia is totally up for it
>The only woman who wants you is the one who cheats on you.

How are you guys liking this new banner reveal?

Cordelia is my waifu
I don't care about the memes
Literally screech all you want at me, I won't change my mind

Your waifu will never be real, so why do you need her love for (You) to be explictly canonical?

>Caeda is devoted to marth
>Charlotte is devoted to Xander
>Lyn is once again devoted to Rath
>Cordelia is up to cheat on her awakening husband again
Holy moly, IS is really set on making Cordelia an unfaithful wife.

I was like you, a naive fool, until I say her event tile quote with her daughter Severa.

>Implying Lyn isn't with Hector

This, but with lyn. As long as she keeps getting pushed, my plan will be complete.

If a tiny bit of dialogue is enough to make you drop your waifu, you didn't deserve her to begin with

A reminder that Caedafag can finally marry his waifu kind of.

Lyn loves the plains, and Rath is the only one who gives her that in their ending. Plus Sue exists and Rath only marries Lyn, so there's that.

>47 attack at +10
>Those stats in general at +10
Holy fuck she's pathetic, can we expect 0x4 electric boogaloo with Waifu Caeda?

I'm not gonna screech at anyone, you can waifu who you want.

I just think it kinda sucks, Lyn gets such a dull, awkward friends confession again with some decent are and Charlotte, who's whole thing is being man crazy, only sees you as a friend, nevermind herv art.

Meanwhile they give Cordelia some great art and what would otherwise be a sweet confession... but her game strongly implies that she cheats on her husband so I don't want anything to do with her.

Nevermind that Severa is around, so she's obviously got another man she's meant to be with...

Shitsucks man.

Lyn loves Florina.

>bride banner
>not one of them are wife material

What did IS mean by this?

>If your waifu making a game of going out and picking up men is enough to make you drop her, you didn't deserve her in the first place.

I guess so

>Charlotte, who's whole thing is being man crazy, only sees you as a friend
She sees men as expendable and only truly values her friends. I would rather be her friend than her coinpurse.

>Severa:"Mother, since you have so many suitors, want to see which of us gets more men?"
>Cordelia:"All right. But don’t underestimate your mother."

How can you honestly interpret that as anything else? Some other quotes I can interpret being directed at her husband, sure, and her Summer Scramble dlc conversation with her husband Robin really show how much she values her marriage with him. But this quote can't be interpreted in any other way, even if you use postmodernism up the ass with it.

It's not even just that she goes out and maybe cheats, it's that she still has the romance guide and that she's still pining over Chrom.

She was meant to move over all that. The cheating implications wouldn't be anywhere near as bad otherwise.

leveling armor units to 40 is excruciating

Except that's NOT how she is in Fates at all. Meh, she would have been perfect for the kind of sweet confession they gave Cordelia.


how bout them hammers?

But worth it, because they can damage unlike fliers

If we'd gotten a Bride Florina too, I would have always put them together.

GHB map for Camus

It's ok man just pick the character that you like and be happy that she gets more stuff and attention, don't ever give into the autismo of my 'imaginary purity, I can't self insert, she does not live up to my virginity because it's the only thing I have going on' I beg you just be happy that more cordelias mean more cute things to look at and enjoy, hope you roll one.

>None of them are Wife Material
>IS literally called Cordelia the Perfect Bride

Maybe none of them are your taste, she turns me on like crazy, doubly so imagining what she does in that wedding dress.

The fact that she corrupts our daughters too is even better. Just imagine the dinnertime conversations... Sitting down with all the women in your family sitting down, talking, laughing, exchanging jokes, and with different men's cum running down their legs

> it's a Cordelia episode

Cuckdelia prefers a good BBC pounding

Post yfw your waifu is too inoffensive to shit up threads with bad memes

Do you have your "bully Veronica" unit yet?

forgot pic

It's fine if you like Cordelia. I just like the mental gymnastics people make to say they aren't cucks.

The truly superior loli overlord is ready.

what up with the eyelashes

Of course.


>people still think Lyn friendzoned you
No wonder you're all kissless virgins.


>loli is an age

This. She never liked you in the first place.

Lyn is gonna be perfect for that. Shut down her abilty to counter and then just chip her down with anyone.

I don't think she'll do much in PvP but she'll be nice as hell in some PvE stuff

I'm feeling confidant.

>loli is a body type

It literally means underage

Here's a loli for you then (3 years old)

>Lyn is going to be perfect for that.

>Round One, Lyn attacks, disables Veronica's counter attack.
>Round Two, Veronica one shots Lyn

Don't try and agree with me if you don't even know what I'm saying.
She clearly likes you but is too embarrassed to say anything. Thus the reason why all of you are kissless virgins. You can't even pick up on the most obvious advances ever.

give up before i embarrass you

Can we trust these stats? Apparently her data is already in game thanks to the update and hackers have already added her in to check her out

>he's still going
Here's another loli for you. Maybe this will cheer you up.

You have never seen a girl's vagina


How will a +spd/-def Celica fair? What would be more effective, her Distant Defense or TA?

Not him, but don't healers have good res? Depending on her stats, she can probably take it


>35/35 offenses
>literally better than takumi
powercreep now

I might actually roll this banner now...

Powercreep existed since Sophia

Did you not see literally my next sentence?

>and then just chip her down with anyone.

are these the +10 stats or is that just for show?

Holy shit the godliest archer of all time is here. No wonder she has Perfect Bride even as a washing board.


>38 Spd on a healer


She also has way less bulk.
Still better than Taco, but Taco has been pretty mediocre for a while now.

Yeah, just crushed that hope.

They have to be +10 stats, do you really think they would allow a colorless archer to have 39 attack and speed without jack shit?

Might as well post the last one

but goddamn if she isnt cute enough to warrent dropping $50

It's only 34. Will probably never be doubled, but he defenses are pretty much akin to paper so she's still dying to most things.

>those stats
Looks like my Quadsuna is getting axed soon.

43 HP and 38 Spd is fucking tanky dude. 28 Res isn't bad either

>good stats
>good skillset
>great art
>great dialogue
well I guess that settles it, I'm whaling for her.

+10, so you subtract 4 from all fields.
Minerva's sister has 34 speed too, but Lyn's got a bit more rounded bulk.

Lyn inflicts a status that prevents Veronica from attacking next turn. She can only attack if she's danced or if she gets attacked again I think.

Klein, You have been with me since the start and I love you but if this shit is true it's time for you to go to the bench. The perfect bride is here

so +10 would give how much to each stat?

Isnt she a cutie ... god i love charlotte so much, please let me get her.

Spd is defense and she's got good HP too. She'll be deceptively tanky in the same way Linde is.

You'll have to do 71 damage to kill her and attacking her means you can't counterattack for the entire enemy phase.


Subtract 4 from all those stats.

3 or so hours

2 hours and 40 minutes

No, she inflicts a status that "prevents counter attacks", which means that she can't attack back if anyone else attacks her while that effect is up.
Did you really think your waifu was going to be THAT busted? That would be absurd, she could stunlock anything in the game if she could do what you're suggesting.

>36 attack
>32 speed

Fuck, that's actually pretty damn good it's like Ike except the bulk is more spread out. Too bad her bulk comes from mainly hp, meaning Fury drops her to Vantage range a lot slower and she lacks DC.

Tomorrow at 2 am CST, calm down

Linde isn't tanky?

Regardless, she'll still be doing shit for damage, even with that ability on her.

I don't have a waifu I don't even plan to roll user, but you're right my mistake.

And don't tell me stunlocking is beyond ISIS, just look at all the DC heroes they've released so far, and that's not even counting Veronica and Bruno.

The balance comes with that she does poor damage and any attack she takes will probably kill her instantly. It's like you've never used a healer before.

>Gets Staff'd due to some dev with a rukina shrine getting mad
>Still manages "gotta go fast"

Lyn always wins

fuck me thats not nearly enough time to hoard balls, I blew all of mine trying to get a klein :CCCC

Not to mention the fact that having her attack to fuck over someone's vantage or whatever basically means she's out in the open. Shit like the rotation we had with the two mountains and defensive tiles on both entrances basically makes it impossible to use her cause the moment she's standing out she's fucked. Well you could bait them all the way down to the lower left corner but sometimes it's not possible without getting deaths.

What special to give Anna? Thinking of giving her Iceberg since I have a bunch of Shannas and will be passing Desperation to her anyways, is it good for her? What is the most ideal one overall?

So what is this meme about Cordelia cheating on you?

>29 attack
>37 speed

Infantry version of Olwen I guess? But until we get Hone X/Y +3 there's no real way for infantry blade tomers to match cavs and fliers.

I would say something like Luna, but idk I haven't really trained her much

It's just some autist who's trying to force his shitty fetish on others.

>experience gained increases by 50% if you trigger your Special during combat
why does the game not tell us these things

Cordelia/Severa convo
Coredlia/literaly any male character convo

wait... what?

Her daughter (Severa) invites her mom to hook up with guys around town in a support convo and she agrees to it. She even asks her if she got over Chrom yet (she hasn't)

What's Charlotte's dialogue?

I guess its a weird perspective, like the arm is supposed to come out towards you, but now that you mention it that arm does look goofy as heck