Dude, whoa

Dude, whoa...

haha videogames my dude


really jostled my marbles

What did they mean by this?

Really bust my balls

Really fucked my ass

whoa, video gaems....

>That porn video where they use a fidget spinner going high speed on some girls clit

Someone post it

>Some liberal faggot out there makes this shit for every fad that comes along
le epic sheeple

Wait... really make me think

Literally every fad plays out the same way. Something gets massively popular, the usual suspects decry it as white supremacy, shad draws porn of it, we get an image like this, then it's gone.

Here's your controller bro...

I don't get it

I think it's some " deep " metaphor about how people are slaves to trends, which is why every faggot has a fidget spinner now.

Might as well say the sky is blue.


nah, its a metaphor about how amerilards are slave to the big yellow cock.

But does it still spin?

no... the spinner is the one spinning and controlling u bro... am i making u think yet..?

haha lol


rly mking my mind do the mombo..

Someone post that pic of Moses parting the red sea with a beyblade.

Really jogs the ol noggin


This made my stiltzkin really rumple

why do this kind of people have to try to ruin everything for kids?

i think its stupid but is not the first time they do it


Go outside retard. Every idiot has one of these

what timeline is this

they all kids to me

Haha i have one as a joke haha i only use it as a joke haha

Maybe if you live in America - Land of the Manchildren

In my country, only children are seen with these.

really..................... really makes............................... you............................. think......................................... huh...................

i miss the good old days back when vaping was the cool trend

>slaves to trends
I only wanted one to contain my autism and control my ADHD. It also doesn't make me have suicidal thoughts at night.

Dont use these it makes mustard gas

is it even possible to "play" fidget spinners competitively?

Really impregnates my tits

>kids are slaves to trends
>they spent $5 and spin a little thing for a while

these damn kids are self-destructing!!!

I enjoy my fidget spinner quite alot.

ree and what have you

Whoever can get the fidget spinner to the most RPM wins. It's not rocket science.

>battle for a spot in The Spectrum
The Autism Spectrum, more like

>spectrum revolution
This is satire. Please tell me it's satire. Honestly, it'd be cool if it were real! Just imagine a bunch of autistic Nips battling Fijitu speenos.

I just fidget with my penis

>but you didn't count on one thing, Yugi... MY DAD IS A WOODWORKER
>pulls out Dremel with custom made Fidget Spinner attachment

>gambling is now good for kids

gambling how?

I'm pretty sure it is.
They also have an article on there that's about A dying old man wanting to watch anime on netflix


Yea, all those underground fidget spinner gambling rings

someone post the pokemon go image

Deep stuff

Why do people even make an issue of a fucking kids toy? This shit is gonna be the next Pokemon Go where everybody will forget about it within a month.

what are these things?

Political cartoonists are braindead retards.

Where are the video games?

Fuck off

Right here
*Spreads goatse*
Reach inside and you will have your oh so precious video games.


really makes you think