She's right you know
She's right you know
A decent enough post from a generally ridiculous person
I fucking hate niggers
And transgender freaks
Why can't we bring back Hitler? He wouldn't have allowed that filth to spread
A mentally ill clock is right once a year
>our industry
that's where she was wrong, AAA production is very different to some no name indie 'artist' with no valuable skill set or project experience to speak of
but we've been killing white people in vidya forever
Fuck off John
Hitler literally did nothing wrong and no matter what you say i firmly and wholeheartedly believe we as a society wouldn't be as fucked as we are right now.
Imagine a world without nigger or the mentally ill.
Fuck this timeline, I want off.
A good post but can I take this moment to ask if I'm alone in being horribly disappointed by the discovery that she isn't actually a cute Asian girl?
I spent years avoiding sjw and gamergate autism because I just want to enjoy games so I had no idea what she looked like until recently.
add 'em to the gas chamber
Is he still running for congress?
Also get back to
For all the harm Hitler conflicted, he was genuinely right in declaring that nationalism is infinitely better than open borders multiculturalism. It's saddening as hell how Germany went from nationalist to fully cucked.
>He was right, you know
Anyone who posts this fags twitter should be dragged out of their homes and shot in the head.
white people aren't going to be made uncomfortable, they just wont buy the game
this is why conservative boycotts work and leftist boycotts don't
Right leaning people tend to not be mindless consumers that happily eat shit sandwiches. Starbucks wants to hire refugees instead of american workers?
the boycott saw their stock fall so far the CEO got fired
All killed by black guys 100% but it's da ebil white mens fault
why do you think they call it "offing yourself"?
bait harder
no the evil companies threatened him by dropping a moon rock on his lawn so he stopped
I've shot lots of white people in vidya. It doesn't bother me at all.
What does this shit even mean?
>I spent years avoiding sjw and gamergate autism because I just want to enjoy games
>enjoy video games
you came to the wrong place kid
Not really. Video games is at least one medium where every group has gotten equal treatment. For every game where you go and kill brown people in the ME there are just as many if not more where you go and kill white people in Europe.
First, it isn't "our industry" because Brianna Wu isn't part of it. He's a lamprey. Secondly, that isn't how empathy works, and thirdly, 95% of "PoC" don't give a shit about gay identitarian issues. The only people screeching about this are upper middle class bohemian trust fund babies from San Francisco.
I encourage him and everyone like him to continue this course. The more angry and alienated whites become the more odds of my fascist revolution happening.
You're right. It was an election. We won.
Brianna is mistaken, but so are people on the left and right side of the whole 'discussion' about 'rights'.
Rights are meaningless as a dialogue. The fight for and against them are merely a symptom of the fact that the majority of people in the western world today do not have self-respect.
Believe me or not, but do you wake up in the morning and feel assured that you are in fact the best you can possible be? That you consistently take responsibility, no matter the difficulty, and have clear goals for your life? That you wake up sore and exhausted from pursuing these goals?
Brianna can't. Nor can those of that ilk, nor the extremists opposing them. The best way to fight it isn't picking a side, it's taking one step at a time to become a better person. Fix yourself first, then cast stones.
funny post bunny post
Yeah I know I only post on Sup Forums right after beating a game to see what other people think about it, just casually browsing the board compared to Sup Forums or Sup Forums just makes me depressed because everyone's always so angry
>make a shitty and ugly game
>"our industry"
just because somone doesn't know all your shitty reddit memes that doesn't make them a newfag.
What did she mean by this?
except when you censor all forms of free speech, opposing view points, and discussion
Can someone explain to me why it should make me uncomfortable? Literally most of the bad guys in games are whites, so whats the difference her?
And now that the villains are revealed to be mix-gendered, leftists won't buy it either, if they were going to anyway. Good going, Ubisoft.
Nobody cares
I'm pretty sure the FarCry 5 thing is more about Christians than it is white people.
But, y'know, whatever you say Brianna
Shut up John.
John Flynn is what happens when you grow up rich.
>conservative boycotts work and leftist boycotts don't
Right, which is why major corporations are always going on about Muslim immigrants and low tax rates in their PR
>the boycott saw their stock fall so far the CEO got fired
Stop reading Breitbart.
The game doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, It's the timing.
It really just comes off as a cheap grab for SJW brownie points.
Granted I don't care for FarCry that isn't Blood Dragon, so I'm not that invested in all this.
>right leaning people
>not mindless consumers
Explain Wal Mart and McDonald's
He's right you know.
This isnt surprising at all.
Sup Forums is the WORST board.
>Right leaning people tend to not be mindless consumers
comeback to me when Sup Forums tards stop sucking jew cock and circlejerking over made up meme statistics
It's almost like this country isn't meant for them because none were around and had the intelligence and drive to form it.
she's not wrong, when Yahtzee coined the term years ago it was meant to deride PC gamers that see themselves as superior to people that play on consoles, comparing them to nazis
>It really just comes off as a cheap grab for SJW brownie points.
It really doesn't. There are black cult members too dude.
Is there something sexist or racist in the Constitution?
t. non-american
Coming from someone who manufactures their own internet harassment. What makes this THING think they can speak on behalf of 'our industry' and PoC?
Literally no.
It's just that minorities and women can it live up to the standards of white men.
>what are amendments?
These retards...
Gee, I wonder what could have caused this.
Don't attempt to logic with those people they live in a different world
It won't make me feel uncomfortable. I might actually enjoy this Far Cry game for once since it's pandering to me. what people praise it and SJW's get mad.
>I'm white therefore I'm right
Nice. Going to claim the moon landing on a job resume next?
>come back when you stop BTFOing me in arguments
Come back when you can disprove meme statistics.
Will this man fuck off and die already?
I've been here for nearly a decade
oh fuck
And fpbp came relatively out of nowhere. It took me a number of weeks to figure out what it stood for, and I still don't know how it started.
It absolutely feels like a crossover meme from some community I'm not a part of.
Is this Wu a person of color?
Yeah, there is no "Trans womyn of color get $5000/month paycheck just for existing" amendment. Very oppressive and problematic.
It makes me uncomfortable that Ubisoft is putting out another shitty farcry.
But let's be honest if they were just some cult it would be one thing but the imagery also implies they're nationalistic which is a jab at America. And it's made by Ubisoft France, who are known for this type of shit. They are fucking cowardly pussies after all.
Just having a resume is white enough.
I cant wait to kill some Christians my man. And im gonna post on Sup Forums about it too
this, it was amended as recently as 1992. Plus it's really a stupid statement anyway as the law gets updated non-stop through statutes, many of which are drafted or worked on by women / poc.
White people cared about going to, and landed on the moon. Doesn't mean I did, I wasn't alive and do not have relatives who worked at NASA at the time.
So what does that have to do with anything?
>calling someone a newfag
>because they don't know your latest reddit meme
You have to go back.
Then stop calling them transwomen dingus
Need Bike meme next to this.
Not even remotely.
But the evil white men wrote it, so it's a problem anyway.
The only thing that makes it uncomfortable to me is that it won't be handled with tact or nuance.
>women turn everything into a political nightmare
>decide to lop off your oscar myer weiner so that you dont feel so guilty about skinning the neighbour's sausage
>why is everything so politicized now
I would say she's right on this because of how cancerous the PC gaming community gets but most people use the term ironically now anyway so it's really a non issue
I just wish the general audience would realize how shit Ubisoft is. Why can't they just go under.
maybe dey talking about quickie mart boom shakalakas
I'm saying that your race really doesn't matter as much as you seem to think it does, and it doesn't make you a better/superior human being.
Also, the universe will experience total heat death and none of this means anything.
they cater to poor minorities in poor minority neighborhoods more than anything else
it's funny actually. I live in a very white town and a walmart opened up in our mall. It attracted so much shit from the neighboring black/hispanic county, all the human garbage came pouring in to shop there, That store alone almost killed the entire shopping mall because if the people it attracted. It's basically a corpse now, all the stores left. The food court has only 3 kiosks out of 12 currently filled and the rest are empty. Fucking 2 of them are chinese places and one if them is a tacobell which I'm sure will be out once their lease is up
but the PC is a superior platform user
Men calling themselves girls because theyre socially retarded makes me uncomfortable
I'm pretty sure if you've got a dick, you're a dude, faggot.
it will make me uncomfortable when it runs at 13 fps because nobody working on ubisoft knows how to code for shit
Why call them "PoCs"? Isn't that racist in itself? You take a bunch of people from different cultures and label them according to their skin color. Literally 'whites & colored' segregation but under a different name. What's the difference?
Not only a newfag, but retarded as well. Congrats
Yeah, I live in the South, and I can tell you these gibbering Trump voting " right leaning " retards gobble up whatever mayonnaise coated heap of death they happen to bump into while meandering through their foggy, small lives.
that was hard, love it when pol tards get all riled up over fake news when it suits their agenda
>crime statistics bureau
it's cute whenever lefty idiots get btfo so hard they don't address their opponents arguments but instead deflect with more strawman posts