What is the video game equivalent of this album?

What is the video game equivalent of this album?

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I'm not like the other girls core?
probably zelda or pokemon

following this stealth Sup Forums thread for music recommendations

anyway, nier automata

what an insult to the album



fuck off back to your containment board you faggot ass pleb

This is the containment board.

you got me, I do wish I was a girl ^^

Youtubers Life

What is the video game equivalent of Viper?



The cover reminds me of the campaign screens in Age of Empires 2

Surprisingly apt answer.

Why? I've never played E.Y.E.

Your legs gone die.

murdering people in cyberslums to some heavy distorted bass and not giving a fuck

How many other girls do you know who can slay on the harp like that?

It often makes no fucking sense and is for the most part a technical mess but it all somehow comes together to form a hypnotic, magical experience.

Scrape your knee, it is only skin.

How is Ys a technical mess?


I'm not talking about Ys, I'm talking about Viper and E.Y.E.


was meant as a reply to

My knees are ok!
I like Milk-Eyed Mender more as a whole 2bh

He meant Viper is a technical mess, like E.Y.E.


I get the feeling Folklore on PS3 although I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about

btw superior Newsom here

>liking comprehensible lyrics


sawdust and diamonds is the only song on ys as abstract as the majority of mem's lyrics, the rest of the songs are really straightforward. what im getting at is that your dumb

what're some other examples of "so-beautiful-it-makes-you-cry" tier albums?

Lucky enough to stumble on this in the Sup Forums sharethreads of olde

I don't know what you mean. MEM flies into a lot of symbolic riffs (like she does on all of her albums), but basically sticks to one clear subject on each track, in part because the tracks tend to be much shorter. The only track you can unequivocally say that's the case for in Ys is Cosmia (and maybe Monkey and Bear, though even there, I'd say the 'plot' meanders into surreal territory) . If Only Skin is really straightforward, I guess I just have brain problems

Second suit of Beach Boys's Smile

What is the equivalent of this album?


This is the only piece of music to have ever made me cry, and it gets me every time. That crescendo near 2:05 is just awe-inspiring to me. It really, truly makes me proud to be American.


>be on Sup Forums since 2006
>first time seeing joanna newsom mentioned on here

wtf, I love Sup Forums now???

isn't this the obvious answer?

The equivalent of this album is probably Silent Hill 2, or at least, a more depressing, less scary version of Silent Hill 2.

that description makes me think of LIMBO

Whats the vidya equivalent of Deathspell Omega?

Ys is classic Sup Forums-core, so of course it would eventually show up in a 'what's the vidya version of [Sup Forums-core album]' thread.

That edgy pixel art game on kickstarter

Lol which one

This is news to me

Are Wye Oak, Julia Holter, Vashti Bunyan, Faust, Bowerbirds, Little Dragon, Grizzly Bear and Ogre You Asshole all Sup Forumscore, too?

listing my gf's favorite bands, I've never been to Sup Forums

Faust is literally Scaruffi-core

Not Sup Forumscore, but all more or less very popular there except Wye Oak

Here's your Sup Forumscore

what does that even mean?

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be

Okay since it's just us Sup Forums we can talk real

ITAOTS was an elaborate troll right? No one in their right mind actually likes it?

Music Scaruffi considers the best of all time.

A quick rundown, Pierro Scaruffi is an italian critic who famously rates highly acclaimed albums (like Sgt. Peppers and OK Computer) a 7/10 while rates Trout Mask Replica a 9.5/10 (it's still the highest rated album on the site).

That's the gist of it, but there's more to that

Luigis Mansion because they both use vacuums.

Nobody on Sup Forums talks about popol vuh


what do people think of his opinions? they seem...well thought-out at a glance

It's pretty good. though i can see why the meme status would turn would-be listeners away

You could see this list and take the conclusion on your own

Shut the fuck up. ITAOTS is legit a great album.

What is the video game equivalent of DaddyOFive?

He's interesting and often has good taste. Some strange choices as well though


what's baffling is that literally the only albums in that entire image I've listened to are the joanna newsome ones, and I only heard of her through my gf.

I don't listen to the radio, my mp3 player is basically she, chipzel, anamanaguchi, rush, tool, coheed and mcr

What is the video game equivalent of this album?

this game

I'd have to say Wild on ps4

although its not out yet.

I prefer "Have one on me" personally Front to finish!

It's a sad but full-hearted anthem to what could have been, what could never have been, and what can never be. Trying to discern authentic affection from memery can tarnish anything though.

what an insult to the game

What's the tears for fears of vidya?

its an amazing album u fucking pleb

Just lie down and listen to it from beginning to end a few times and it will click.
Yes is my all time favorite album. I listen to Only Skin every night before I go to bed, I love that song

lets see these charts