Name a better Castlevania girl than Shanoa

Name a better Castlevania girl than Shanoa.

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Female vampire hunters were a mistake.

not possible

too bad the isn't much fanart of her

Which are the good GBA Castlevanias? I've got 3 available on my shitty phone emulator and I'm trying to decide between downloading them or the two gba Fire Emblems.

Aria is considered pretty dam good

I can't I hope Shanoa lives a happy life with her seamstress girlfriend

Aria, and if you don't mind the chiptune music, Harmony as well

Circle is too dated

Aria is generally well regarded but I think it's pretty mediocre, but still a fine game. It's the most well balanced of the three (in the sense of gameplay, not necessarily stat and weapon balancing).
Circle has a few glaring flaws, difficulty included, but is still enjoyable if you can work past those flaws.
Harmony has a lot of minor design flaws that add up, I'd say that if you really like the other two then you can play it as well but you'll be fine if you skip over it.

I always thought this chick was hot

>Iga wanted to make a OoE sequel for the 3DS but it got canned
What a terrible night to have a curse.


I always liked the Alura Une/Venus Weed enemies in SotN.

I used to let them hit me with their roses so they would turn red before killing them. I felt like I was allowing them to "feed" on me.

>Fapping to pixelated Alura Unes and Succubi tits when I was younger
>Discovering SotN's official art of the Succubus
Those were the days.

The answer of Carrie

Yeah, the full image of this was a staple of mine when I was a kid.

Gentle reminder that PoR is the best DS Castlevania and OoE was the worst of the three by far.

Shanoa was a trash-tier protagonist as well. One of the worst in all of Castlevania period.

Tell me the source of this because if is true I wanna cry like a bitch.


Too bad there was never decent porn of her.


I'll take anything in the original continuity at this point.

I'd kill for a Castlevania 1999 game though. Playing as young Julius and fucking up Dracula once and for all sounds amazing.

They're all worth playing. AoS is the best, and the closest to SotN. CotM is great, and it's the most challenging. You might have to grind a little for the magic cards though. HoD is considered the worst, but it's still a good game.

Castlevanias are unplayable on a phone, go with FE

Also there's 3 GBA FEs, FE6 is translated.



Saying that OoE is the worst "by far" is a bit harsh. It's got weak exploration and level design up until the castle, where it improves somewhat (though not a lot), but in my opinion the combat and boss fights are some of the best in the series and more than make up for the weak exploration aspects, and I say that as someone whose biggest draw to the CV series is the exploration.
PoR also has nicely varied combat and some unique exploration, but between the re-skinned second half of the paintings and how they're generally all self-contained and fairly linear (the castle especially feels like a one-way corridor when exploring), along with the really crappy quest system and awkward difficulty jump mid-game, the game overall feels like a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. It has good exploration and alright level design, good combat and okay difficulty, but it doesn't particularly excel in any one field; it's got a good balance of "good" aspects, but not necessarily anything that stands out as "great" or "amazing". I can totally understand why people consider it to be the best, and I agree that it's a good game (except for the quest system), but I just think OoE excels in a way that makes in much more enjoyable (extremely satisfying combat and boss fights) despite its flaws in exploration.

I love these. Angry Weirdo Shanoa is tops

Couldn't find a source, but I remember reading about it somewhere from other anons before, likely an interview with Iga.


Didn't someone once say Shanoa was based on his wife? Have we ever seen his wife?

Charlotte a cute

she's about to give him a blowjob or what?

Yes he did, but we've never seen her as far as I know.

can we take a moment to just recognize Johnathan as the best hero.

>No special destiny
>No magic blood line
>Masters every weapon through hard work
>Goes inside the whip itself and beats up every belmont to that point
>Beats up a vampire lord, rescues Eric LaCarde's cursed daughters, saves a priest
>Beats up Drac and Death in a tag team match


first post, most correct post.

>Masters every weapon through hard work
After hours of grinding low-tier mobs for some shitty quests, sure.

Nathan is pretty similar.
>no bloodline ties to the Belmonts
>uses magic cards
>uses a walmart brand whip
>saves his master and his dumbass son from Dracula


The one so awesome IGA had to turn around and make her game non-canon.

Unless you have physical buttons don't bother. Touch screen is awful for action games.

Who do you think Dracula's favorite Belmont was? Least? Least was probably that faggot who kept moving all his chairs. I mean fighting off your undead legion is one thing, frankly it's understandable and even respectable, but who just moves all your furniture around for no real reason.

I just really hate how dogshit the music sounded in Harmony. I feel if the soundtrack was better I'd feel more positive about it

LC2 has pretty good map design. The first half is like Simon's Quest, where you're exploring the countryside and entering mansions and caves. Then you get to the castle, and except for backtracking to get stuff you couldn't before, the rest takes place there.

I think the only one he had a soft spot was probably Leon. He probably doesn't care about the rest

He was BFFs with Leon before the end, so I'd say he was his favorite.

Some of Harmony's music is actually really well composed, but the crappy NES-style sound font ruins a lot of it.
Example of a really good song that's weakened by the sound font:
And here's something that just sounds like it's straight out of VVVVVV:
Honestly, Harmony and Circle both could really use remakes; they have a lot of potential to be much better games if placed in the right hands.

Looks like it takes inspiration from OoE's minor areas, but instead of ten small areas it does three medium sized areas. Those minor areas seem to suffer from quite a bit of straight-hallway corridors, though.
>Remains of Ancient Rome
>What looks to be a 20x3 map space
How lame, with a title like that (and presumably a cool area theme to match) I'd expect it to be a much larger area.

Maybe he shouldn't have made the first one so damn hard. Who was the audience for that game?

>Who was the audience for that game?

People who aren't pussies.


Are you fucking serious? I realize OoE was the only metroidvania game with any kind of challenge, but come the fuck on.

Rome is just the tutorial area. The rest of the game takes place in France.

As for the straight paths, it makes sense given the setting. They were going for a "good" version of Simon's Quest. There's no reason why two distant mansions would happen to be interconnected. Besides, I never got bored walking those trails. It's not as if each of those is just a flat walkway with nothing in it.


I think the difficulty was about right.

I like the Ys philosophy on boss design. You should almost certainly die the first time you fight a new boss. You should have to learn its patterns, its attack windows before you can actually beat it. It shouldn't be a matter of sitting in one spot wailing on it till it dies, or dodging one easily-dodged attack and hitting a weak point a few times.

If you want a real challenge, try OoE on hard mode. I actually had fun getting all the boss medals (the bosses actually have new attacks and patterns instead of just increased stats). I will say the Skeleton Cave can fuck right off, though.

And if you're a masochist, try OoE on level 1 hard mode.

Any girl done by kojima


>attempt level 1 hard mode
>make it to the shadow beast in Dracula's Castle
>Die repeatedly

I made the attempt, at least






OoE is pretty tough at the start because you're weak and deal very little damage, but once you start getting armor from the blacksmith, platinum armor especially, as well as progress further to get new glyphs then it gets a bit easier. The end-game bosses are still probably going to kick your ass or die trying, rightfully so, but the general environments become a lot less difficult after acquiring decent armor so you don't die in a few hits. I still want to finish the game on hard mode with all boss medals. Also obligatory get good.

>try OoE on hard mode
I tried OoE on hard level 1. Got to the point in the lighthouse with the Frankenstein monsters before dropping it.


Harmony is a rehashed pile of shit, even by Metroidvania standards.

Hell yeah, Shanoa cosplays.


I don't know, man. I don't find the game very fun, because of the challenge. Mainly, I have a problem with hitboxes. You have to get close to hit anything, but enemy movement is always so erratic, that they're constantly just moving into you. I can appreciate a good pattern. But not when there's bad tells, and wacky hitboxes.

I ended up quitting the game part way through, and don't have it in me to keep going.

Also, Nitesco.


to this day I never played that mode because of the touch screen gimmick.

C'mon the include a richter mode but not another way to play with the sisters?



>no old axe armor


Can't be done, Shanoa is the best.

Speaking of Succubuses from Castlevania. Anyone else feel that all of them are terrible EXCEPT the Bad Ending corrupted girlfriend of Richter. She was the hottest Succubus because she wasn't just about tits and ass. She left something for the imagination due to her clothing. Plus being the former lover of the hero gone evil makes her stand out more. Too bad it's not canon.

PoR is a meh sequel to a great Classicvania.


>EXCEPT the Bad Ending corrupted girlfriend of Richter.

wait what now?

Except Julius' efforts were invalivaded thanks to Mr. Gary Stu Soma. That random highly unrelated to Mathias Dracula kid is the new Dracula and he did what no Belmont could do, permanently destroy Dracula's essence AND his Castle as well. Never liked that piece of shit.

What enemies in particular have wonky hitboxes? The only ones I can think of are Blackmore's shadow, and maybe the crab boss (though you can't kill him through damage anyway). Honestly, I got quite skillful with back-dashing after maximizing the amount of attacks I could get in before the boss' attack, and it was quite fun doing that; striking multiple times, back-dashing or ducking, I even fought Dracula with Rapidus Fio active the entire time simply because the speed boost felt more natural to fight with and allowed me to get more attacks in while making a safe getaway, even protecting me from minor fireballs for more hits so long as I was moving. Attack tells were also really obvious in most cases, I rarely ever had problems with that, though I did struggle with figuring out safe spots for certain attacks (one of sand fish's attacks, Blackmore's triple claw, Dracula's bats).

>Hey-hey HEY! Wind! Did you know my dad beat up Dracula and lost his life from it? Im sad ... did you know MY dad, a non Belmont kill Dracula, Wind? How crazy is that?!


Quincy Morris is gonna fuck you up

She is underrated.


Yeah, he even asked Leon to join him in his crusade against god.

>What enemies in particular have wonky hitboxes?
NI can't remember very well, because it's been a long time. And it's not like they're hitboxes are bad. It's just that when their behavior is so erratic, it's like having back hitboxes. Since one second they're in one place, and the next second they're inside of you.
I'm just sick of this "the enemies are lava" bullshit mechanic. It's really just a supplement for shitty enemy behaviors.

I really wish there more games or movies based on the actual book Dracula, though I guess it's rather hard to adapt conventionally

>julius destroyed dracula "for good"
>just kidding people can randomly be born with his powers because fuck you
did they even try to come up a plot that makes sense? why even bother mentioning that julius whipped him so hard he died "for good" if it's not true?

How do you lot feel about the upcoming Netflix show? Any hopes or ideas for what might happen?

Wait is it a show or movie. Also Warren Ellis fuck yeah!

It actually looks pretty good. Surprised it was an American production based on the anime style.

Iga said Sonia being a woman who fights monsters and being a hero is unrealistic. He is right. I guess that's why Shanoa isn't truly strong, but rather relied on Dominus to destroy Dracula when the time came and Dominus was born from Dracula himself.

Makes you wonder if Bloodstained is going down that route with its female lead. The worst thing Iga can do is make Bloodstained another Lightning Trilogy.

>Harmony of Dissonance remake never ever

Think of all we could have gotten

All these remixes are amazing

>He is right.

I mean, he's not wrong but a dude going around punching giant monsters in the dick isn't much more realistic. We sort of threw that card out the window as soon as someone wrote down the word vampire. How much physicality goes into swinging a whip anyways? Seems more like an issue of finesse

>Iga said Sonia being a woman who fights monsters and being a hero is unrealistic. He is right.
No he's not. It's not any more unrealistic than a man fighting monsters.