Our thoughts on HeXen?
Our thoughts on HeXen?
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I only played HeXen 2
Do you want my thoughts on HeXen 2 or is this thread only for thoughts on HeXen?
love it
we won't see another one
i miss big boxes
Only problem with hexen was the weapons, there was too few and for the most part they didn't have differences that would allow choice, each class just had their 1 OP weapon that you would always use.
Heretic was more fun
Overall a fun game but honestly I'd just rather play Heretic. I did kinda like Heretic II, not so much for the singleplayer, but for bladematch pvp servers. Basically Jedi Academy duel servers but five years earlier.
>hit switch
>wander around the map(s) trying to figure out just what the fuck said switch did
>eventually something new after an hour of searching
>repeat ad nauseam
Other than that it was pretty cool. Pretty advanced for the Doom engine too. I have a lot of fond memories of making maps in "zDoom in Hexen format" (as Doom Builder put it).
Man I miss those days. Last time I asked people what they used to make mods I got laughed at for asking if XWE and Doom Builder were still the bee's knees.
>i miss big boxes
Same. I remember throwing all mine away after I installed the game since it wasn't like big boxes were rare or anything.
Only one I have left is UT and the metal Q3 tin you got. I must'a tossed away my Quake, Quake 2, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, and Unreal boxes. Maybe Descent too I can't remember.
I also can't find the poster that came with Heretic but, last I saw it at least, it was in pretty ratty condition and had mad creases from being folded up for more than a decade.
Even still, feels bad man.
It's like they thought to themselves "How can we make Heretic a worse game?" and made Hexen
I like everything about it except the puzzles. Unfortunately, the puzzles are everywhere.
>hit switch
>wander around the map(s) trying to figure out just what the fuck said switch did
>eventually something new after an hour of searching
>repeat ad nauseam
This is exactly right.
If you enjoyed Hexen, you'll almost certainly enjoy Strife. It has the same sort of hub levels, but it has some RPG mechanics like health and accuracy upgrades thrown in.
It's for faggots only.
Strife doesn't have the production values of Hexen. Everything looks cheaper and more ugly.
Say what you want about the gameplay of Hexen, but those maps were amazing.
I mean, outside of the 7 portals hub.
It's a great game, I love how each character feels so much different from each other. The hub world system is also really neat. Overall though I wish the map was better and the game gave you more information about where you're supposed to go.
No idea what you're talking about. The textures good to me. They look like what you'd see in a mix of high-tech and medieval architecture.
Great concept, flawed level design, horrible enemy design (as in gameplay-wise, not visual design).
>that dialogue system
>those multiple endings
Always impressed me.
Plus the generic rebels were always my go-to character sprite in Doom online. Such a sexy sprite set. I even made a custom enemy based on their spritework. Used machine guns and rifle grenades at range and an automatic shotgun if the player got in close. They were damn deadly and were a fun little project. Still proud of the coding I did for them. I wonder if they're still up on Realm667.
I always wanted to implement the Strife npc conversation code in a custom map but never was successful.
Overcomplicated and worse than Heretic.
Can confirm, exactly right. It's a huge flaw of the game. It's not like backtracking endlessly and being lost is fun in a world with the same repeating textures everywhere. Doom series level design was much better, you'd see a blue door, remember it, eventually find a blue key, then go back to he blue door, repeat. Hexen gives you no way to figure out which switches do what.
>each class just had their 1 OP weapon that you would always use
You'll run out of ammo really fast if you do that.
>most of the people complaining about Hexen ITT never made it through Seven Portals
You can solve 5/3 of the puzzle in like 15 minutes if you know where to go
Not a very good argument. You can solve anything quickly if you know exactly what to do beforehand.
>if you know where to go
Pretty much everyone bitching is saying that the game does a really poor job of telegraphing where to go
I actually preferred Strife over Hexen because while there was a bit of maze navigation and switch hunting, it wasn't nearly as bad as the labyrinthine mess that is most of Hexen's levels.
When the fuck is Hellraid coming out
I was going to pirate it and pretend its Hexen 3
>flip switch
>switch opens door
>go through door into ice map
>flip switch, go to teleporter
>teleport back into 7 portals
>doors open on both sides of the room you're in, one goes to steel, the other goes to fire
>enter fire, flip switch, get fire mask
>leave fire
>go to steel, go up stairs, flip switch, go into central room, find fast lift, go down fast lift, flip switch
>at this point, the puzzle is half done
You just go into each room as it opens, flip the switches, and go out. the second time you go to Guardian of Ice, you get both the steel and fire keys. you use the keys to flip the other switches in the guardian of Steel and fire. Then you can get to the exit, or you can try to get to the secret level, which is where it gets somewhat complicated.
And that's a lot more complicated to figure out if someone doesn't have it all memorized like you apparently do.
and i may yet be merciful
it's the fire party
Does anyone remember if Hexen 2 is worse about cryptic puzzles and mazes than the first game? I played it ages ago and managed to finish, but I don't remember much about it. I do remember wanting it as soon as I saw the sick box art though.
The flamethrower in Strife was so much fun.
>Does anyone remember if Hexen 2
I don't think almost any remembers Hexen 2 full stop. Of those that do, I'm sure the majority have a hard time telling whether or not it or Blood 2 was worse the sequel.
It's for sure Blood 2 that's worse but Hexen 2 is also pretty bland.
If Blood 2 wasn't called "Blood" it probably would have been remembered as a bland, inoffensive late 90's/early 2000's FPS instead of pretty much universally reviled
Best game ever made.
>it probably would have been remembered as a bland, inoffensive late 90's/early 2000's FPS
So, most of Monolith's FPS's after Blood and before Fear? I guess NOLF was pretty good but honestly that's really the only good one to come out of the 1997-2005 time period. It's so weird the couldn't replicate the quality of Blood in anything else they made. Fear and NOLF were good no doubt (and SHOGO has its moments I guess), but Blood still stands heads and shoulders above the pack to me.
God DAMN that is a fun game. Source port when?
If you want to get technical Hexen has more weapons any every FPS of its time except the Turok games; and that's not even in counting the inventory items. As for differences, Hexen is more varied in its weapon functionality and diversity than, say Heretic or Doom. I think the Mage encapsulates this the best out of the three classes.
>Wand for tight corridors, long range foes, and enemies lined up
>Frost Shards for melee encounters and creating body-walls for defense
>Arc of Death for open areas and high priority targets, especially Centaurs which are particularly weak to lightning
>Bloodscourge for cleaning house
How does Ziggurat compare to Hexen/Heretic? Is it fun?
That's because Blood was made by 3DRealms.
looks cool
It's similar only in that's it's an FPS with a fantasy theme. It's more akin to Serious Sam or Pain Killer than either Heretic or Hexen. Still a fun little game, just don't go into thinking it's like those two.
Disk of Repulsion AKA ArtiBlastRadius is the best inventory item.
Never liked any hexen games. I prefer heretic.
It's basically Force Push and that's fucking awesome.
>Disc enemy off ledge
>they smash into the ground and get gibbed
>That's because Blood was made by 3DRealms.
Hoh boy, now that's a can o' worms for a whole 'nother thread, buddy.
>At some point during the game's development there was a leak onto the Internet of the Blood source code by an employee at a computer repair shop, dated February 17, 1996, which was reacted to severely by the game's publisher...Eventually Monolith settled the case in court, but the released files became known to the community as the Blood Alpha.
I wonder if there's anything in there that could help with making a source port. I doubt it, but it might be kinda cool to pick through there and see.
Pretty much never, but some crazies are trying to recreate it from scratch.
God Tier
>Shadow Wood
Great Tier
>Heresiarch's Seminary
>Constable's Gate
>Castle of Grief
Good Tier
Okay Tier
>Seven Portals
>Our thoughts
Is this a new meme? I've seen a few times now.
Jesus Christ, don't talk like that it's cringe inducing, it couldn't be any more anti user.
Still fucking mad.
I knew what it was the moment I saw it but before I'd seen it I never knew I'd wanted it.
this is all shit i picked up at my flea market in the last year
a guy had big box PC games for 5 a pop, i couldn't pass up shit like Daggerfall complete in the box, shit is still worth a bit