Was it better than Colosseum?

Was it better than Colosseum?

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reddit's two blocks down

Fuck outta here with that gay ass shit, XD was absolutely god tier.

Oops, misspelled Colosseum.

In some regards like Pokemon availability, purifying shadows, and overall Quality of life, yes. As far as setting and story, not to much and I prefer the coliseums in Coliseum more than Gale of Darkness.

Yes and I hate XD shitters. We literally can't discuss GoD because of them.


Everything except for the Protagonist and his ride were better.

You gotta go back.


I played this but have not played Colosseum. How can I judge?

Look I know summer is fun and all since you're out of middle school, but Twitch is that way ->

>we can't discuss god in peace
No shit when you're on an atheist fedora selling website

Are you german?

the >XD go back leddit . joke must stop right here

XD is about twice as long as Colosseum, has about an extra 35 shadow Pokemon, more locations, Pokemon that aren't shadow, and has a few more things added to it. It really took Colosseum and improved on it in every way it could. If you didn't like Colosseum though then you weren't going to like XD.

By playing Colosseum


The protag definitely wasn't as cool as in Colosseum.

battle cd's, trainers with 2+ shadow pokemon, purification chamber, more than just gen 2--all improvements. always liked these spinoffs because of the focus on capturing vs building a team to win.

Wes was fly as fuck.

Its not really a contest, the second game was better in every single way, I dont really mind losing generic anime cool guy for generic anime boy.

Too many pokemon are locked off until Citadark Isle, which is far too big of a place to begin with. Like half the game's pokemon are there. You can't even get shiny shadow pokemon in it either

Better in some ways, worse in others.

I miss The Under. It was comfy as fuck

How do I get dolphin working so I can play this again?

just use nintendont instead

Haven't played either but have been emulating Nintendo games lately, which one should I pick and play right now

I have 3 days off work, might play all the way through if I love it

>made best evil waifu of all time Lovrina
>Improved Miror B theme
>Improved Miror B design

>Miror B doesn't have a team of nothing but Ludicolo until his final battle

Gale of Darkness was almost the perfect game

The character design of everyone in those games were hot garbage. I'd rather fuck the ugliest character in Twilight Princess.

>better move animations
>better Shadow Pokemon pool
>better level progression
>more areas, all of which were cool
>better boss characters (+the only one who mattered from Colosseum)
>Colosseums were handled better, level-wise
>maintains the cool boss strategies and full teams of Colosseum
>Battle CDs

The main things lost were some old areas and characters, but all of the new stuff makes up for it.

Protagonist: Colosseum
Story: Colosseum
Characters: Colosseum
Music/Sound: Tie
Graphics: Gale of Darkness
Gameplay: Gale of Darkness
Content: Gale of Darkness
Puzzles: Gale of Darkness
Level Design: Gale of Darkness
Length: Gale of Darkness

I would say no

No Colosseum was better. Real gritty and edgy themes for a pokemon game.
Also had better pokemon to catch.

XD also made it trivial to purify the shadow pokemon, but also gave the shadow moves more depth.

What is the best pokemon game really?

In everyway except for characters and story, I guess.
Better selection
Better postgame
better move distribution
Includes all the good Colosseum tunes in some way
Better graphics and effects
better shadow pokemon mechanics

There is a reason why Sup Forums shits on it because of major flaws. Thats why its a joke for us and its best to laugh at it due to its downgrades plus that crappy name
It has

Here OP, save this image instead so the overused memelords will eave you alone

Colosseum let you catch Pokémon you couldn't obtain any other way. By the time XD came out, Fire Red/Leaf Green already allowed you to catch everything that game offered (excluding Lugia)

fuck off

i love pokemon XD

Colosseum was the first game that let you raise Johto pokemon.

wait what part did you shop out?

Hilarious and original.

I liked it personally, but it seemed a bit lacking for content and was the last pokemon game like it since as far as I know. I do wish they would make more pokemon games for consoles, the portable versions are the classic experience and all that but good visuals audio and general gameplay are hard to do.

I know. I was saying XD was useless regarding giving you access to new Pokemon.

No, as in Colosseum was the first pokemon game where you actually raised Johto pokemon.

GS they might as well not have existed.

gale of darkness is a direct sequel so youll miss some references to colosseum if you play it first but gale of darkness is a superior game

Gale of Darkness I felt was more boring. Cipher Peons would jump out at you EVERY. TWO. GOD. DAMN. SECONDS compared to the first game it was fucking tedious.

Why did they stop making spin offs like this?

Genius Sonority is lazy or something. Also there have been other spinoffs.

Fuck off.
The moment you put Shadow Lugia or the protag, it will instantly reconized as XD.
It's Sup Forums culture, and not just Sup Forums that treat it like that.

>download pokemon candy crush thing when it was first on 3DS
>it's kind of meh
>reach my first mega evolution battle

