What's Sup Forums's opinion on this game

What's Sup Forums's opinion on this game

Sup Forums here, I wish I was old enough to drink!

i liked it

Waiting for the Vita version. Yes i have a Vita.

Played through it in a day. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Great atmosphere and fun characters.

got tricked by Sup Forums into buying this shit

It's great for a comfy playthrough in a rainy night.

I did it that way and It was amazing.

is there a vita version coming? If not I'll probably have no plan to get this game

Yes, possibly really soon too.

Amazing. I just loved every bit - the setting, the background, the story, the characters, the dialogue, THE MUSIC, the attention to detail that builds a believable realistic world with many references to contemporary trends and cultures, most notably cyberculture and Sup Forums.

It's an awesome game, every netizen, gamer and anime-lover (I'm not into anime but I still loved the game) should play it.

Played it once, played it again, got all the achievements.

and then found out there are keyboard shortcuts to drink making

9/10 Art/artstyle
10/10 Music
8/10 Writing

Alma a best

If you like worldbuilding and character interaction and don't mind there not being a lot of payoff for it all, it's definitely worth playing. I hope that the devs continue their antics in whatever game they're making next and keep building on that world, maybe with a bit more game to play next time.

Also the visuals, art and the aesthetics of the game are awesome.

I like that the whole theme of the game is that you aren't actually a part of the big story that's happening outside the bar. You just serve drinks and change lives.

I've seen threads where people hated it and now I'm on a thread where people like it.

Comes with the game being a VN I guess.

max comfy, 11/10 soundtrack, stella best girl

Would you say you should keep your eye on it?

I like that too, but I wouldn't mind something a bit meatier for their next endeavor. Maybe keep with the Jill drink-making shenanigans for the most part, but have a few little interludes with other characters doing their own thing elsewhere with different game styles to mix things up a little.

Maybe even just a little top-down overworld between your apartment and your job where you can interact a little with whoever happens to be on your route to work, something like that.

I dunno, I'm just throwing out ideas, but I loved the world that was there, I just wish we could do a bit more in it.

It's almost like people on the internet have varying opinions on things.

or the old adage 'if Sup Forums hates it, it must be worth checking out'

It's just like my PC-98 games!

I wish it was less gay.
I did enjoy the bartender aspect of it though.

Played a pirated version, a bit stuck between thoroughly enjoying it and being somewhat glad I didn't drop anything on it because of the minuscule running length (and also because I've never spent money on a VN). I've heard that they've added some new shit so I might buy it once I get some stable income to split the difference.

Its a nice relaxing VN, I just wasnt a fan of how it ended. I guess its because there really isnt a great cut off point for a slice of life Bartender-sim, but I didnt care much about the GF subplot compared to the other characters and the world itself.

Other than that I adore it. I love the relaxing soundtracks, the worldbuilding despite never leaving the bar or the apartment, would like to see what else the devs can do.

Pretty fucking great if you are looking for good story with memorable fleshed out characters.
If you expect some crazy bartending action look somewhere else.
Also if you are going to play it you can use keyboard to select ingredients.
and A S for aged and on the rocks
space to confirm
Dorothy made it all worth it for me.

A fantastic first effort. Needed a bit more sex-c and more game mechanics.

She was a surprisingly good character for what amounts to basically a loli sexbot.

overall pretty strong even if the game has a habit of introducing things and resolving them within minutes or just never addressing them again. The fucking brain in a jar, the gay biker, and the underage girl all come to mind. Still strongly recommend.

My opinion is that I'm glad I didn't spend a dime on it. The writing was weak and I wasn't drawn to what I probably should have thought were good characters. Jill is a bore to end all bores and every time the game focused on her I wanted to drop it. The game should encourage experimentation, maybe have quadruple the drinks so I'm not making the same exact shit from the same exact pages again.

I think because she was portrayed as someone who genuinely loves what she does. instead of being "lol i'm a slutty robot XD"

Pre-ordered it after seeing it on /agdg/
Really amazed at the game, definitely worth playing

I got both vibes from her. I don't think that's awful though.

Visually and musically the game is great. Storywise I enjoyed everything except the dead girlfriend plot. Considering it was the later last third of the game it soured my opinions on the story. It felt incredibly uninspired and stuck out sorely in comparison to the story threads followed by other characters and didn't do a whole lot to expand on the world.

I guess so, but Jill is the main character. It's hard enough getting into the headspace of a girl without having her develop a heavy character.
The game is on a fine line between "You are playing as a girl named Jill", and "This is a story about a girl named Jill"

Also there are secret drinks, for achievements.

i wanna fuck streaming chan!

Nice try buddy.
You need premium time for that.

Soundtrack was 10/10, world/stories inside it were interesting, most characters were pretty well written. That said, game should have been 30 percent longer and/or had branching paths to make extra playthroughs worth it, the bartending mechanic should have been reworked to make it more of a game and not have you be able to just sit there and constantly fuck up with no repercussions, and Jill needed a bit of a rework to make her more interesting because in my opinion she was the weakest character in the game, which fucking sucks considering she's the main character. Alma is best girl.

The game aspects are flat with an inconsequential uninspired bartending gimmick.
While the vn part of the deal ranges from bad to mediocre in terms of writing and characterization.
The music is pretty good but the clunky interface turns me off from choosing the music that I like.

If you're a starved weaboo yurifag you will probably eat this garbage like if it was the best meal you've had in your life.

worth every penny

I want to jam my dick into her so bad

not into vn's but got the game just because i like cyberpunk and i loved it


One thing the game desperately needed.

a random option on the jukebox

Although you do have to be retarded to fuck up in the game, it absolutely discourages experimenting the first time through. You don't know what's coming or if you need to save up to have X or if your excess money will be rewarded with Y so you don't fool around with it. There's also the achievement for flawless service. I can't imagine most anyone liking the game so much as to play it more than twice, honestly. It discourages doing anything other than following instructions.

And if you're a jaded contrarian then you will probably post something like this.

It's not muv luv alternative.
Why would you read anything but
I'll tell you why
Because once you read MLA everything else becomes shit

I liked Alternative alot, but the MC was such a big baby near the end.

I actually hated Streaming-chan. I groaned every time she appeared.
Loved when Sei appeared though. She's legit best girl.

Yeah, I think screaming-chan is super hit or miss. Much like alot of the over the top screaming high energy streamers.

-Good visuals
-Good music
-Good world building
-Some really entertaining characters.

-Gameplay is a bit too bland after a while.
-Dialogue leaned a bit too heavily on cute girls talking about sex. With the creators being all male, I felt like it was wish fulfillment.
-Some stories felt a little too mundane comparatively to other characters arcs. Felt like filler between more interesting interactions.
-J-Jill's dialogue w-was so bad s-sometimes

it was a fun visual novel.better then most visuals novels to be honest.

superior game coming thru

I think this falls into the same category as Katawa Shoujo for me. Not in the legendary autism way, but in the "I only want to play it once, because the story I got is the story of MY Jill." way.


Bit too queer

I loved it


>home alone
>rainy night
>room lit by a single halogen lamp
>chinkpad hooked up to a Trinitron CRT
>microbrew beer in hand
>playing VA-11 HAll-A using the other
Ma comfy

I'd love to see another game set in the same city with different characters

That's basically the way it's meant to be played

It's a small breath of life in a barren cyberpunk genre

>user has achieved Cyber-comfy
>still struggling with your own techno-nirvana
One day, I will be like you.

A few more years

>being american