When will speedrunning become widely known and accepted in mainstream society?

When will speedrunning become widely known and accepted in mainstream society?

I speedrun Goldeneye 007 during most of my free time. I hate almost everything "normal" people do in their free time like go bowling or some shit.

Everytime I get asked what I do in my free time, I tell them I speedrun and when I explain it to them they would just laugh and change the subject.

I just want a girl stumble upon one of my speedrun sessions through a crack of the door of my bedroom and witness all the technical actions I am performing on my controller.

I want her to be impressed and turn me around and plant a smooch upon my lips.

Fast forward 6 months and we will get married and have 3 children.

I will train my kids in speedrunning in hopes of them being able to compete on an Olympic scale.

It really seems like AGDQ is the only way for speedrunning will be acceptable in the mainstream. I hope they succeed!

I just want the world to acknowledge speedrunners and give them the appreciation they deserve!

Nobody wants to watch you play videogames, nobody is impressed by videogames, this will never change.

Then why do e-sport atheletes make so much money?

I know what you mean, i like to speed run through Mario Party 2. My friends don't understand me. I just was a qt 3.14 gf that will make food for me while i speed run. I never though about having kids, but after what you said, I want to have a few kids who i can train in speedrunning so they will be top athletes in AGDQ. Maybe one of them can get the golden time of 52 seconds in Dam Agent in Goldeneye

Video games are mainstream as fuck now and GDQ is getting more viewers and attention.Mostly because normies want to help niggas with cancer and shit. I still see an okay future for GDQ. It's already accepted nigga.

Thank you for understanding my plight!

Sometimes I feel as if I am an oppressed minority when it comes to my hobbies.

It feels good knowing others share my pain.

When speedrunners gain social competence.

Many of the runners at AGDQ clearly display above average levels of social competency. Clearly speedrunners are amongst the most intellectual and social people on the planet.


I am not being sarcastic.

I believe you have autism.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Speedrunner will literally make you a transexual

When Greetings from Germany! Long time viewer, first time donator here. My toaster passed away recently after a long battle with cancer so what you guys are doing is awesome! I had to donate during one of my favorite games of all time. This AGDQ has been awesome and I have been losing sleep because of you guys. I love seeing my childhood being destroyed in these speedruns. Shoutouts to the runners and people who made this possible. Keep up the good work and let's kick cancer in the butt! Remember, save frames, not the animals. Everybody say HOOYOOOYOYOYYOYYYP!


playing one game for years to shave off a millisecond is autistic as fuck OP. thats why everyone thinks you are a joke

What was even the point of this stupid ass post?


streamers make millions and you say this

I noticed that too, I am a speed runner and I have an IQ of about 150. I feel like most of the speed runners are just as intellectual as me. We don't judge people based on color and are diverse. We give everyone a platform even the lgbt however i feel as if minorities are not represented as much as white people. We should stop supporting most of these straight white males who obviously voted for drumf, and give more plubicity to the female girl games who speed run. So far my favorite girl gamer who speed runs is Narcissa Wright. I don't see why she gets so much hate. I would love to be her bf. We intellectuals should band together and get rid of the Christians, who obviously don't like us atheist, because we are smart, and most of the straight white males. FUCK DRUMPF, Bernie 2020.


Spotted the Brain dead reddit fagget.

Pic related

It's you.

>What was even the point of this stupid ass post?

First off, it is not a stupid post

Second, I just wanted to express how I feel the with the whole speedrunner and public relations. I hope you google "reading comprehension and how to improve it". It will really help you in the long run when you read.


Someone who cares about video games unlike you. Go play your shitty meme "competitive" games.

This thread is already evidence that this is not true.

I believe that you don't get the point because you are not a speed runner yourself, good sir. How about you stop wasting your time playing normie games and start playing games that count like like us intellectuals, such as luigi's mansion or Sonic Adventure 2 and speed run it. It can change your life for the better.

You seem to be implying something.

Are you being passive aggressive because you don't actually have a valid arguement?

I believe that you don't have a valid argument. Unless you show proof that shows otherwise. i would consider you one of the plebs who need to come back after you do some speed running.

What is the first sentence of the OP?

please don't start this ghetto shit with that image

>you're an idiot
>are you implying something?

If you don't have anything to say about the problem we are facing with speedrunning and the general public, then don't even bother posting in this thread.


Nobody wants to watch you play videogames either you fucking child

>I'm sarcastic and have a dry, deadpan sense of humor. I'm sophisticated. I only speedrun so I can get a GDQ slot and be in the spotlight of 100,000+ viewers for ~90 minutes. Follow me on twitch and throw me enough donations that I can stop speedrunning and become a variety streamer.
GDQ is for redditor parasites i.e (you)