Is it worth $20?
Is it worth $20?
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Definitely better than Friday the 13th
Worst case scenario you can refund it
I just wanna kill niggas and pull triggas while stackin that jigga bro
>Definitely better than Friday the 13th
Not him but it definitely feels more well rounded.
I think Friday might be better if you just wanna teleport around and kill people as jason but overall I think dbd is probably better for survivors and just as a game as a whole especially when you factor in 13 is like 40 dollars
No F13 is actually balanced
>No F13 is actually balanced
well I have DBD but I don't play it a lot. I suck and it's not fun.
I'm curious about F13.
If you suck, then you'll do even worse in F13.
is it fun though
I'd say no, game is pretty much going to die soon and it's meh overall
Friday 13th not only manages to be more buggy than dbd but also very boring unless you have a group of friends ready to make it fun
I dont know what game you fucking played.
The worst thing about both DBD and F13th is that they took what should have been reactive instinctive experiences where you use your wits to survive another player and added so many layers of gamefication to it that it becomes not really what the core concept was anymore.
Its all about the unlockable perks and exploiting infinite escape routes and knowing where all the spawns are. Its fucking flawed at its most basic level.
if you suck I doubt you'll enjoy most multiplayer games
It's only worth it if you have people to play with or at least one other person to play it with.
Otherwise you are gonna be solo survivor for god knows how long and the people in this game are morons who have no idea how to do anything.
And playing the only couple of killers that are actually somewhat useable gets fucking old as hell too.
This is not a good game for sitting in total silence and staring at the screen.
Game is playable like that, but without someone to joke around with, the game is SUPER fucking boring.
Remove the perk system and keep the design simple enough. The depth will come from coming up with situations on the spot.
That's all they really need to do. But these morons just keep tossing shit on top of shit in order to put a bandaid over issues rather than actually address the issue directly.
DBD finally fixed infinite spots, but only after putting like 20 bandaids over it. Unfortunately now they're presented with a new problem called pallet looping. Their solution to that? Is it re doing how pallets are distributed and function?
Naw fuck that, let's just create a ridiculous sub system with its own set of rules. That will fix it after numerous tweaks to the sub system instead of just looking at the fucking piece of wood.
In what way exactly? At least theres some variety in Friday 13th as buggy as it is, while in DBD every game is exactly the same
20 sure
>pallet looping
hows that work?
Survivors have a smaller collision box than killers so they can cut corners easier and gain a tiny bit of distance
That tiny bit of distance is enough to keep them safe if they're in a spot where there's a pallet between the killer and the survivor.
I guess another way to put it is that if you remove the serial killer/horror aesthetics from things you realise its just set dressing and that the core gameplay does not change at all.
You could transpose the structure into almost any other setting and the game would remain the same. When you have a pretty unique concept like when these games first started appearing that pretty fucking depressing.
I got gud at Rainbow Six Siege. it was fun enough to play despite being bad at the first 50 hours.
DBD is just a slog to play through regardless if you win or lose.
Same shit as before just a different object.
I love when fags waste time not doing generators. Makes it easier to herd them.
I'm the guy that will let you save people just to keep the chase going and rack up more and more points. I also always play completely altruistic if survivor ha.
Ignore this post. It's not better or worse. Dead by daylight is more concise and arcadey in the way you avoid the killer. It's more about evading the killer as much as possible and winning as efficiently as you can.
Friday the 13th is more open and about the social aspect of working with people
and having a much higher chance to die. It's less about winning or losing and more about the experience of interacting with Jason and counselors.
If you want arcadey stealth gameplay that's more focused on 2-3 things get dbd. If you want more social interaction, more open ended gameplay with a looser objective, get f13
DBD and F13's enjoyment is entirely dependent on how the opposing team plays the game.
Given how human nature usually is, everyone always resorts to the scumbag tactics.
Jason players in F13 will always go for the easiest solution, which is teleporting into a grab and going for an instant kill. Quick, easy, and effective. Why bother actually trying the scare the person when you can kill them in 3 presses?
Survivor players in DBD will always go for the pallet looping solution in attempt to by themselves and their team's time. This is made worse by the fact that the devs never actually implemented a solution for SWF teams.
It all comes down to the scummy playerbase, and unfortunately both games have shitty scumbags. The solutions aren't even that difficult, but for some reason both dev teams listen to the same batch of retarded Twitch streamers for gameplay balance advice.
>shitters trying to be contrarian after spending 2 days spamming shitposts about friday the 13th
It's $14 on Kinguin
Get it
>but for some reason both dev teams listen to the same batch of retarded Twitch streamers for gameplay balance advice
I swear this is the owrst part.
Why bother using the massive community as a resource when a dozen streamers are obviously more important to appease.
It's simpy astonishing that they even listen to these guys.
They're not the best at the game. They just have a fucking high view count which means absolutely nothing to the game design.
It's like seriously taking input from Maximillian for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
Max at least has experience with different fighting games trough the years. And a lot of it
DBD streamers are mainly survivor players resulting in the killers getting nerfed to death
This doesn't work after bloodlust, does it?
It ends a lot sooner than if it didn't exist, but it still waste time.
Bloodlust has the unfortunate side effect of fucking people who try to escape the killer with legitimate methods though.
The amusing thing is that all those streamers still abandoned DBD anyway when they didn't get their way. Developers buying into this twitch meme instead of going against it Is fucking stupid. They're just feeding into the twitch monopoly
Wait for the summer sale, it'll probably be $10 which is a much better price.
Well DBD new map and killer seem to be going against everything people wanted in terms of balance so who knows.
They might just make whatever they want
I'm a survivor main and I gotta be honest with you. I appreciate that they buffed killers, they feel scary again and I don't mind. I'm sure killers still get looped to death at high ranks and the buffs probably didn't help them, but as someone who doesn't care about ranks anymore and just plays, I have found the game a lot more enjoyable lately.
>No F13 is actually balanced
Game is a hot mess because of how braindead jason is and he's not fun to go against or use.
There's no skill in killing people when you can just wack them faster then they can run away or attack you back or you can just go for the ol shift>grab>instagib so no one can save them.
Doc kills my stealth build. I win my games by being sneaky and not getting caught. Can't do that with Doc because my position gets given away instantly.
Nah its shit and just tedious running around