Would it be better if we banned them and their subversive ideas from gaming and Sup Forums altogether?
Why do liberals pretend to like video games?
>S-stop liking what i like!
>youre not cool enough for my secret club!
Liberals really are cancer though in fairness. Marxism by its very nature just subverts and makes everything about itself.
The other day I met some Halo players to get some achievements, two were from the UK and one was from Canada. I'm from the US. All four of us eventally got into a discussion about immigration and racism against whites and we were all decidedly conservative on these issues.
It kind of makes me sad though, we just play pointless vidya and meanwhile the left is out tirelessly working to undermine white civilization.
Liberal here, on what basis do you have the authority to accuse us of not enjoying videogames?
Why don't you just kill yourself already then, whitey?
This is a bait thread. OP is just looking for (you)s, so it's not worth replying. Just let it sage.
There's only one kind of person.
Commit sushi you Sup Forums frog poster.
Who is interested in validating his authority to literal leftist scum? LOL. Things like you aren't to be talked to or "reasoned" with. You just need a boot to the throat.
Gideo Vames
I guess to annoy dumb faggots like you.
God damn you're edgy. I seriously hope you're 12, if you're any older than that I genuinely pity you fucking troglodyte.
why don't conservatives make and play their own game instead of getting butt hurt 24/7 over games made and published by liberals? To intelligent too make games intead of fake news or something?
Jesus Christ why did you fucks take this bait?
Get a fucking job.
Conservative game makers exist all over retard. Their views are routinely suppressed from fear of being ostracized.
>still replying to this thread
It's been remade like 4 times in a row already, stop bumping it you faggots
>Their views are routinely suppressed from fear of being ostracized
Glad to hear it's a dying ideology. Letting fear stop you from creating what you want is a bitch move anyway.
>Their views are routinely suppressed from fear of being ostracized.
again, to intelligent too exercise freedom of association or something? nazi games exist so clearly they arent banned or censored, retard
It's not dying. The only way liberalism can even exist in polite society is through authoritarian mechanisms. People are naturally conservative and don't want that bullshit around.
It's funny to call it a bitch move when you routinely endorse it. Anyway, liberalism doesn't win in the end, so it's all good.
do you think Sup Forums even cares about videogames?
why we don't ban both from Sup Forums?
inb4 mspaint pic
Because being a "nerd" or a "geek" is really cool and in right now. Give it like 10 years and it'll die down quite a bit. The normie liberals will have infested something else.
Are you mentally ill, OP? Are you paid to do this?
Why not ban frog and wojack posters?
>Their views are routinely suppressed from fear of being ostracized.
>what is Night in the Woods
Hiroshima needs more retards clicking on the malware ads for those ad revenue shekels
You mean people who approve of free-market policies and deregulation? I've never heard them state their opinion on video games much, I guess you're correct.
if you havent reported it yet you can shut the fuck up
otherwise, keep fighting the good fight
I agree. It would get all the kids off the site.
>that video
>that crash
can we ban Sup Forums already?
shit is cringe at this point
Pick one
>two scoops
Why are Sup Forums and Sup Forums so shit right now
modern frogposters were a mistake
On the basis that he thinks all liberals are SJWs. In other words, he's an idiot.
you're not disproving that correlation.
The weird obsession with Conservatives and limiting peoples rights over what they find "morally" correct makes most of the lot seem like assholes
That and most religious people are conservative and bash other religions when they are all equally retarded
You mean neoliberal
Lmao why don't they start their own studios then? Do you not understand how a free market works?
>inb4 d-d-duh jooos
No, the post you replied to is literally the classical definition of Liberal. In every country outside the U.S. it's what Liberal has always meant.
Please provide research that substantiates this claim
Well you're referring solely to economic liberalism, which is known as neoliberalism by western academics
t. leftist who rabidly defends muslims
t. leftist who wants to ban speech he dislikes - but that's somehow different from what he accuses conservatives of!
There's only one kind of person.
Did you see where I said all religions are retarded, including Islam?
Where did I say anything about banning speech? I don't want to do that at all.
Did you quote the wrong post?
Liberalism literally always wins: civil rights, women's right, labor rights, power changing from monarch to nobility to common people, literally all progress is a result of social liberalization movements. Egalitarianism and enlightenment principles won, far right-wing regimes are all 3rd world totalitarian shitholes
no one is buying it. we all know what you really think. the fact that you even took the time to whine about how conservatives are mean to other religions says it all. fuck off islam apologist.
or spend your next post relentlessly mocking islam if you want me to take you seriously kid.
Holy jumpin George that's a lot of strawmen. How did you brain even manage such a nonsequitur post?
Read a book, dipshit
>Christian idiot mad someone made fun of his magical sky man
Antifa false flag shoo shoo
I'm a liberal who hates SJWs, and I'm far from alone.
There, correlation disproven.
you have no idea what you're talking about. i mean, you are talking like you are taking a freshman high school history class. kill yourself for thinking this is a deep post lol.
>liberal intellectuals everyone
You're not wrong, but the left wing has developed some problems, like SJWs and feminists who are anything but egalitarian.
haha no. nice strawman. but thanks for proving my point that you're actually committed to defending islam. that took all of one post to uncover your baldfaced lie.
let this be a lesson: leftists NEVER tell the truth about their own positions. ever.
Yes, they keep trying to politicize games when they already have their shit on movies, music, tv, the last place to escape them is videogame and they are starting to shit on it too.
I just want to enjoy a nice game and nothing else, stop trying to turn me into another ingsoc zombie.
>a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law, and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalism which is also called free market capitalis
Yes that's what I said, youre referring to economic liberalism, also known as neoliberalism, you weren't referring to the other component in the Wikipedia definition, the civic component. Are you pretending to be retarded?
Are you delusional my dude?
First off, I accused conservatives of limiting people's rights...so why would that = banning free speech? It's literally the exact opposite
Islam is as retarded as Judaism which is as retarded as Christianity. Sorry to leave you so butt hurt my friend, maybe it's time to take a rest from Sup Forums for the night
Explain how anything in that post is incorrect :)
On the basis that i been part of the gaming community for way longer than you, its vicious, competitive and banter is a core part of it, having you around means lowering standards to embrace your faggy feelings thus changing the structure that keeps it entertaining.
kill yourself.
>american posters
he's entirely wrong. social progress is a meme. do you realize how many times the pendulum has swung on issues like gays and women's rights throughout history? it only works if you pretend that things like the dissolution of the monarchy and then a small window of western history is somehow attributable to a certain ideology over.... i don't know, wide scale economic and technological changes.
it's a terrible narrative that doesn't hold up at all. also: egalitarianism is a scientifically disproven concept and a relic of an age long gone. that's why it's basically a religion at this point; it must be taken on faith.
>identity politics
Fuck off. You're part of the problem. Just because someone calls themselves a liberal doesn't mean they can't enjoy, or be good at, video games. It's stupid that you keep posting this shit.
stop politicizing games altogether. making "conservative" games would hardly be better. just make games.
>hur anyone who is slightly lib is one of those over the top sjw retard
This is a reoccurring thing I see with a lot of r/the_donald posters
>Liberalism literally always wins
It literally does not though. You're cherry picking and using the survivor bias.
Nothing new. Every frogposter is an autist who spams their favorite reddit meme pic everyday.
we got a live one boys
hahaha these commies give up the game so easily when they absolutely refuse to criticize islam even on an anonymous site without referencing christianity.
what a pathetic human being you are lol.
Sup Forums is the worst board because they constantly drag politics into non political boards.
>taking this bait
saging and reporting this shit thread
This. Not to mention he obviously knows nothing about any other country.
>all bad countries are far right
>he doesn't know about venezuela
doublethink is the main engine inside a leftist mind.
I am slightly compelled at allowing and cooperating with islam domination just to kill these fuckers... i think between girls in burkas with their mouths shut and pink haired faggots making out in front of my kids i have to choose islam.
If we did we would see less of this
Roll for free ice cream!
Neoliberalism is a new term made up in the 80's to refer to globalisation and multinational corps expanding and taking root.
Neoliberalism is a branch of classical liberalism. Classical liberalism in its definition is free markets and deregulation and has existed as a term for hundreds of years.
I swear dumbfuck amerifarts have no idea what words mean.
Those things all actually happened, user. Are you implying right wing governments arent always 3rd world hellscapes? Please, move to some repressive southeast asian dumpster and then complain about western liberalism
No, seriously. Identity politics are the stupidest fucking topics. They do nothing but dismiss others based on what someone else perceives them to believe.
Let's do this
The only smart post on this thread.
How can people complain about Sup Forums when these pink moustached faglords keep shoving their gay ass agendas down videogames?
There's only one kind of person.
southeast asia? like vietnam? which is commie?
or singapore, an actual far right government, which also has one of the strongest economies in the world?
Because pink moustached faglords don't shit up Sup Forums with endless threads about politics
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
Except they do. Constantly.
Why do Americans believe liberals and leftists are the same?
the general rule is to ignore anyone that follows reddit tier memes
>no spiderman
I'll help you to undarstand: (((Liberals)))
I must have missed them amongst the constant threads we had the other day bitching about killing hicks in Far Cry 5
Name a third world country with a rightist government.
Just a reminder
Sup Forumsfags are the muslims of Sup Forums, they shit every board they touch
This is videogames, not pol.
Here, let me redirect you
that or gypsies
Rather than arguing over this shit, let's settle this with a strawpoll Sup Forums:
Who did you want as president?
Left? Right? Who cares? It's all the same shit.
You fucked up there, let me help you.
Are you fucking serious mate?
>the flips
>the roaches
>whole mideast (right wing muslim is still right wing)
Watching people fight about politics is actually more fun than fideo games.
Why did you numbskulls respond to op?
russia in like a decade tops
Classifying all liberals as leftists is the same as branding all conservatives as neo-nazis or whatever other far/extremist right there is. Ben Shapiro explained it very well.