Why arent there any cheat codes any more?

why arent there any cheat codes any more?

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"cheat codes"/type/op/

There are many cheat codes still in use. Like this cheat for me to get whatever number I say. For example, 6.

Why are you unable to communicate without wacky cartoon faces?

>off by one

You can't cheat Kek.

>off by one

They realized they could charge people for them if they called it DLC.

You can just buy them as DLC. What are you, poor?

user meant the 6th reply to his post will have a 6. Get to it chums.

You need a pic to start a thread, fagface.

No you don't actually.

Oblivion I mean FO3 Skyrim I mean New Vegas I mean FO4 still has the old `tcl `tgm horseshit.

There's also the old aimbot and tool assists like seeing through walls.
And there's the secret throttle your internet connection technique when playing tribes.

Ur wrong.

What does an image board means?

Cheat codes aren't even as cool any more since you can just look them up on the internet. You used to have to get that shit from magazines or strategy guides.

So why do you always opt for le wacky Disney face?

Is it because you're an autistic faggot who can only relate to cartoon faces? Because that's what it seems like


For starters, modern game design makes most cheat codes irrelevant. When you have infinite continues why would you need an infinite lives cheat? Why have a stage select code when most games let you revisit any area? That basically just leaves retarded shit like big head modes... And that shit stopped being entertaining a long time ago. But the real reason cheat codes died is because of the ego of modern developers that couldn't stomach the idea of someone purposefully breaking a game they spent so much (lazy) effort balancing.

>Le (You) meme
Show us proof without a meme reply retard.

>off by one
git gud

I'm not the OP, just pointing out you're mistake
thanks i could help, bro

There is on PC, they're called trainers.

Hacks exist now, cheat codes aren't needed. Even a 13 year old can script at this point.

Baby can stomp his feet all he wants, but he won't get what he wants.

You used the wrong cheat code. Here, i will get a 5.

>He thinks code manipulation is new

Nigger that shits existed since the first arcade games.

Enjoy you're malware.

>You are malware

Why do you keep making this thread every day?

I enter the cheat code up up down down left right left right b a start


He's actually a brony

They've been pissed with Sup Forums for years over bronies getting banned.

You're forgetting the more practical applications of cheats rather than just alternate modes like big head or extra continues.
Consider Dishonored, for example. There's a game that's basically BUILT from the ground up to have a New Game+ mode or an infinite runes and mana code so you can go through the game a second time with all the cool powers unlocked and powered to the max.
Does it have it? Of course not.
Because Arkane is made of insane people, of course.

That's just one example off the top of my head


But that would break the precious balance and modern devs can't have that.

Shut the fuck up Barneyfag.

Because it was a fucking gimmick and now they just let you turn on a developer console

idclev 5

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh buy our cheat DLC that gives you godmode but removes achievements


if he can...then I can get it 2!


He's not wrong though

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"cheat codes"/type/op/

We no longer bake debugging tools into games

You mean this 6?

>Cheat codes
Wow, so every single op who has cheat codes in their post in one guy. Phenomenal...

Because Nintendo wants to sell plastic toys to manchildren.
And other companies want to sell DLC.

Both are working too.

There's a ton of repetitive threads on Sup Forums made by the same butthurt brony

Anything with a dumb trope and a wacky reaction face is usually a brony thread

They've been pissed at Sup Forums for years lol

Those old cheat code books were the best

>school does a book fair
>ton of these cheat code books for sale
>write down the cheats I'm interested in on a separate piece of paper when no one's looking
>don't buy the book after