Just beat the game with the good ending. I'm crying... I'm fucking crying. Hands down, THE best JRPG I ever played...

Just beat the game with the good ending. I'm crying... I'm fucking crying. Hands down, THE best JRPG I ever played. The music, graphics, gameplay, characters... All just PERFECT. I'm gonna miss this game so much. I already miss my good buddies Ryuji, Morgana, Yuske, and my girlfriend Makoto. I'm miss my little sister Futaba, my bro dad Sojiro. And most importantly, I'm going to miss being a Phantom Thief. I'll never experience this fucking masterpiece for the first time ever again, repeat playthroughs will just not feel the same, as I already heard all of the dialogue, my friends won't know me anymore, and I know the whole story. I'm just... so lost Sup Forums... what do I do now that I beat this game, I'll never play a game that took my heart like this game did ever again...


I felt the same. Give it a week and you'll realise that while an amazing game it wasn't without flaws.



Weebs are so pathetic holy shit.

Fuck you guys. I got the game release day, and ended up with 130 hours. These past (almost) 2 months were the best months ever because of this one game.

I felt the same for Fallout 3 am I not a fag?

user if some weeb game gave you the best two months of your life then you really need to rethink your life.

What the fuck am I rea-
It checks out.

I am never planning on playing the game but who is tbe best gf?

I preferred when it was called Persona 4.

user please, don't say dumb shit like that when SUPERIOR JRPGs have been made in the past

P5 don't even come close to any recent mainline SMT


SMT IV and A are utter trash though. Of course P5 is better.

>IV Apocalypse

And you guys thought p4fags were bad

for better or worse, user, you are free. it's time to go home.

not even joking

>tfw played P3 and P4 so I couldn't enjoy P5
P4 is much more comfy


P5 babbies are the cancer killing Megaten. I hope this bait because they are worse than 4fags, and at least 4fags admit P4 has flaws.

>not Nocturnebabbies

Will I still enjoy this if I know "le big twist xD" and don't really care for the dating?

They killed Megaten along ago. But P5 is fucking its corpse by making Persona and SMT too popular

>tfw no one misses me

Fuck off reverse Jun

tfw no loli twin wardens

>if you went to prison, not a single person you know would get off their ass to help you

>Good ending
You mean, there are bad endings?

>MC gets shot
>MC starts to hallucinate from the drugs and gets shot
>MC sides with the bad guy and steals shit forever while dooming humanity.

Yes, three to be exact.

Personafags are all cancer

kys desu

Do credit rolls happen or something? Because then they are just glorified game over screens

Yeah, it's alright. Just buy the PS3 version, it's cheaper.

You can start NG+ from two of the bad ends.

I can't wait for smthd to btfo of p5 fags

But, no credits?

I feel like having the twist spoiled to me would lessen my enjoyment of the story. How is the story? I've been hearing a lot of "adults are evil lmao"

>yfw he went full Guts

Honestly don't remember, look it up on youtube user.

That's only if it's using 3D graphics this time.

That's the best part.

That just shows how shit your taste in games is

get over the honey moon period you weeabo faggot. It's good but not perfect, and not LE GREATEST RPG EVAAAAAAAAAAR.

t. someone who beat the game a year ago and thought the same

There are people on this board right now who insist that if Futaba wasn't a girl none of her traits would be seen as likable and she wouldn't be remotely cute.

I beg to fucking differ.