What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally everything

What didn't go wrong?

>dota 2 teased
>they show morphling
>wow that looks cool
>then they show lina
>she looks good
>overwatch teased
>tracer shown
>wow, great character design clearly will be hugely popular
>widowmaker shown
>d.va shown
>holy shit *vince mcmahon falls backwards out of chair*
>battleborn teased
>those characters

those characters, more than anything else

I remember actually having fun with this game. Good concept gameplay wise. A better developer could've probably made this game much better, cleaner, and popular. Also the writing ranged from tolerable to cringy because Gearbox.

>those characters, more than anything else

I'd have to agree with this. Ignoring the most obvious problems with them (the grotesque designs and silhouettes), my biggest issue with Battleborn characters is that all of them have exactly the same zany and wacky personality. Even that nigger who was in charge of that military organisation and was supposedly charismatic was running around shouting dumb shit every time he used an ability.

Thinking about getting this since its so cheap
But the dlc and microtransaction skins keep me away
Also I probably would never get into a match

>"come at me bro"


I wonder what Randy is doing right now, handling his life with a landwhale and autistic fedora wearing shit for a kid


I can honestly say without a hint of hyperbole, everything. Everything that could go possibly wrong with a AAA game went wrong with Battleborn. Designs, UI, marketing, microtransactions, it all went horrendously wrong.

Remember that PAX where he sang a song about his Twitter haters. I don't think I've ever felt more second hand embarrassment for every one working at Gearbox than in that moment


Hey man, at least the characters are voice and designed "very nicely"


>Ashley Burch

Woa only 57 players???

I wonder if we could get twice as many replies in a post and tweet it to Randy, see what kind of excuse he can make up this time.

Some top tier designs coming through!!

Lets do this

I'm disappointed a group of user's have made twitter accounts dedicated to sending Randy screenshots of the game's most recent playercount.

The game bombing is funny, but this TORtanic LEL XD shit is getting pretty old.

Fuck off, Randy

This trying to exist alongside Overwatch.

Nigger are you retarded or something? To constantly remind Randy how much his shitty game has flopped.

Another great design!

Well what's the next step then?

Is the inability to transition properly between LOLSORANDUMBXD and 'regular lady voice' intended? Because it sounds awful.

Honestly if this character had no voice and removed some of the dumb shit hanging off of it, it wouldn't be so bad

Reminds me of this character, who has a OK design, maybe a bit cool thats just RUINED by the voice


>tfw Phoebe will never be freed from this shitty game

Mindbreak him through tweets, obviously.

I know that feel, like how pic related will forever be trapped in this shit game

Say what you will about her roles and the man she's sadly related to, her voice is nice to listen to, and she's cute too.

She could be cute if she grew out her hair instead of having dyke shit.

because it's all voice files in one files, in game you never hear them this often and some stuff is lore voiceover etc.

Reaaaaally depends on the role

If she is doing her Tiny Tina, its more like a annoying cunt

But if its Miss Pauling then yea i can agree

I know we are all desperate virgins here, but come on dude, get a grip, she looks like a barely passable tranny.

But user, correctional sex is my fetish.

Overwatch and it wasn't Borderlands.

Gearbox didn't listen to their fans. Forced a game no one wanted.

Would have done better making a new Duke Nukem instead, to be honest.

I...actually like this one? Probably the only redeeming thing to come out of BB though.



>all of them have exactly the same zany and wacky personality

this, so fucking much. fwiw you get used to it tho, and if you look at borderlands numbers it's not surprising gearbox ran with LE BORDERLANDS HUMOR, normies eat that shit up (and they turned that shit down in the DLC, the chars play it more straight)

>(the grotesque designs and silhouettes)

imo more interesting than overwatch' pixar waifus and tropes

>asian guy with a bow conjuring dragons
>"robot" ninja
>butch russian female
>german knight with a big 2h weapon
>rest are similar "safe" designs

even the chars Sup Forums likes to shit on are pretty fun, either to play or from the character background (including orendi and thorn aka the brianna who elf). the roster isn't worse than your average ASSFAGGOTS.

it's five bucks on all platforms, tho the dlc is cheaper on pc, although there are sales every one in a while for the whole game, last time it was 15 bucks for the deluxe or sth.

microtransaction skins are nothing you really need, if you got the dlc you end up with like 10 skins per character anyway. dlc itself is not that bad either, but I'd definitely only get it if you enjoy the base game

>imo more interesting than overwatch' pixar waifus and tropes
well, to each their own, but one thing that i deplorable is the over-design of most Battleborn character. Most of the Overwatch cast is easily recognizable, even from their silhouette. But when you look at a pic of battleborn with a bunch of chars, it looks like a fucking mess. Yes some of these design could be great, but some cleanup is needed.

>AM I Sup Forums YET?!??

What will it take to meme Randy into Anthony Burch levels?

its actually the best game out of the 3 of them

>>Sup Forums
Found the real newfag.

what are you even talking about? what 3 games?

>she's cute too
No user, it's not cute. Even for trap standarts, I dont find it adorable
And I'm not even generally atracted to traps

desu zenyetta and other overwatch chars don't scream their role in your face either, you'll learn it while playing anyway (I get what you mean, I get the same when I see LOL's roster)

in a match it isn't really an issue and the extra size for certain chars work in their favor eating damage for the team etc.

She looks like Sucrose but without the glasses

>even newfags know the context of that line
>trying this hard to fit in

>getting so assblasted in a previous thread that you take out your anger on a different user and still get ousted.

>"Randy Pitchford, known for his work on misleading people over Aliens: Colonial Marines, decided to take to Twitter with a snazzy new approach. Pitchford chose to reveal that Battleborn has porn based upon it, under ‘Rule 34’. Tweeting out the link to a subreddit known as ‘BattleBornRule 34‘, the entire page was awash with hand drawn porn based on Battleborn characters.

Why? Well, no one is really sure."


whatever makes you sleep at night I guess...

Its monday night combat but with none of the good aesthetic or personality and that does, in fact, get in the way of actual gameplay.

>Jeb surge incoming

>Taking 8 minutes to come up with a reply like that
I can hear your huffing and puffing from here user.

>implying this isn't the first thread I posted in
>implying any of those posts could anger someone
>implying I'm sitting here like a hawk watching you reply
>implying youi not just retarded

is this the nu-Sup Forums people keep talking about?

overall aesthetic is garbage

Even if the gameplay was 10/10, the character design, character voices, character dialogue and area designs are dogshit

And you gave shit for trying to fit in.


Even ignoring any critical response to character/level design, UI, writing, etc., Battleborn managed to screw itself over many times prior, during, and after its release. Prior to release, when Gearbox realized that the release dates for Battleborn and Overwatch would run quite close, some genius in marketing tweeted "Come at me bro" to Blizzard. This established Battleborn and Overwatch as direct rivals in the minds of many, despite the fact the games are very different from one another. When Blizzard began pushing the advertising for their new game heavily, Gearbox could not and would not attempt to match them-as a result, Overwatch had taken the lead before the two games were even released.

During May of 2016, Blizzard, enjoying considerable success with its beta, announced a free Overwatch weekend to bring in even more customers. Unfortunately for Gearbox, it was held the same weekend as Battleborn's launch. This might not have been so bad, but the PC release shipped with so many performance issues that the game was practically unplayable, even on high-performance machines. This also wouldn't have been a big issue, but Gearbox had declared that PC and consoles must share an update schedule-as a result, these issues weren't fixed until the first official patch date, a full MONTH after release.

Things began to quickly fall apart afterwards. Gearbox, desperate to recover after their disastrous first month, attempted to hold a massive sale-rather than draw in customers, however, this just angered the people who had paid upwards of 60USD a month beforehand. They then attempted to push cosmetics and microtransactions, but this was viewed as a transparent attempt to wring more blood out of their dissatisfied playerbase-especially the season pass owners, who were already losing patience with the drought of new story operations and similar content. By the time Gearbox released said content, there was no one left who wanted it.

character design, looks and sound effects are absolutely dreadful. In a character-driven multiplayer game

Orendi is fun as fuck, sucks that she's stuck in this game.

Not enough Benedict

Wait until he opens his mouth.

> still full price

>game has sentence "For all kinds of badasses" on it's cover
>it flopped
I think the problem lies within the audience. You're just not badass enough for this great game.

He used to show up a lot over on /trash/

Begone Randy.

Heh, you serious, friend? Looks like you just got angered, my dude.

Just looking at that not-Heavy, everything about his design, sickens me deeply.

Its battleborn

I disagree, I found the character designs to perfectly match my particular stylistic affinity.

Holy shit, Ernest. My boy. He so much fucking fun to play. I've been blasting through the newest chronicles with him constantly. So good at locking down an area and filling it with grenades.

>some genius in marketing tweeted "Come at me bro" to Blizzard

actually a "rivalry" like that is nothing new in terms of marketing. see imaginelifestyles.com/luxuryliving/2011/06/funny-billboards-audi-vs-bmw-ad-campaign

>They then attempted to push cosmetics and microtransactions,

that shit was known way before launch, people are just stupid.

they even had a post detailing how much skins will costs, so this is hardly anything surprising. update that pasta

What the fuck are these proportions. His legs are thinner than my dick.



>how should we focus the character's designs?
>Just make them BADASS

Well, I like him. He's grenade-shaped, like my favorite projectile.

Damn, check out that thick ass neck.

A lot of companies will have these sort of funny competition, usually not advised since its not worth it to give publicity to your competitors.
That being said, I don't know why Blizzard did it, but I think when the tweet was made, they wanted to strangle Battleborn in its crib.
Randy is not exactly lovable. If he had made an attempt to say "Congratulation to Overwatch for 25 million users", Blizzard might ease off on them. As it is, that "See you in May" is a like a vainly concealed threat.

The sad thing is that you can actually rework most of the designs not to be Sonic-tier ORIGINAL CHARACTERS.

She was cute. No longer is to be honest.

But somewhere around 2012 she was the cutest thing.

That's literally a line from the game you tards

>that abomination

The core design of this character, while stupid, is not bad.
Fix proportions somewhat, rework armor design a bit? cover him up a bit more, make him actually take less damage from front with the exception of his tiny head and feet.

Why are you so anti-semitic?

She's a filipino you retard, not a jew.

Anyone has the fixed Sup Forums edit? It honestly improves him just by having the head and legs slightly bigger, while keeping the idea of a small head.

After seeing tons of porn of this character with normal proportions, seeing the actual design makes me feel almost insulted.

Hey Battleborn! Gimme your money!


Guys stop bullying my VAfu

They didn't name it "Borderlands: BADASS BRAWL"
Shit would have sold like hotcakes if they tied it to the borderlands name