Anyone else dissapointed with the lack of difficulty in this game? Almost every enemy can be skipped

Anyone else dissapointed with the lack of difficulty in this game? Almost every enemy can be skipped
Bosses are all the same (break limb, stagger, visceral, repeat) and there's no real difficulty curve/additions in NG+ it's just enemies get more health.

Enemies don't seem to be balanced around your speed so you can zip around enemies for days, especially if you play unlocked. From should really start balancing the game from unlocked play because the game is just too easy. Rally mechanic means damage you take doesn't matter because you can heal to full almost instantly my mashing that R1 button.

What happened to be thoughtful and tactical with your attacks? In DS1/DS2/DeS you had to wait and punish, in BB you just mash R1. I don't understand.

How long did it take you to plat though?

It depends on how you play the game. If you overlevel the game will be a breeze, getting the platinum isn't all that tough either simply requires some amount of perseverence if you're not cheating. Challenging boss fights to solo are bosses like Defiled Amygdala, Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords, Defiled Pthumerian Descendent, Laurence on NG+, Oot on NG+ etc. Once you've mastered the mechanics almost any game can be made to look easy. Even so, play against other more skilled playes online and you're bound sonner or later.

*you're bound to meet your match sooner or later.

BB is my favorite of the bunch. Took me 3 playthroughs to Platinum.

Honestly I don't care about "difficulty" because I always thought that the difficulty in these games was circumstantial, and should have never been a focus. In Demon's Souls, my second favorite, the difficulty only arrived from the fact that the game's mechanics were new, and the game was somewhat punishing and made you pay attention. Same with BB.

But in the Dark Souls games, especially when the PREPARE TO DIE cringey shit started to pop up, it felt like difficulty was being prioritized over actual level design and atmosphere, and I think those games suffered for it.

Im just sad new game+ has nothing to offer. Im just ripping through areas and bosses alike now and the only reason is to level up my stats. After that I'm sure I'm done with this. Im about to go to Cainhurst but I have no motivation cause I've done and collected everything I need. My only driving point is to upgrade my 2nd tier weapons and even then it's no fun cause I gotta farm chalice dungeons, and not even the main game, for chunks and rocks. Kills the fun real fast when the 2nd playthrough is just a speedy grindfest.

DLC in NG+ is where the real challenge is at.

Also might as well Platinum it, its a lot easier than you'd think.

Play online and you'll meet other players that can kick your ass, better yet try invading other people's games and maybe you'll get lucky and get gank spanked. If you don't find a rush in playing people online or don't like BB just don't play it, simple.

But the strategies stay the same, nothing really changes
Poor netcode is not a good replacement for competent difficulty. Besides we're discussing the PvE element of the game, not the side mode thrown in as an afterthought.

Maybe, I had to switch up some stuff for Laurence and Orphan on NG+. Then again I enjoyed the core gameplay anyway.

Ebrietas and Orphan of Kos are probably harder than anything in DaS2, including the Meme Knight

PVP is an integral part of every Souls game since Demon's Souls, also the thread and some replies mention the Bb + difficulty in general, there is no particular emphasis placed on PVE.

Even so, it just sounds like you don't like Bb, so don't play it then. Want a challenge with Bloodborne? Start a new game where you don't level up past level 5 or level up weapons then see how easy Bb is then.

I already done a BL4 run

>so don't play it then
I stopped playing it, I was just asking if anyone else had the same opinions

That's cool, whenever I want a challenge I just play online, there's no way you can be better than evey Bb player online out there. If you already did a BL 4 run and you aced it, try beating BB on NG+7 with just your fists see how far you get.

The DLC will give me a fight, I know that. The problem is I already beat DLC once, so just like the main game, all I'm doing is just running for echoes and insight, and I'm getting to the point where I dont need to farm echoes anymore cause I can just buy like 300+ in bulk. In short, the NG+ both main game and DLC dont offer anything new once you gotten through them, they just reset for you to do it all over again. And I'm not the type of gamer where the game is fun just cause it got harder. Nah, I need new shit to keep there. Had they locked a weapon or super good arcane item behind a new game wall then that would motivate me.

english is not my first language and I am having trouble with "have audience with"
What do they mean by this?

>there's no way you can be better than evey Bb player online out there.
Never claimed that.
>try beating BB on NG+7 with just your fists see how far you get.
now that's just limiting myself even more to make up for the lack of difficulty

I get what you're doing man, "well if you can't do no roll no weapon ng+7 bl4, then how can you say its not hard??" you're being silly.

I never claimed that you claimed that, I'm stating a truth that a challenge will always await you depending on how you play the game. Evey game can be mastered some more easily than others. If you want a challenge with Bb and you've beaten the game already then the aformentioned techniques work to make the game tougher that's all. Seems to me you're just finding excuses to make the game seem a whole lot easier and limited than it really is.

As with every fromsoft game, the difficulty is mostly a meme, and most actual challenge will be from self-imposed challenge runs, should you choose to go that far. The games are made to be fairly unforgiving, yet deceitfully hand-holding (oh look at all these antidotes, beastblood pellets, fire papers, and blood cocktails we gave you, have fun with that Blood Starved Beast!) for a person who hasn't played any such game before. If you know the formula the magic is basically gone, and the games aren't made for you on a fundamental level. The games are made for Joe Casul's first trip through the Git Gud express.

>Seems to me you're just finding excuses to make the game seem a whole lot easier and limited than it really is.
No user, you're not listening. I said I was done with the game and just wanted to have a discussion about my experiences. I didn't say I was looking for more ways to limit myself. I feel quite content with having beat it as BL4 as it made the game somewhat enjoyable knowing I couldn't rely on rally anymore.

Thanks Bamco marketing

not really

Its a shit game you can plat in 10 days MAX.

It's meant for children.

So it was just a trick/meme to con players looking for harder games? Haven't played any of the games yet, but that sounds really douchey.

Actually I am, in fact you and that other user started replying to me first since I merely posted my thoughts on the game without replying to anyone in particular.

I merely mentioned ways to make the game more difficult, you should post your BL4 fight with Laurence, that would be interesting to watch. Also how did you beat that alternate alien boss after Gherman using a BL4 character? That would be interesting to hear.

Personally I haven't experienced a tougher ARPG besides the Bloodsouls games.

I'm more bummed out by the bosses.

>Cleric Beast or Blood-starved Best
>Vicar Amelia
>Shadows of Yharnam
>Rom, the Vacuous Spider
>One Reborn
>Mergo's Wet Nurse

The game never puts an absolute badass in the middle of your path and says you can't beat the game until you kill him. All the optional bosses are awesome and all the mandatory ones suck.

Very true, Paarl was a great fight that you can easily miss. For a first boss the Cleric Beast was fun too. Everything else was a fucking chore. Amy was the only one I actually had fun in cause I didnt need to take it so seriously due to his size.

English is my first language and I have no idea.

This is a game about Old English and the Victorian age where everyone speaks proper and says things like "I must take my leave"

Nobody says that.
One can only assume it means meet up with.

long game?

I didn't record the gameplay, I wasn't expected to be uploading anything.

Also moon presence is actually very easy, and I'm surprised you named him as some proof of difficulty. After Gehrman you'll ahve 70%-80% beast hood, combined that with fire paper, and with lucky RNG he'll just do his stupid roar attack that exposes his face long enough to mash r1 and get a stagger get a charged r2 and visceral and he doesn't seem to have a lot of life compared to dlc bosses so at that point he's either dead or very close to it.

I only really liked Gehrman and Ludwig.

No Moon Presence is not some sort of proof of difficulty, I was merely curious because I didn't properly solo him on my NG+ run since I was more preoccupied with Laurence on NG+. Moon Presence can take 80% of your health just by looking at him from afar if you're not wearing the right armor or drinking plenty of that anti-frenzy stuff, with a BL4 character that just seems like it would require some amont of effort if you don't get lucky. No I found Laurence (NG+) and Defiled Amy, Defiled Watchdog and Defiled Pthumerian Descendant to be tougher fights overall but I beat them eventually, with practice any challenge can be beaten.

On another note, tell me what's the toughest ARPG you have played then?

I sat on the fence about buying it because I thought it would be too difficult and it would spoil my fun. Turns out I could just go in blind, never having played a Souls game before, and plat the damn thing in no more than ten (10) days.

What really bothered me was the lack of weapons. You just kind of play the whole game using your starter weapon really. It's like playing Pokemon red and finishing it only using an overpowered Bulbasaur (best pick, by the way).

Then there is the lack of difficulty: bosses become trivial once you 'get' how the bosses work in this game. Circle circle circle circle R1 R1 R1 R2 R1 circle circle triangle R1 R1 R2 R1 circle molotov cocktail R2 R1 dead.

The game is really linear and offers little to the imagination if you want to roleplay.

The music is okay I guess.

What's a tougher ARPG that you would recommend?

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden is not an Action RPG.

>Best pick
Top yourself dumb lizard poster

That is an objectively valid opinion,
and while I don't personally agree with it, I can understand where you're coming from

>Name a tougher ARPG than Soulsborne

>No answer

Difficult is its only selling point so if that falls flat then whats left? You fucking faggot?

Gascoigne was surprisingly brutal for a first boss. It feels bizarre that the game never escalates from there.

>this fucking subhuman piece of garbage is still making threads
For anyone who doesn't know OP is an autistic yurocuck in his 30s that bought Bloodborne, made threads about how he didn't like it and was going to return it, then spent 50+ hours grinding before going through the game running past every enemy. After which he platinumed the game and spammed a picture of his trophy screen in every BB thread claiming it was too easy and not hard.

This moron forgot to say I platinumed the game in TEN days and I went in without having played a souls game before



This is true. Please, please actually play Dark Souls 1 though, I swear it's a far more imaginative game that will surprise you in ways you won't see comming.

no actual arguments

Come back after you beat the Crow of Cainhurst, then tell me the game's easy

>Aviods the question to the OP which is precisely about difficulty

Keep deflecting faggot

I get that they were trying to be different with micolash, but I wish his fight was a normal 1v1 where he had a big list of cosmos type attacks

The fact is its marketed and promoted by fanboys as the most difficult thing ever when in reality it just takes maybe a day or two to learn how to fight almost any type of enemy including bosses. It falls short on its promise

Never really thought about just the main bosses. Yeah, that's actually a really weak line-up. Gascoigne and Gehrman were the only real badasses in your path but they're the first and last (technically) bosses so what the fuck?

10 days

Fucking this, no boss made me sweat like Gascoigne did. Granted the boss from there are harder but by then I had a better idea of how to play. I was virgin as fuck with Gascoigne and that fucker took me for a ride. He's the only boss that I had to prep down to the wire

Hey man heres your chance to post this on a new board

Like 5 cocktails wrecks the shit out of him. Never had a problem.

That was before I knew fire was super effective against beasts, plus he was too all over the place for me to aim and throw at him cause half the time he'd jump right as I threw one. I was trying to kill him in a tactical logical way instead of just engaging him and dancing around him. Plus it was my first run so my money was more towards vials to keep me alive.

You don't buy vials BAKA

Actually that's me, I'm not OP.

Wow, imagine that, 2 people share the same opinion about your precious game?!

Bloodborne was inherently very easy, I know you found it difficult, but that's because you're you. Other actual people who value skill and ability as important didn't find it hard whatsoever.

Name a tougher ARPG faggot, everything else is irrelevant.

Thank you, duly obliged.

Lol you absolute cunt let's PvP and put your skill to the test shall we?

Damn that user makes a good point, if you're so good let's fight right now, Mergo's Loft Middle faggit.

I farm people at mensis for my blood rocks and chunks.

good fun, and faster than dungeons too.

I know that now lol

I don't have the game anymore, I traded it in for NMS.

I'm sure I wouldve been too high a level for you noobs anyway.

Rocks dont respawn though..But I feel, I'm about halfway there anyway.


>traded BB for NMS
This has to be b8. No one is this retarded.

Name a tougher ARPG than the Souls games.

I've defeated many overleveled characters before, too bad you just brag about being superior but can't/won't back it up, that's what I thought.

Caring about achievements is a clear sign of being an underage pleb

It happened, look at my trophies and you'll see based on the times. I traded in NMS after 2 days and got MGS5 though, which was infinitely better and more challenging than Bloodborne.

What games do you have? I'll 1v1 you on anything

I no longer own the original image. They're my trophies, PSN is Cloud__ffvii, look for yourself.

I platinumed it in 10 days.

Probably older than every person in the thread.

Tom clancys ghost recon future soldier. I was in the number 1 squad out of 180000 squads worldwide and widely considered one of the best players in the game.

Play me on that fgt

Not him, but you sound insufferable. Also you're 10 day plat involved you reloading the save twice to get the different endings. You sure so have a lot to brag about on a Mongolian finger painting website.

It's a video game board.

>video game discussion should be me bragging that I'm older and better at games than other people here
You need to some perspective.

> you need to some

>be me
>10 day trophy guy
>look up OP builds pre-patch
>use a guide
>easy trophy
>easy bait
Why do you people keep responding to this guy

You need to get some perspective*

Even with a typo it's still true.

None of that happened though, I went in blind as stated in every thread. The fact that you assume I had to do all that to get the platinum shows that you're impressed by my achievement, so thank you.

>he thinks people are impressed because he has a video game trophy
Your life is pathetic

as someone who is replaying dark souls 2 right now, it is absurd to suggest that any part of that game is better than any part of bloodborne

shit is lightyears apart, and nioh being even better didn't help the older games


Fite me user

I think the biggest disappointment for me was the lack of armor sets


>responding to my post by referring to your post that my response was responding to
Yeah not responding to you anymore faggot.

I couldn't see any more suitable way of replying which wouldn't have me repeating the sane thing.


That's the last thing you are.

Hahahahah that made me laugh

>Bosses are all the same (break limb, stagger, visceral, repeat)
A step up from most bosses in the previous game, which boiled down to "hit foot until dead"
In any case, it wasn't meant to be a dark souls clone
While they share similar base mechanics, how the games actually play are polar opposites
Dark souls rewards you for biding your time, baiting attacks, and punishing openings, while bloodborne rewards you for being aggressive and taking risks

>Ninja Gaiden is not an Action RPG.
Ask yourself: What is it that makes people label a game an "action RPG"? Without a doubt it is the main character's ability to evolve as the game progresses, according to choices made by the player. If the protagonist of an action game gains experience or skill points/levels/hit points/whatever, and if the player has some control over how these are distributed, this, to the average person who plays videogames, means that the game should be labeled as an action RPG. But then why is no one calling Devil May Cry 3 an action RPG? It has character classes and levelling, and your character can learn all sorts of new skills, as well as acquire and equip a large amount of weapons and items. So in what way is DMC3 different from something like, say, Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-?

The answer is: "Square Enix didn't publish it". Laugh all you want, dear reader, but I am telling you that this is how it is. It is time we faced the fact that in the world of videogames the publishers don't just simply own magazines, websites, and legions of fans: They also own the goddamn genres.

I have, I'll put it thusly: DMC and Ninja Gaiden and God of War are hack and slash games that reward fast reflexes above all with an emphasis on near instant input and very fast action.

The Souls games have delayed input and the style of play focuses more on thoughtful and deliberate actions in which animations take more time to register and then play out.

It seems like you quoted someone out of context or something because this thread isn't about DMC VS FFVII which obviously can't be adequately compared because one is turn based while the other isn't, among many other core differences.


Not exactly trick, but definetly exaggeration and just blatant marketing.

the legend lives on