What does Sup Forums think of Paladins?
What does Sup Forums think of Paladins?
Please stop posting about ded games
From FF ?
I actually like it
Nice game. Needs work, but I like it.
Cute girls but poor it has balance issues.
more balanced and a higher skill ceiling than OW
>1 shot ultimates that are impossible to not be hit with
Not only did you take the biggest casual normiebait of all time and someone made it worse, but it's by fucking hirez.
Anyone who unironically plays this game deserves to be shot.
Whose are you talking about?
that's not saying much
Only good for the porn this artist makes
Pip is best champion!
Every time someone reminds me that Hi-Rez exists I hope it's to let me know about their bankruptcy.
Better gameplay and skill ceiling than OW
But shittier visuals and less polished than OW
>after all the fucking over they constantly do of every game they've ever been in charge of
did you already forget what happened with tribes?
Tell me if this comparison feels correct.
Paladins is to Overwatch what League is to Dota 2.
Chinese shit
LoL is the casual normieshit (OW)
Dota is the obscure one that actually takes skill (Paladins)
is the left 24 hrs peak and left top players all time?
Half right
>paladins or DotA being obscure or taking skill
Just look at the steam stats you lazy cunt.
Left is current players, right is max concurrent for the day.
Paladins takes more skill than Overwatch, and even OW players recognize it.
Probably why it's much less popular huh huh
ASSFAGGOTS are expensive to develop. They need some growth.
switched to heroes of the hots
they need to fucking finish the game
More obscure version of Overwatch that's meh and has more fanservice somehow
this doesn't even include non-Steam PC players, which I assume are much more.
Popularity is measured in porn.
And I haven't seen much of it around.
HiRez people never underestimate the secret Chinese stream viewers.
still better then battleborn
I don't like the card gimmick, but it's not bad. I think it would be much more popular if the character models looked a bit better, most of the woman suffer from butterface
Better than Overwatch, and would have been the hit Overwatch is today if it came out before it.
That isn't exactly praise considering the bar I'm comparing it to, but it's upper mediocre overall.
now that you mention it i hate gearbox way more than hirez
>Better than Overwatch, and would have been the hit Overwatch is today if it came out before it.
I can't see this game being as popular with the normies. Overwatch beats it in the presentation-wise and is much more casual.
I wish the actual characters this fanart was based off was 1/10 as attractive
I feel Battleborn lost in part for that reason too
Literally never heard a word about it that wasnt followed by "overwatch"
the obsession is sad
I really don't understand how it is possible to make levels look so shitty in 2017.
It looks worse than World of Warcraft, which is an achievement.
Battleborn captured NOBODY.
Not the casuals and certianly not the hardcore.
I mean, the artstyle is good. Some levels look nice like Fish Market, but they're completely static levels. There are no destructibles like in OW.
I mean, I don't wanna say >i-it's just a beta but maybe they'll tune up the levels and character models whenever the fuck they finish the game.
it could be worse
posting my waifu
I had some fun with it.
Then they fucked with the card loadout system and added unskippable play of the game scenes at the end of every match. Apparently more shit has gone down since then, but it's no longer a game I can finish one match and get immediately into another one, among other things.
It felt like it was getting worse and not better back when I played it, so I dropped it. Haven't heard anything good about it since, but to be fair, I don't follow the game's development anymore.
Those tits aren't bad, but the hair needs a bit more work
that's a male
since when did it matter on Sup Forums
Not when I'm finished with him
it's ok
maps need some variety, they get boring way too fast
After playing I have to say that the game is way to fast and that the maps are all boring.
Guess half an hour games on TF2 is still my thing.
>Civ 5 higher than Civ 6
the porn is terrible
we don't?
played it for about 2 hours, thought it was pretty shit desu
It's legitimately better than Overwatch, but still shit.
I love Pip and Mal'Damba, and it pains me that they're forever stuck in a kusoge. Kinda the same way I feel about Sparks from Dirty Bomb.
I like it
>Always up for a ride
What did she mean by that?
waifu of the year
It just dropped for PS4, I'm having loads of fun. Trying to determine the meta right now, I like playing Skye, Torvald, and Makoa. I like Drogoz, too, but I'm shit with him.
I see why everyone says it's an Overwatch clone, but it's far more than that. Willo is at least interesting in her own right.
I desperately need more porn.
>check new champions after a few months of not playing
>new Ash frontline waifu added
>she's covered in shitty armor
That she loves nothing more than to suck big, fat, musky horsecock.
there really needs to be more waifus on Front Line and Support, it's like a 10-1 advantage for DPS and Flank
I've saved enough crystals to buy this when it comes out this patch.
>still no Pip porn
it's unfair, Drogoz already has a couple but why no Pip
Are you fucking kidding me? I know hehas a few pics and I didn't even search for it.
Wow, Overwatch doesn't even make the list. How is Paladins a dead game again?
this is a list of steam games
The only thing that I can think of is Lex's ultimate, which instakills anyone in range with below 65% hp and he CAN be blocked by any shield
Still, is bullshit
Is Paladins losing players?
Why the two shill threads?
>I mean, the artstyle is good
No it's not, it's fucking awful, all the characters look absolutely horrible.
eh no
some are bad but some are good too
No, they are not.
their non-human designs are ace for instance
Oh yeah, can't forget about the bomb with arms and legs, or not-Rachet from Rachet and Clank.
>implying Nando doesn't look good
>shitting on Bomb King
this is how you see shitposting
Yeah dude, he is fucking epic as fuck, reddit.
And can't forget, of course, about generic knight.
i didn't know that the average knight had a flame thrower. thanks /his/
Woah dude, a knight with a flamethrower, fucking sick and epic.
>uses buzzwords because he can't describe things coherently
>using tumblr tier words
really makes you think
>replying to him
This thread's been up for 8 hours and only has 90 replies, you should be glad someone is bumping this dead thread.
yeah I know
You talking about the Dragon? If you're not a slug you can dodge it. Best use of that ult is to do it in a big fight so it's harder for the target to react.
i wanna fuck skye
ive over 60 hours of playtime on her alone.
I want to cum on her underboobs.
It feels like one of those cheap chinese knockoffs. Everything looks bland and the characters lack personality.
But hey, cant blame them for trying. It worked for League of Legends.
Gonna go out on a limb and make a serious post in a thread full of autistic gamewar shitposting.
Paladins is a lot of fun, the characters are really unique and diverse, the card system adds a layer of depth, and the characters are more customizable than Overwatch. The mount system makes coming back from spawn not such a slog like in OW.
There are some flaws though. It's ugly as sin; anyone who actually likes this art style needs to acquire taste. The map design is even worse than Overwatch which is an accomplishment in and of itself. Balance is horrible, the DPS heroes run the game, like some kind of weird parody of the Overwatch tank meta. And the game is just so janky and buggy that I could never play it seriously.
tldr Paladins is rough but a lot of fun, a good game to just chill and play with friends but not to take seriously like ranked Overwatch.
Also Gigantic is better
i dont understand why everyone thinks paladins has better gameplay
>hitboxes are 8x larger than character
>both damage and health are inflated for no reason
>items are all itty bitty % upgrades and feel generally useless unless you stack all your points into one
>two game modes
>maps are huge but payloads take 3 seconds to deliver
>horses ???
>It's ugly as sin
they obviously wanted the dota2-audience, so it has to run on russian toasters in irkutsk
Need more porn.