Play DS1

>Play DS1

>Play DS2

>Play BB

Do people honestly believe that BB is the best in the series? The above fact alone makes that nonsensical. I played in that order and BB feels awful

BB is definitely the weakest game for me but not because of framerate.
But because of pisspoor linearity and unimaginative boss strategies, literally every boss is the same (break x, stagger, visceral)

The only thing BB does well is establish a world with fantastic atmosphere and godlike OST.

I have to admit, BB lovecraftian style atmosphere is really amazing, best in the series.

It just feels unplayable.

>I have to admit, BB lovecraftian style atmosphere is really amazing, best in the series.
I absolutely agree, which is a big shame the game dropped everything else so hard.

ITT: PCshitters who don't even own the game or a ps4

>its a PC player pretends he can tell the difference between 30FPS and 27FPS episode

>it's the consolefag defense force in denial because they have to somehow justify their shitty purchases to themselves

>if the framerate is better on this game that means its better, no exceptions

See pic related. Just because someone does not share the same opinions as you, does not mean they are shitposting.

Are you seriously going to sit here and tell me you can not notice a difference when a 30fps game drops 3-5 frames, frequently I might add?

yeah I can notice it, but if I like the game enough I have no problem playing it. How fucking hard is it to understand that?

I bought a PS4 for bloodborne and the framerate is actually making it difficult to play

not even memeing

30fps is fine when it's not a precise action game like souls

and its not even 30fps most of the times

Why can't you understand that it does affect other people's enjoyment of the game?

Then we have differient opinions. It is okay for you to be wrong. It just shocks me that anyone can feel that way. BB is the worst "feeling" souls game.

Hell, I feel like Demon Souls ran better.

Frame can really make or break a game for me, hell I like DS2 over BB just because of 60fps

OP here, I have had a ps4 for awhile and playing through DS1 and DS2 (on PC) again this past week piqued my interest. Plus it was on sale this week for 17 dollars, if you have psn plus. So I decides to grab it.

It just feels like shit.

With this line of thinking, DS2 is the best one


Damn phone

>It just feels like shit.
I hear ya brother, but saying that on Sup Forums means you're liable to get shitposted on son. Soon they'll say you can't have an opinion because you haven't platinumed it, like why the fuck would i want to platinum something i didn't enjoy

Not necessarily. At least DS1 runs at a solid 30 unlike BB, so it's more tolerable. But yes, I personally enjoyed DS2 more because of that and the later half of the levels in both games. DS1 first half is godlike but I really didn't enjoy most levels past sen's fortress.

Also, isn't DS3 60 fps? Kinda silly if it isn't. I haven't played it yet

not OP but i think DS2 is the most fun or best feeling soulsborne game to play. i haven't played DS3 yet though. waiting on the prepare to die a little bit more edition

only 60fps on pc lol

With DSfix you can also play DS1 at 60

Yes, necessarily. The only reasoning posted was the framerates so you are therefore using that as the sole basis for deciding which is worst (and therefore best). It's absolutely retarded.

this is what fucking pisses me off about console exclusives

inb4 sour grapes, I own a PS4 and it still pisses me off

sony prioritizes graphics over framerate. so all their shit is 30 fps locked. bloodborne, uncharted, horizon, they make the actual game feel like shit so they can shill pretty screenshots

man i love this game

man wtf

Except it doesn't work that way, genius. My only point is the frame rate in BB is so bad, compared to the other entrances in the series, keeps it from being the best. Not that framerate is the end all factor.

Also DS3 is 60fps, I just didn't mention it because I haven't played it yet. Someone also mentioned that DS1 is now available at 60fps.

How are you this ignorant?

it's 60fps on PS4 pro