Something that if were to happen E3, would make you go apeshit

>Bethesda panel
>booth seems to be over
>room goes dark
>dead silence
>"I got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle"

Other urls found in this thread:,

i'd be annoyed that they'd do that instead of giving the next game to obsidian

If they drop Monster Hunter 5 as a console version Imma flip tables.

>"Hey we made this new Timesplitters game but we also made it several years in the past and it is in essence Timesplitters 2 and 3 but with a lot more content, also Timesplitters HD collection because why not"

oh sweet christ i don't even think i have an emotion capable of handling that

Kinda sounds like teh shit they pulled with Tekken 7

A Chris Avellone or Tim Cain led fallout title, tes 6, or Fallout tactics sequel. New Animal Crossing, new Fable, Sea of Thieves is something I've been looking forward too.

what does this actually do

If a picosecond of Kingdom Hearts 3 is shown I'm going to explode out of my chair.

Skate 4, Payday 3, Blood 3. That's the only thing that will make me flip

It covers the camera in ink

Don't do this it makes mustard gas

Burns you.

>You're not gonna believe it, Jean-Louis! ALL of them have ribbon insignias!
Shortly followed by
And then
>Yo buddy. Still alive?

Alternatively, a new Warship Gunner game.

An actually good game.
I've known a Beta tester for a few years now. Besides the mind-numbing experience of walking into a wall for 7 hours, there has been little news in terms of release. So it's unlikely.

twewy sequel, or any new twewy sequel

>Blood 3.
Never, man. Fucking never...

hi jake

I don't even care if it's dogshit. I just want to see it exist.

learn to google

allegedly burns you a bit. try it out. no harm in a little tick.

>peaceful seaside village
>women with baskets, children running, men fishing
>all that cliched shit
>skies go dark
>people look scared
>flames light a section of the village on fire
>"Take up arms, newly arisen. The cycle continues."

mustard gas

>'and now we'd like to leave you with one last game'
>screen goes black
>suddenly a bell tolls
>"Greetings, mortal"
>"Are you ready to die?"

Breath of fire 6
Wild arms 6
Armored Core

Isis attacks

New X series game. Preferably not made retarded like Rebirth or a shekel grabbing monstrosity like Rebirth VR.

Honestly nothing would elicit such a reaction unless Valve pulls both HL2: Episode Three, and HL3 out of their asses. Next closest would be a proper remaster of Super Metroid, or a gimmick free Star-Fox game.

new nintendo announced thats vr

>room goes black
>autist in trenchcoat runs out
>sudden screaming in broken engrish
>sprinklers come on
>room lights up
>everyone covered in whale blood
>welcome home good hunter

towards the end of EA confrence
>talking about battlefront 2 and shit
>rooms lights begin to fade as a aqua marine light dimly keeps the room lot
>"oh and battlefront won't be out only star wars game launching this year
>completely black
This is Delta Squad, redporting for duty
>Showcase an amazing republic commando 2 game.
>varied weapons, directing squad around,new mobility system like rolling and diving. Short vehicle segment.
>Trailer ends with a stab from a gauntlet blade and blood splatter
>face plate wipes not only the blood off but reveals the title Republic Commando: order 66


>tfw no Fallout game in the Texas Commonwealth

bayo 3 and warcraft 4 are the only things which could really excite me that much and WC4 would be announced at blizzcon

>PC conference
>RTS are back
>Age of Empires 1 remake
>Rise of Nations 2
>SW RTS in the style of BFME1

My dreams are the most unlikely to be fulfilled.

No worries, it wont be.

Fire emblem Awakening remake on switch.
Awakening 2 announcement
you travel to lucinas world as it's still in ruins and you fight to save the world again

>Sony press conference
>Capcom rep shows up
>"We've heard you demand it and the time has finally come. Please welcome Hideki Kamiya, Hideaki Itsuno, and a special guest."
>Both of them walk up on stage with shit-eating grins, dressed as Dante and Vergil
>Tameem has been tied up and gagged and is being dragged along
>A countdown starts from 5
>At 0, Kamiya beheads Tameem
>DMC5 logo appears on the big screen, Dante, Nero, and Vergil gameplay footage is shown
>Crowd goes apeshit

>kojima walks on stage
>wearing a pyramid head mask
>he takes it off
>it's a venom snake mask under that one
>suddenly deathstranding appears on the screen behind him
>it morphs into silent hills
>that then morphs into MGS5 (not V)
>mfw caramel was right all along

>Room gets dark
>Actual blackout

A Paper Mario that isn't directed by tanabe

This won't happen, stop dreaming, user.
I want this to happen ;_;

Good video games being announced.

I know that's as likely as discovering FTL travel.

>Nintendo conference
>everything is done
>screen fades to black


>PC Gayman show
>blah blah blah anti aliasing
>blah blah blah dual core processing
>blah blah blah retro indie title
>huh, what's that?
>Oh fuck it's another chinese earthquake
>Monbase Beta Announced


Please Capcom, this or a Mega Man X collection for PS4/PC. Actually, DMC5 would be nice too.


The only thing that could get a reaction out of me these days.

Our suffering will never end.

>resusing old songs that don't even fit the new locale
If anything, Obsidian would probably move over to the other side of the Dam, or up north, past California, onto Washington and Oregon

I just want another AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS moment

>Megaman Legends 2 disc stopped working way long ago back when I was still in middle school
>cousin lost his so I couldn't borrow it
>asked my parents what happened to it, and gave the standard "Not my shit so I can't help you" response
>don't know if the Mom and Pop game store near me even has PS1 games

>mfw caramel was right all along
That's a Hell on earth I would dread.

>Cue asian kung fu music buildup
>Jade Empire 2

Fallout made by Obsidian with 4's engine.

>Into Free starts playing


Rumor has it their project will be set in Louisiana, around New Orleans. I think this is a stupid fucking idea but most credible evidence has pointed twards this.

>Something that if were to happen E3, would make you go apeshit
>"allah akbar" screaming in the distance

>wanting anything from modern bioware

not gonna watch it.

>good 8th gen games are announced

New Vegas 2 would be my dream game user, I desperately want to live in that world.

I laughed

>Lights go out
>This starts playing:
>Everyone is confused at first
>As the trailer cuts to black, some people start to applaud
>But then, it turns out, there's more
>We see footage of the game from it's E3 2010 and 2011 demos, all put together into a nicely made trailer
>As people are watching though, we start to realize that it's not just prior footage that's being used
>Rather, it's brand new footage as well
>We see all sorts of stuff from, like the Merged, the original Handymen, Boys of Silence, etc
>Finally the trailer ends, and then the logo fades onto the screen
>"BioShock Infinite"
>And underneath the logo appears the words:
>The Original Version"
>The crowd bursts into thunderous applause as the logo fades out to the words "Summer 2018"

Bloodborne 2 reveal
Armored core
Warcraft 4 RTS
System shock 3/Bioshock 4
Demons souls remake

my nigga

>KH3 stuff starts building up
>mfw it says this year or spring 2018

fuck the within three years people!

I'm probably the only one, but Bulletstorm 2

I'd want them to announce Dragon's Dogma II but I'd also be worried at how horrible it could be so I secretly hope they never do.

I only really look forward to new IPs, because it doesn't hurt as badly when those fail.

And a release date for Bannerlord would be nice but taleworlds is incompetent and ginge will have nothing to say.

I kind of hope this happens. Just imagine all the funposting.

Open mod support announced for Doom 2016
It's all I want.

>Skate 4
came to say this.
feels bad when you have to depend on EA to save a genre though


>EA panel starts
>No intro, no Andrew Wilson, just a black screen
>Nobody on stage
>Crowd is wondering whats going on
>And we're back, with EA....Radio Big

the spoiler tag honestly gave me chills

these X kills X are always stupid

Spyro HD
Sunshine HD
Gen 1/2 callback Pokemon game
Left 4 Dead 3
new SEGA VR game

I don't expect any of these

I've never been a Bioshock fan, I feel like plenty of people would be very underwhelmed by this or not even know what they mean by "Original Version" seen as they didn't care enough about the game to know about the cut content.

>lights dim
>monster hunter theme starts
It doesn't matter what happens after that, it just needs to happen


Not gonna lie, I got a boner.

>fuck the within three years people!
You mean SE themselves? Yeah man, what would they know? They've never been known to delay things for years.

>field on a sunny day
>two kids run out, guy and girl
>they talk about it being 15 years since the war
>suddenly a massive warship appears in the sky
>It's led by a large grey haired man on the deck
>this land belongs to me blah blah blah
>an explosion knocks the man on his back, he gets up as alarms sound
>the two kids are cowering until they look over and see another ship
>Blue Rogues! Attack!
>camera pans to a guy with a goggle on his right eye. He smirks
>the other ship readies itself to attack
>the goggled man takes out his cutlass
>both ships fly towards each other
> Skies of Arcadia II

Then again, it might be because I'm lying in my bed with a fever, but god damn what I wouldn't give for a new RC game

new xbox exclusives

And I don't mean timed exclusives.

>Valve ever releasing anything with 3

We don't need another shit dark souls sequel

Any age of empires remakes , or aoe4.

>Metal Gear Rising 2
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>Mega Man X Collection
>Metal Gear Solid 5 (Not V)

Throughout the entire lifecycle of the WiiU I kept on telling people I would buy one the instant they announced a new Metroid title for the system; they never announced one, and I never bought one.

If you want me to buy a Switch then just give me my goddamn Metroid already, and I don't mean FedForce 2 or Another M.

Diddy Kong Racing 2 for the Switch would send shivers all across my balls.

>Payus 3
Naw. I don't want to be throat-fucked by DLC. I don't know why anyone would when there are actual complete games out there you can buy.

Any unknown KH3 worlds you can spoil?

That's.... that's what he meant user

Wonderful 102

I just want to see what they did different.

i took it to mean a remake of NV


Of course they would pick one of the worst Pixar movies... Toy Story would have been so great but nooooo.

>Somewhere, you hear a remix of the original Hell March playing.

>falling for the clickbait
classic Sup Forums

Nah, I think he just meant it to be signifying that it was Obsidian making the game, since that's the most recognizable song from NV

I would probably cry if Microsoft announced that they were doing a full HD remake of Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie.