So how's that gaming channel?

So how's that gaming channel?

Other urls found in this thread:

I wanted to start an analysis channel because I know how to edit but my writing is generally terrible and whenever I hear my voice I want to die.

>Global rule 11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

>Global rule 21. Being a faggot is not allowed on any board unless fagotry is permitted. (i.e /lgbt/)

Except none of that is happening in this thread nor has it ever happened. Kill yourself pls

Post your YouTube channels


How is this soliciting or begging dude

>live right above a bar
>People are yelling til 5 in the morning
>then birds chirp loud as shit until the yelling starts again
Looks like I'll never make my hour long Persona 5 breakdown

I did 20 pubg videos today. I feel like I got something done. Im also trying 4k 60 fps for the first time.

>Advertising (all forms)
what part of this do you redditors not understand?

Got 230 subs, that's something I guess.

Latest video:

Take it with a grain of salt, experimental video, and we are both foreigners trying to talk english.
So far it seems nobody really is interested or has sended feedback.

Other shit:
Not vidya

Vocaroo now user, we all want to hear this shit

I just do invasion videos and shit post from dark souls, and haven't uploaded anything because my pc is slowly dying, so not very well.

It exists. My friend and I are planning on streaming some shit whenever he's over. Shit's pretty fun, even if there are hardly any viewers and no one says anything in chat. Also might start doing analysis and/or review videos on my YouTube channel. We were doing playthroughs before, but we can't really build up the drive or whatever to actually do them now.

Use a voice over, have others talk or just be silent maybe.

Usually I just record and play with whoever. Then make a video from whatever footage. You should have fun because that's what produces good content. Forcing it kills all creativity.

You tell me

>want to make longplays
>have to get a 'verified' account


Since you asked... poorly actually. That's how it's going.

Jesus fuck these threads. Every single time.

Youtube is a dying art, everyone has moved onto streaming. If you aren't popular now you never will make it to a lucrative platform.

It's tough, it sucks, but it's true. Stop trying.

Not great but I don't mind, I will keep uploading game music until I get sick of doing it. I have a lot of songs to add tags to, ugh, also a little advice from you guys please, as game music listeners, what is a good length for a single song to run? I usually go 3 minutes for most, I feel that is too long sometimes but eh, I will work it out eventually. I record the arcade music using M1 Bridge, which is kinda time consuming and sometimes I edit songs where they make sense.

Don't loop more than once

If it's more than 2 minutes it shouldn't loop at all

I posted this too late in the last thread so didn't get any replies, so I'll just try once more.

Not looking to shill, really just want honest opinions.

Is my voice annoying? Does it make you want to close the video?

I'm worried that it's making people more unwilling to watch a video if it's shared somewhere or they come across it at random.

I will give that a shot on my next upload, which I am about to start working on right now.



Thanks bruh

Thread should have ended here.

Your voice is fine after listening for a minute, and your editing is really good, but yeah, I can see people getting turned off by the voice at first.

But we're expressing our creative sides

and there are plenty of places to do that where it isn't against the rules.

Well I mainly posted my channel to ask for sound advice, that's all.

Nigger all you do is verify your email or enable two step with your phone or some shit


I have four videos with a combined view count of ~600,000 views.

Only problem is those videos were posted 8 years ago and almost all of the subs I earned from that account are now deactived

i had no idea you could make a career from this shit

This playlist, I see it too.
What is it about?
Just upped this with suggested time frames.

Didn't record between Sunday and today. Needed a break to deal with chronic depression. Going to record tonight. Here's a couple of my videos in the meantime. I make Let's Plays on new, old, and obscure games.

It's going great BABYYY

fuck off assfaggots playing cunt

Post the channel fag.

It's more of a catalog of my Dark Souls invasions. I mostly just use it to share stuff with friends, but I've gained a few regular viewers randomly.

>implying he still posts here
He is probably a reddit only pleb now.

My humor is hit or miss, I am somewhat introverted, and I have such shit equipment that videos will not be put up because they can't even be recorded. I want to put out quality content, but I just can't right now because I think anything made right now would just be shite, and the internet has more than enough of that. At least people compliment me on my voice, though they could just be lying.


no bully...

>2 hour long video
fuck off

I don't understand anything you're saying

can barely hear you, also why do you have that image over the video the whole time?

We just recorded 4 hours worth of DnD play. Audio only, so more likely a podcast, but I'm feeling positive.

On that note, anyone know how to record myself with a headset without catching reverb?? It wasn't the worst shit in the world, but still, would like to increase quality before next session.

seems fine, i don't really like the video constantly cutting to different minor clips but that's just me.

If you faggots want to shill your garbage buy a fucking banner, otherwise fuck off

i liked this series of scoobydo

>catching reverb

I seriously want to make ANYTHING. A vidya show sort of like what the man Brody does, I just dont kniw what to do.
I have my little to no creative sense and don't know what to do/how to do anything.


Mic picks up audio from the headset, mostly from my voice, but can also be from one of the players bc both our voices are really deep so they carry through pretty easily.

Your main fault here is the super long video, people generally dont have interest in watching videos more than a few seconds/minutes at most, from people that they dont know about.

Looking at your video history, the videos of yours with most views are also the shortest ones, try that out instead.

I thought of a funny idea today.
Channel will do normal vidya LP episodes, but rarly I'll do a joke video where I play a bootleg or heavy mod like chaos edition but fool others by the link/thumbnail

I think that would mostly be fun for you as the creator seeing how many you can trick, but most people dont like getting tricked into clicking something that isnt what it is.

Maybe reserve that for april´s fools when people have a bit more tolerance for it

the reason those have most views is that those are mods, people come naturally to the mod page and find the video, they're not gameplay videos though.

Pretty good. We're about to release another round of Heliborne, and we're trying to figure out how to break new ground with a new series idea, but we got construction sim going pretty well. Episode 1:

>Maybe reserve that for april´s fools when people have a bit more tolerance for it
yeah, that's the intent. I thought up a pattern for videos like that, say putting 2 "?"s at the end of the video's name perhaps to clue the viewer in that it's not entirely what is advertised.

Sounds like "How To Basic", i feel like that guy got more and more aggressive with the years

The best thing to do, would probably be getting a cheap, separate mic, something like the yeti mic.

Decent quality, on the cheap end of the market

Trying to move into theme park discussion and vids, what with Super Nintendo World on the way. Maybe a joke video or two about gaming and theme parks.

Also this video somehow still gets views consistently.
It must be because of the title, cause I offer no help and it sucks.

Streamed Vanquish attempting to do challenges for over 5 hours to Persona (series) battle themes with keys to giveaway.

I got a few views but to be honest I didn't make much progress aside that Challenge 4 is the Last one I need to do before I get to Challenge 6 then its just clean up thru the entire game with Pangloss statues and other odds and ends.

Why isn't this full HD?

that blue guy must have a massive cock

It auto sets to 720p for whatever reason. If you go in, you can set it to 1080p. We do all of our videos 1920x1080

I was writing a review to read off, then I realized I suck at writing. That aside, since I already played a game and never recorded footage for it, what's the protocol or etiquette for using footage recorded by another source?

i mean..clearly he doesnt. you can see its split. they have dicks at all? dont they have weird hair sex?
that shit movie made no sense.

Even so, the editing alone on those videos compared to that long uncut video you linked, makes it night and day.

Both in terms of watchability and sharing the video -most people will not watch a 2 hour video.

If you took that 2 hour video and compiled it into 10 minutes, i bet you would get more views for it -and more people sharing it.

It's going.

doesn't let me...

if their hair is their dick, do they have more than one dick?

>just finished uploading a 16hour halo 1 legendary video

cp: stop montfleury

i like how you made it sound like you were actually inside of the tank

Huh. What browser you using man? Here, maybe a screenshot will help? Probably a problem with your browser. If you're using chrome, you can check this out, otherwise I can try to find something for you that might help.

Hell you know how youtube can get man. If you don't use their shit, well then you don't get to enjoy their services! Fuckin money grubbing assholes.

honestly i think they have like a tenticle in the hair.

my point was, this was there answer to harry potter. and with nintendo on the way at least they got star wars. cause they sure as hell screwed up having marvel at disney

If you take that 16 hour video and break it up in say 25-30 min videos, you got a complete series there. Dont release it all at once, write in the video or description when next part will be, maybe leave a on-screen link for next part/playlist in progress at the end of video.

One part every 2-3 days is probably more okay, but that is really up to you.

Also: link to the video? Or is it still processing?

Starting a casual fun LP channel. Issue is I'm having a hard time with the casting. I want me and 2 other guys; a funny, a hype/roll with man, and a contrarian/heel/moderate. I even know 2 of my best friends to do it. Issue is one doesn't want in, and I'm worried me and my one friend won't be good at bouncing off each other alone.

It's uploaded, it'll take atleast all day for both of them to process and i haven't made thumbnails yet.
it'll show up here later today:

Have a bunch of other ideas i also want to make, non-video game stuff, i had initially made a whole new channel for it but i think i'd rather just stick to one channel and upload it all there, thanks for the interest senpai!

I can't remember any let's play channel that has more than 2 hosts at a time

That Denglish... Used to work in a gift store and had Germans barge in all the time sounding like that...

...except he's an actual German? He's my partner in Germany right now, born and raised.

two faggots?

Totally. We send eachother semen filled dimebags

post pictures

Cool, best of luck mate.

I will bookmark you and check in later today/tommorow and watch your vid :)

I dont know exactly what kind of video you want to make, but i can link you my current strongest video, even though im also smalltime like yourself

Also a tip if you plan on making big projects(or long ones) dont be to upset of something doesnt do well, i got fucked up when something i worked on for a long time just didnt get any attention

So what, you live in Germany? Nigger's got to be in a room with you to get that kind of audio quality.

thanks senpai... i just noticed yoda walks around with a giant wooden dick...

Sorry, drank mine already. Maybe next time. Goes well with tabasco or medium mustard - helps with the sausage flavor
No, goddamn, you don't know what discord or mumble is? We use proper audio equipment, not some overpriced Blue Yeti bullshit for 13 year olds with rich parents.

meant nudes...

Point taken. How the fuck do you schedule that shit?

I was about to send you serving tips for semen from dimebags. Turns out you are just a pervert.
We use pixie dust and we code it into the semen bags. Are you not paying attnetion? For real though, how the shit do you think we do it? We just time it when he gets home and go from there. We mostly record during the week
