Was there ever a bigger mistake in gaming than regenerative health?
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i love doritos
Save points/checkpoints/continues
cone of fire/aiming down sights magically reducing cone of fire
Cover-based whack-a-mole shooting.
QTEs. I never see a kind word spoken about them, and yet they won't go away.
this was more of an expansion to the regenerative health in games
Why is regenerating health a thing but not regenerating ammo? if the point of regenerating health was to make me not want to scrounge for health kits, why do I still have to scrounge for ammo?
hey do you guys like doritos too
It depends on the genre you fucking autist, collectible health is perfect for a challenging fps but sucks-your-thumb regeneration have it's place in other games
Also ranch is superior, nacho cheese is for orange dust addicted faggot
>regeneration have it's place in other games
name one game that benefited from it.
Degenerative health.
Ranch or cool ranch?
that game has a 75% on metacritic so it sucks.
Are you the Dorito Pope?