Did you cry Sup Forums?

Life is Strange thread

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Bae over bay


why can't they have conservative life is strange

but with dudes

all boy christian college.


and forbiden gay sex

when its come to pulling out chloe's life support, im stared blankly at the screen and i get up, shit i dont know what to choose man.

and did ya hear about LiS 2?

This is a scientifically proven fact.

The game didn't push any kind of political views desu

I cried that I wasted so much time trying to make sense of its nonsense story.

Lol what

It literally doesn't matter. You just go back immediately afterwards anyways. An attempt at an emotional punch falls flat on its fucking face if there's no consequence at all.

I want to play as Max again :(

My penis cried some milky tears because of your picture, op


i'm just pushing my regressed gay fantasies on this anime board.

If I was a girl I would be lesbian but guys are gross

Honestly surprised Sup Forums talks about this game as much as they do.

no but it did give me a big sense of nostalgia. Growing up in a small coastal town in Oregon, it brought back some unexpected feels. It would have been better with out the time travel/butterfly effect aspcet IMO,

People here have the wrong impression of it until they play it. I liked it

Why did you leave Oregon? I'm thinking of moving there

This game gave me feels, reminded me of my high school days living back home.

I wanna go back

school and job opportunities. Once you get out of your teens you start realize your small town doesnt have much to offer unless your content with working there forever. I wasnt so I left, most of my friends had done the same
I wouldnt mind going back one day, its beautiful and like I said the game brought back memories of growing up there, but I need to do other stuff first

Daily reminder that Kate survives either way because the hospital isn't in the bay.

If I were a girl, I'd still be an alien without the psychic power latent in everyone else that lets them connect with and understand people, so I'd just end up schlicking daily instead of fapping.

No. I don't care about lesbians. Maybe if it were two dudes or a straight couple

>guys are gross

Nigga do you know what periods are

Do you know what a yeast infection is

Girls are fucking nasty

I feel the same. Life is weird

Hella ready for the mosh pit shaka bra! Go fuck yourselfie, you're totally stuck in the retro zone, sad face

Played the first chapter, it was so awful I'm half convinced the game is a joke.

Nigga I don't like dick

Dana > all

Biological life in general is disgusting, you gotta pick your battles

No u

Just because I'm awful and a joke, doesn't mean the game isn't.

I'm confused. Which of her breasts is named Dana?


There are degrees of disgusting. You can't compare apples to oranges. If we're going to do that then I can justify my fondness for fucking slime mold colonies based on the fact that life in general is disgusting so why not.

It's like twin peaks: you gotta enjoy the camp


Hey man if you want to fuck slime mold colonies then that's cool with me

But it feels good man

Just post more cute lesbians

>shitty game
>put some lesbians in it
>Sup Forums loves it


You can totally compare an apple to an orange.

>Compared to an apple, an orange is much more juicy.
>Compared to an orange, an apple is much more dense.
>Comparatively, oranges have thicker skin
>Apples have a wider variety in colour
>Oranges have larger seeds

What kind of dumb ass phrase is that?

I wanted to like life is strange but the dialogue is so terrible.

all i want is a coming of age teenage drama in video game form man. Something that conveys the angst and issues young adults have in a real genuine interesting way


Max and Chloe both wish they had hips that wide. They seem to have forgot to lift Max's shoulder.

No, Life is Strange.


>and did ya hear about LiS 2?
I just don't know, man.

Ep. 5 was such a massive custerfuck that I honestly kinda wish I hadn't bothered, so I'll wait until the whole thing is out and hope they've learned their lesson.

It gets better.

But then it gets worse.

muh dick cried a lot

>crying over literal homos
I want reddit to leave.

I cried like a baby faggot

It sure is, user.

>choosing a blue haired self centered bitch you delusionally call your "friend" over countless lives
I wanted chloe to die the second i saw her

They're only gay if you want them to be.

I genuinely want a good game about cute girls holding hands but I'm not so desperate that I'll prop up a shitty game trying to cash in on the equally shitty Telltale formula.

Wait, why was it the general?

get the fuck out of this board

Not really.

I don't care about that town. Kate is alive and Chloe, which is all that matters.

Politics is the true blue pill

Obligatory shattering of glass houses incoming

>all boy christian college.
>and forbiden gay sex

Literally happened to me with some femboy, he looked like a girl and I was his only friend because he got bullied alot.

Those bitches are gay as fuck user. Not LOL THEY JUST BI gay or loser jailhouse gay bitches who're fucking because they can't get dick/too screwed up to fuck guys. Just gay.


Apple is a fruit, orange is a vegetable you dummie. That's the whole point of the phrase.

I want them in a threesome user. I ca..can't help it

All alternative plot lines are canon in video games.

My nigga

my favorite part was this one time when we had sex at his house, both of us passed out.
I woke up with his head on my chest, he looks up at me with those big blue eyes and cute freckled face and gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen.

6:20 - 6:45
Woah what an insufferable cunt
Reminds me of my bros first gf
I'm glad I came in her shitty coctail and watched her swallow it all

Schützt Eure Heimat!

>complains the dialogue is stupid
>also says this is how they actually talk

What does he meme

That's adorable
You fucking faggot

Bruh. They're dykes.
Not the fun skinnimax kind that frequently invite men over for fun.
The future barren gross catladies who sit on their front porch and yell at those damned kids kind.

>unironic life is tumblr thread

i hate summer

come to russia you dirty little sick fag-rats and i will beat you so fucking hard you will never post your homofaggot shit on this boars ever again.

disgusting fucking Anglo creature westerners get the fuck OUT

>did you cry

Yes, when I realized I wouldn't be able to kill Chloe and that town full of hipster douchebags. Hardest choice in vidya.

If they made it there you wouldn't have to beat them. You would already have won by tricking them into going to Russia.

fuck up, amerimongrel

t. closeted

Caдиcь и зaткниcь.

It's alright son. You just haven't met the right man yet. One day he'll show up and turn your whole world upside down. He's probably gonna fuck your ass too because you seem like a submissive bottom.

Never men a russian man who wouldn't suck a hard cock for a vodka

Get out

Life is Strange is poor man's Steins;Gate

Summerposting turns into constructive criticism turns into russian gay bashing turn into international jerk off circle

Never change Sup Forums, never change

Keep your gay propaganda off this board please.

I cried over spending money on Life is Deranged.

Triggered "alt right" wannabe. You don't know shit boiyo

Yeah because $5 is a lot fuck off already poorfag.

Oh hey look, he is making the differences between the two objects. Some might call that "comparing". But the people who call it that would be stupid. Those retards over there at the dictionary.

Yeah true, and Steins;Gate has more qt grills in it so it's better

If you saved/kissed Chloe, you're the tumblr that people accuse you of being for playing this game.

It's obvious this guy played this game a lot. The game has flaws like any other. This guy sounds like he takes pol seriously also. No point in tearing apart every little detail. It reminds me of those occupy democrats videos.

I really dont get this meme.
Russians always pretend to be the hardest gay haters out there, but then they turn around and buttfuck each other in prison, the military, probably at work and just for fun at home.

How about I play the game however I want to play it and ignore you no life fags who hate on every game from super Mario to dark souls?

Alright buddy, you just had your post privileges removed, please move all gay shit back to tumblr now.

The sky is blue.
Yeah-huh, here's proof in video format.
>ok the sky has flaws like any other thing. You sound like you take Mithras seriously also. No point in details blah blah blah

ok then

No you