"The biggest MMORPG release of 2017"

>"The biggest MMORPG release of 2017"

Fucking really now?

Movement is fucking shit, I press 10 times on the spacebar and it doesn't even pick up the input to double jump! Graphics options are a joke, I turn blur off and the game gets even more blurry than when it was on!

THIS is the best 2017 has to offer? Fucking kill me right now then.


I was trying to get back into the genre after about 5 years of not playing any. That was a fucking mistake.

Just wait for Ashes of Creation my dude.
It's our last hope.

>chinese mmo
>published by my.com

What the fuck were you expecting?

>Ashes of Creation

There's tons of vid on youtube saying this game is good and shit wtf is up with that?

>Chinese MMORPG's

This was it?

i guess you could say you had a REVELATION that the game is shit

Just wait for Western trash that'll draw back on its promises. Muh dynamic events and economy won't save this genre.

I'd rather wait on Chronicles of Elyria, but ill be waiting on AoC as well as backup

Is there really no hope for MMO's now that EQN was chopped, WoW is shit, and Albion online is tablet tier garbage with pvp settings cranked to 12?

Ashes of Creation is a sam

Crowfall is an actual game and is the real last hope. It's the only game that isn't vaporware and has a competent dev team.

>Ashes of Creation is a scam
You're going to need to go into detail on this one. Kickstarter isn't the best place for hype, but it doesn't mean every KS game is instantly vaporware

It's too ambitious.

Plus the creator is a guy who made his money off of health drinks and then real-estate, who now decided to fund an MMO. Plus the dev team is made up of third-tier devs from places like SOE.

It's too pie-in-the-sky and will most definitely be a scam, like Star Citizen, at worst or a piece of shit, like Archeage, at best.

Sounds more like pessimism than cause for concerned
I backed CoE, and it's just as ambitious, but ill be cautiously optimistic

>A drink salesman turned realeastate agent bankrolling his dream MMO and a team of kusoge devs along with kickstarting funding isn't cause for concern

Considering Blizzard came from a team of people who were payed to help Warhammer design a concept for their TTG, then stiffed them at the last minute, thus spawning SC and WC and to a lesser extent, Diablo

The tech and gaming world is littered with half baked ideas and thieves. BanjoKazooie and CBFurday pretty much stole so much from one another they forgot what they actually made originally

yeh i'm kinda done with even following mmorpgs at this point only so many times I can play teh same shitty game

I've been tempted to go back on the Tree of Savior of BDO train, just because i want to jump back on an MMO

this may come as a surprise to you but sponsored videos exist

>kickstarter mmo

No thanks

>all games funded by big companies are shit ree
>all games from crowdsource are shit ree
I'm waiting for this magical machine that pulls 10/10 games from the Æther that you seemingly have

>Considering Blizzard came from a team of people who were payed to help Warhammer design a concept for their TTG, then stiffed them at the last minute, thus spawning SC and WC and to a lesser extent, Diablo
Blizzard had an established library of games before Warcraft, and if you want to talk about WoW itself, then they also had lots of work together as a team and on multiplayer games. Blizzard protoyped Warcraft as a warhammer game, and thought about pitching it to Games Workshop, but after their horrible experiences working on games for D.C. Comics, they decided against making it a licensed game. You're understanding of the scenario is all wrong, Games Workshop had no involvement.

Not to mention that Diablo was already in development before the guys making it got bought up by Blizzard and were turned into Blizzard North.