Why is this so much better than Endless Space 2?
Why is this so much better than Endless Space 2?
How is it compared to GalCiv2 or Moo2?
Is it just me being a noob and taking ages to adjust or is this game really slow?
I'm enjoying it but I just feel like it's taking so long to settle a second world let alone get anywhere meaningful, maybe I'm spending too much time at normal speed or paused?
You're spending too much time in normal speed. I usually have it on fastest or fast in wartime. The only time I have it on normal is when I load a save.
>Make a race of Xenophobic Commie shrooms
>Get an event that leads to us finding religion
>Build our empire, conquer our neighbors and eye the nearby big empire with envious eyes
>Suddenly, there's a message saying a Fallen Empire has woken up
>Jingoistic Reclaimers
>I pay it no mind and go back to conquering worlds and managing an empire
>Next time I look at the galaxy map, the big empire next door was blown the fuck out by the Reclaimers
>Get the idea to try to fight them, but then one of their fleets passes through my space
>One fleet equaled my entire armada in firepower
>Decide not to get involved
>Later get Psi Jumpdrive technology
>Fit my ships with Jumpdrives
>Soon enough, the Unbidden appear
>Unfortunately, they spawned right outside my splinter colony on the other side of the galaxy
>Awakened Empire on the left, Unbidden on the right
>The Galaxy is totally, irrevocably fucked
The thinking was that the only thing that could stop an unstoppable killing machine was another unstoppable killing machine.
I was wrong
They are both SJW garbage
>A game where you can breed a race of nerve-stapled tasty xenos for slaves and food is SJW garbage
Mind you, I don't have Utopia DLC. Wish I did. I want to ritualistically devour my defeated enemies like Space Wood Elves.
>tfw cant even win a 1v1 in endless space 1
I am the worst at these games
I haven't played since release
Have they added anything that spices up midgame yet? Any must-have addons?
To each their own
Utopia and Leviathans are the only essential DLCs atm, really fleshes out the mid-endgame with some pretty cool stuff.
That's good to hear
I liked Stellaris, but things turned into a bit of a slog once all the blank spots get filled in. Politicking around and working with alliances and shit is fun, but I just felt that it needed more to keep from getting dull before hitting the endgame events
>the best unit in the game is the baseline corvette with 0 upgrades
>hasnt been fixed since the game was released
paradox are becoming the new bioware.
I've been playing the first Endless Space here recently to warm up to buying the second. Does it still have amazing bugs like how AI breaks turn sequence, gets free moves upon save loadup, or glorious other shit like that?
Is the french translation not fucked? I don't know if I can play a game that clearly, in full English, expresses what my choices are in an event.
Fucking loved that game otherwise. Was a nice return to the genre after so many years away from Space Empires IV.
I find it especially difficult to be a warmonger lategame, but in the case of my current game, I'm left with no option. I've got a religious Awakened Empire going Ur-Quan on the galaxy and the Unbidden are eating planets left and right.
I'm trying to conquer as many worlds as I can for the inevitable conflict between me, the Fanatics, the Unbidden and whoever's left in the galaxy. But I fear that I may be seeing the last days of the Athora Imperium
I couldn't tell you. I skipped the first endless space and picked up the second but was thinking of buying to the first to see if I could find improvements to shove into the XML files. I've so far noticed the AI being idiotic quite often but I'm learning in hard mode after a break from space sims.
maybe it'll go down a bit in the summer sale? Probably not but maybe 10% or something
Hiveminds are fun
The second it goes on sale I'm buying it t b h f a m
how does making another species livestock work? Do the pops just produce lots of food or do they get purged for food or what?
LIvestock pops generate 4? food a turn regardless of their position.
They do not work in buildings or collect natural resources: They are exclusively making food for being a pop being purged for livestock.
so does it set all the pops to purge until they're gone? Can new ones grow as it happens?
I want to be a space rancher
Turn your planets into Rupture Farms?
>t. assrammed faggot
>Download elves of stellaris.
>Force the elves to spawn.
>Create a militaristic, xenophobic empire.
>They spawn right to the south east of me.
>They get a defensive alliance with three care bears civilization.
>Ok then.
>Take the first civilization planets and eat them.
>Concentrate on them.
>Ally with another xenophobic empire.
>Crush them.
>Eat the mushroom care bears, enslave all the elves as literal sex slaves.
Elven slaves, what do?
Eat them
neither is any good
they both suffer from being shallow as fuck and samey
stellaris has the potential to eventually not be awful but that won't happen for another year or two at best
Why is ES2 bad? It looks cool from what I've seen.
It's not bad, Stellaris is just better
Endless space wins in art direction and lore department
maybe even in 4X in some cases
but I prefer my comfy space empire simulator instead
scale and setting your own goals instead of conquer everything is the best.
>bling lords
pls come back in es2
The only bonus it has over Galciv 2 is that it's real time. Stellaris is not as expansive and ship designing is pretty pointless once you discover t1 torpedoes.
Stellaris had friendly space shrooms as a race that were super laid back and let anyone in but everyone was repulsed at the sight of them because they're ugly
Both had interesting races but Stellaris wins for me
wow cool fanfic user, but how is that race represented in the game?
Say what? They're just like all the other races but they have +5% to this and -5% to that?
problem is that races in stellaris is basically only avatars
they have zero impact on gameplay
It's great for creating whatever you want, but that hardly beats hand crafter lore of a race
>'lore' authored in by player's imagination
>-5 to diplo
>forced open borders
Deep characterization there, user.
>be giant tree
>spread giant as fuck roots from system to system
>actual and metaphysical roots across the vast distances of space
Role playing in games is a ton of fun, though. Endless Space 2 does varied races in gameplay better, but I love trying to get in the mindset of my leaders. It helps make each playthrough different.
I just can't play Stellaris. The UI and the artstyle, use of colors - everything visual - is just so ugly. It's an insult to eyes. I refuse to look at it.
>Role playing in games is a ton of fun
It is for me. Role playing in games distracts me from the fact that I'm dead inside. It's fun, I recommend it
Laugh at it if you want, but Stellaris' bonus lead to vastly different playthrough.
Playing a slow breeder xenophilic democratic faction is a whole another game than a militaristic xenophobe, or a materialist, or a spiritualist. How a gameplay can diverge from simple bonuses, access to some technology, or some social edict is truly staggering.
Federation? Slavery? Robots? Psionic powers? The shroud? Inter racial immigration? Eating other races for fun and profit? Genetic modeling? All of those makes playthrough truly unique.
ES 2 has fun races, sure. After two playthrough you have discovered everything there was to discover about the system. Even racial mechanics (like the tree's root, the time fuckery, the vampire mechanic) are shallow and boring.
"roleplaying" in games like these would be having and maintaining your own story of events.
You aren't LARPing in front of your PC
>Role playing in games is a ton of fun, though
this, when I first played CK2 I did so without roleplaying and it was rather boring, because it was easy and just pointless blobbing, but then I decided to actually role play based on the traits of the ruler and it became really fun
>Still unfinished game, players are betatesters that pay to do the work
Can't wait to see the next dlc that should have been part of the original game
>he has made a Horatio costume yet
What do Super-Spuds taste like Sup Forums?
Torpedoes haven't been anywhere near the top weapons for ages now mate
It's all about plasma these days
>You aren't LARPing in front of your PC
I mean you pretty much are larping inside your PC since none of your roleplaying is registered by the game
? ? ?
After a few hundred hours of Stellaris- every game comes down to researching the tachyon beam and steam rolling. Imo all those features you mention just blend together into creating different engines that produce the same product at different rates. ES2 has very dynamic playstyles between races- its only short comming in that regard is that there are so few factions.
It's on humble bundle for 12 bucks right now. Just do a one month subscription.
try a multiplayer game
you'll quickly see that the tachyon lance does not in fact steamroll everything
people still butthurt that one "white people only" mod for stellaris got deleted from steam workshop
I think it was reinstalled, tho never checked
Isn't it naked corvettes
Which in a sense is much much worse because negative scaling from tech effectively renders weapons technology and ship designs obsolete. Tachyon Lances being OP would at least reward teching and constructing capital ships.
It's there, but it's out of date and disabled achievements if you care about that sort of thing.
But I just downloaded the highest rated one.
well cruiser spam is also fairly effective and if it's some consolation, tachyon lances are a good option to fight the FE's (other superweapons suck donkey balls sadly)
that said naked cruisers will probably be replaced by something else in the future, after all the previous "meta" ships all got replaces as well (torpevettes, full tachyon battleships etc.)
also tech is useful for beating the crisises, on hard difficulty they're absolutely insane and balanced around the entire galaxy cooperating to defeat them, which in a singleplayer game means you're fucked because of paradox AI
>play games like stellaris where you manage a huge empire
>tfw massive sensitive moralfag
>tfw missing out on some of the game's content because I could never bring myself to do things like declare war, genocide or enslave a race
>mfw playing horatio and genociding all the minorities to splice their dna into my own
Rate my empires name : Intergalaktisches Großdeutsches Reich
>Civ4x already shitposting in a dead thread
>population displacement
Does not compute
Stellaris doomstacks are AWESHUM
tbf its not just the redundant tech, and the sameyness of custom factions- its also that doing ANYTHING in the game is a hassle. Compare combat between ES2 and Stellaris. ES2 you move a fleet into a system; they can engaged an enemy fleet using a limit set of tactics of your choosing, and/or they can invade the system in a similar ground offensive using the manpower associated with ships. In Stellaris you make 1 big bloobs and several smaller bloobs and spend loads of time microing ships around so they dont attack stupid targets; ship combat revolves around just wandering close by and enemy fleet or playing duck-duck-goose with their main fleet and invasions are just a huge micro fest.
It's not. Endless Space 2 is a much better game.
Both games need huge improvements in their AI and diplo systems though. At least Endless Space has more resources for it, and it helps out.
Don't worry, the combat is actually awful
but then why are you playing when there isn't anything else to the game?
t. naked corvette pro + humble dlc salesman
The fuck is this?
I dropped a penny between the cracks in my crappy wooden floor
SEGA forced amplitude to rush the game release , making ES2 an incomplete game with no endgame content and so much bugs the devs put a message that displays if you reach turn 250 warning you of performance issues bugs and lack of content.
Probably like a mix if potatoes and radish
do ships with upgrades take up more naval capacity?
posting superior game
One thing I hate about Endless Space is how it constantly implies that galactic society exists and yet you start out isolated with no idea where everyone else is and with shit tech.
No, but because fleet maintenance is based on build cost and ships with upgrades are dramatically more expensive (but not too much more powerful), you could take the upkeep penalty of running several times over fleet capacity and naked corvettes would still be more cost-effective against anything but a custom counter.