Was this the best console? Agree or no

Was this the best console? Agree or no

no this was

PS Double wins by a hair due to backwards compatibility and having not one, but two amazing libraries.

I doubt most of the kids on Sup Forums have even touched a real SNES or Genesis.

I think it's getting to the point where most of the people here weren't playing games until maybe PS2/GCN/Xbox. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people here had a PS3 or 360 as a first console.

Shit's kind of sad, because the 3rd, 4th, and 5th gens were arguably the best.

so why isnt the og ps3 better?

It's okay, but I don't know how or why they managed to fuck up the design so badly


thanks reddit

Best looking at least, that's for sure

PS3 BC introduces lag latency on old games. It is literally impossible to play anything requiring precise reaction time on a PS3, like any of the old DDRs or Bust a Groove or anything of the sort.

Fuck yes, this console ruled back in the day.


sorry cuckbois

No, the PS2 is.

they were both gateway consoles for this user.

it has the most timeless library of games

but no it's not the best console

I would say this, or possibly the PS2, although thinking back I can't think of many PS2 games that I really remember as fondly as SNES games.

and that is the better one

>grew up with N64/ PS1
>Go back to play many of the SNES classics
>Find most of them to be better than the games I grew up with

It's not fair bros why couldn't I grow up in the GOAT console generation

>le PS2 is the best meme
PS2 was the Wii before the Wii was the Wii

nes and playstation have done the most, imo

What did the Playstation really do aside from make consoles shift from superior carts to shitty discs?

also focus on 3D graphics and recorded music

>also focus on 3D graphics
N64 did that better though, and PS1 was mostly 2D games for a long while

Not even close.

Also, the best generation.