Game requires you to have a sleep cycle, or you will become weak and die

>Game requires you to have a sleep cycle, or you will become weak and die
>When you sleep you can be attacked
>You have to eat a balanced diet that provides balanced vitamins, nutrients, proteins, fibers, etc, or you will become weak and die
>You have to defecate and urinate, or you will die
>When you defecate and urinate you can be attacked
>You have to release sexual tension from time to time, manually or with help, or you crazy die

They added shitting to Cata:DDA?
Been a while since I played it.

Zero Fun :The Game

>game is tedious as fuck

just go camping you faggot

>man speedruns subsaharan african history

>it's just clicking on food in your inventory or clicking on your bed from time to time

How do you pull all this off while still being fun or "tactile"?

Survival games?

What's it like to crazy die?


Robinson's Requiem

Has anyone tried to speedrun Life?
What's your record?


Those videos are comfy to watch though.

It depends actually, I have friends that want this kind of stuff because it's immersive, or so they say, I find it tedious.

>You can play as a badass robot that ignores most of those limitations instead and laugh at the meatbags pissing themselves because they forgot to press X to whiz

>Grains of sand gets inside robot joints
>Moist air oxidation damage
>Run out of energy source

You're fucked

>game requires you to constantly press buttons mapped to inhale and exhale, or you die

Project Zomboid, sans the defecation/urination/sex, but the game features boredom and different levels of sadness. Nutrition system requires you to hit your macros, for example.

your testicles explode and you die by hemorrhage

Name 17 games that do this.

any% is completely fucked, no one can agree where the timer begins and abortionfags hold all the records

What a shame that they changed art style and campaign.
Refunded it after I realized the new update changed everything.

Manual Samuel or whatever it's called. It's trash tho

Is that the next Don't Starve?

Name 122 games that do this.

You can't.

Fuck that game. We've been waiting for new animations and NPCs for 5 fucking years.

This after they changed the entire style and removed the working NPCs and story they had.

You forgot hygiene and temperature.


Come on, the story was about some literally who and his retarded wife. The lack of NPCs is rage inducing, sure, but they implemented vehicles recently, so we've got that going for us.

Yeah, the guy's stuff is the epitome of "show, don't tell".

Gay ass CDDA ripoff game with shitty graphics stuck in eternal development hell

According to Wikipedia Project Zomboid came out earlier.

And your friends play these games for the 2 hours they are fun, then get tedious as all fuck and you stop playing them forever.

Hes hunting for small mammals which burrow under the snow

Haha how cute. He has to do that or he'll starve to death.

No hes not hes a gay fox that's trying to get itself stuck while exposing his butthole to another gay fox

well aside from the meme part is there decent survival game that isnt EA twitch bait indie shit?

only thing I can think of are those Lost In Blue games


Wish his uploads weren't so few and far between


did he died

Skyrim with Mods

>>You have to eat a balanced diet that provides balanced vitamins, nutrients, proteins, fibers, etc, or you will become weak and die

OK which game does this?

Kek, same thought

is this the answer to every vidya question ever?

Sounds like Lifeweb, possibly the hardest survival game.


Good goy.

100% is pretty fucked up too due to the glitches and RNG, it just isn't meant for speedrunning

I wish I could turn off some of those nag messages for Frostfall. And find a good food mod that doesn't mess with recipes (I hate salt).

Utter Shit: The Game

is it even still alive? i kinda want to play it but not sure how to get in anymore

>>You have to release sexual tension from time to time, manually or with help, or you crazy die

Who made this game, a virgin?

Turkey is final boss

I do that in real life, I don't want my video games to be real life. I don't like real life I want to escape from real life.

He's doing this because when the shit hits the fan and jews annihilate the world, he will be our saviour and teach us how to make mud cups and go ooga booga!