Why did you lie to me Sup Forums. You said this game was good. Was it just your dick talking?

Why did you lie to me Sup Forums. You said this game was good. Was it just your dick talking?

The game is shit
>repetitive combat with shitty difficulty balancing, literally spam dodge and chips to win
>bad bosses
>horrendous enemy variety, enemies aren't even interesting to look at
>high-school tier philosophical crap plot with a forced romance between 2 bland main characters
>hacking is absolute shit, 9S as a whole is a bad, whiny character
>dialogue is cringe-worthy
>A2 is underdeveloped
>route B as a whole
>art style is bland and ugly, and so are the environments, looks like a literal PS2 game
>""""open-world""""" is empty as fuck with little environment variety

You fucks convinced me to power through everything but the game is still bad. Ending E was cool but the buildup to it is absolute shit

Music was good though

>didn't like a game everyone else seemed to like
>better make a thread on Sup Forums to cry about it

>only positive opinions allowed REEEEE
Nierfags everyone

I liked it. Sup Forums nowadays seems to hate on thing a lot more than like things. It's getting kinda boring. And all these threads always start with a list of all the subjective complaints that they can get their hands on from random users. I swear this "you lied to me Sup Forums" shit is getting annoying. Nobody fucking lied, it's all subjective taste. It's fun to play and engaging enough for me not to be bored with it, like most games. That's pretty good in my book. I feel that people also expect too much from games. This was a AA game from a guy who makes really niche and not well received games. Of course most people aren't going to like it. But parts of the story were pretty cool and the combat was decent enough. I see this shifty type of post on zelda threads too and I wonder, why bother. Why do you think anyone cares how buttmad you are about the game not being perfect.

Imho this game's biggest problem is that it got too popular because of platinum's and square's involvement

Gameplay-wise, it is one of the weakest Platinum games, and it's natural that those people would remain disappointed

I did enjoy the game, but it's clear that either you are a Taro fan/general weeaboo who likes his games with this very anime-style story, or you're in for some disappointment

In other words, NieR: Automata is a niche game which got too popular for its own good, and all these autists complaining about it on Sup Forums are the proof


I agree with you, I think that people just like to shit on games that are very popular or well received, more so than the majority of bad games. I mean, you don't get tons of threads on how party babyz is shit. This really shows that there is a big chunk of Sup Forums users that are just being contrarian

And also, this why there are great threads on good and not popular games like Kirby and pikmin. People just try to fund a way to shit on games pepole think are really good

Not an argument

The aesthetics and visual design is superb, this hurts me as a primarily Western-oriented gamer to concur that weeb overlords produce less generic games.

The story was mediocre at best, and the writing was just awful - I played in both Japanese and English, since at first I blamed the terrible translation. Both story and dialogues reminded me of Xenogears, similar college-level pseudo-philosophical approach.

The worst offender is encounter design. Very few types of monsters, I buy these games for gameplay, goddammit!


Game was pretty medicore tbqh senpai, literally boring until you route C.

What a daily shit thread.
Gonna play the DLC. Have fun OP.

I'm just commenting about Sup Forums, I don't care about this thread or your opinion and you will just disagree about everything and be unreasonable so why bother arguing. I'm aware you didn't like it. So?

>he's happy about spending money on that scam dlc

Oh yes the overpriced DLC, what a deal!

>A2 is underdeveloped

>A way better 2B aside from chassis and unfortunate hair cutting, which is also due to 2B
Just use the chips that increase your crit, attack and absorb enemy damage as HP and you can stay in berserk mode forever.

Shit. I liked the game. Well, I did until I read your post. Thank you for opening my eyes, my friend. I really didn't see all these problems with the game until somebody laid them out in a list like this haha


>when you can't go more than 5 minutes without a cutscene

That's a Platinum """"game"""" for ya.

My GoTY, but here are my main problems:
>piss poor performance for what is basically a late PS3 game
>Hegel boss fight was a clusterfuck
>Normal is too easy, Hard is too hard
>Critical+ is too overpowered on weapons

Anyone agree? Let's talk about it.

You're talking as if those great threads are free from shitters. There have been a lot of great nier threads but there're always people that try to stir the pot. I'm surprised you find this surprising fellow 4channeler.

2B is also underdeveloped though

hell only 9S is kind of developed

>17gigs of cutscenes
>16gigs of cutscenes
It's okay when japan does it! Fuck """western"" movies!

I guess you are correct, sometimes I just get tired of the negativity. I hope E3 will liven this place up and clear the air in a way

>piss poor performance for what is basically a late PS3 game
Agreed. Hopefully the next game will use some of its inevitably higher budget for decent optimization.

>Hegel boss fight was a clusterfuck
Yeah, also the fact that the fight was reused later.

>Normal is too easy, Hard is too hard
This is my biggest issue with the game. I imagine playing on hard is fine once you get past that initial gauntlet but fuck that. It's just boring.

>Critical+ is too overpowered on weapons
I don't mind overpowered shit in single player RPGs because it's just another equipment choice to make. Deadly heal is OP too but I love it

Best post I've seen on Sup Forums in months.

Its like everybody is being a retard on purpose and making the same dumb repetitive threads every day.

Yeah, I was disappointed by the stutters and frame rate stability. I'm not too bothered by easyness but I understand since it's compared to other platinum games. I didn't really care about the combat that much compared to others though. I did like the side quests and overall story. I thought the pacing was good. People are gonna say route b when I say that but I mostly did side quests in route b and the stuff you do repeat takes like an hour

The only people who complain about the philosophy being entry level are those who can't see beyond that entry level

Thanks user. Game is far from perfect, but I loved it. Now I wish they'd do an A2 DLC.

The way I see it, it depends on how much people want to delve into it. Super Bunnyhop, for example.

Still, the fact that people can argue over its depth is a +1 to the game, I feel.

>Was it just your dick talking?

Which is the way it is with anything that has depth. People who are content with just slamming square aren't going to appriciate DMC gameplay either.

I'm just really tired of the constant negativity on Sup Forums. Like why do you think people want to hear all that. It just makes people argue for no reason. I feel people go to Sup Forums just to constantly hate on games. How do you find that fun? I like it when people are happy about games they like and I try to search for those types of threads.

I really don't get the complaints about route B. There was enough there to make it not feel like total repetition but then I was invested in the plot by that point and I REALLY wanted to find out where 9S went when they got separated.

Pearl Harbor Descent DLC that you start from the terminal in the resistance camp would be something I could get on board with.

yeah, waste more time. good idea.

Did they fix the Nvidia crashes?

Sup Forums's always been like this, people just like to argue and shit on things they don't like, or just on random things in general. The more popular the subject matter, the more someone is compelled to tell you that you're not allowed to like it.

>these days
The only difference is shill/viral paranoia has gone through the roof. We aren't allowed FotM games anymore


>i-its just too deep for you!!!

The secret with critical + is to use two weapons with these, like the spear and sword, and then attack with square and triangle. This somehow guarantees a critical to proc for about 2x to 4x damage, so you'll be doing a lot of damage and not mashing square.
Its a fair way to beat bosses without shockwave chips. You can even use the iron pipe to make it more balanced. With a two 2% crit chips the effects are fairly noticeable already.

I wouldn't call it over powered as with any chip investment you would get similar modifiers, like in hp regen, range damage, anti-chain, and so on.
Crit and physical damage focus also kicks you from your behind if you forget that the next segment is an aerial one as the HO-229 doesn't have melee combos.

Angry summer posters. Have to be careful who you reply to.

Probably. We are on Sup Forums. People here can barely understand a story when every detail is practically spoon fed to them. There are still arguments to this day that rage on and on, because of that reason.

I'd like the game a lot more if the difficulty levels were rebalanced. I was excited to replay the whole game on Hard until I realized it's the same exact game except everything instakills you

This. How lazy

If you dismiss everything at the sight of philosophical topics mentioned...yeah, too deep for you

The """philosophical topics"""" are basic as fuck

Entire philosophy is about looking for anwsers to the fundamental questions of life you retard

I liked the game, even though I don't play games like these. The ps3-ancient technology feeling was there, but it was all right overall.


>spend 20+ hours doing tutorial routes A and B
>Sup Forums "it'll get good in route C, I promise!"
>get to route C, it actually gets good
>game ends 5 hours later
>D and E are just different cutscenes
Fuck you, fuck Taro, fuck all the s0nyshills.

Do people like OP genuinely hold these opinions, or do they just play the game normally but decide to cobble together negative opinions from the internet for (You)s?

It is a mystery.

There are people here who genuinely have no idea that 2B loves 9S.

It's so forced and obvious I refuse to believe that

Indeed, how dares she to fall for cute competent shota who repeatedly saves her life, cheers her up and always tries to make her life better.

Unless something is directly fed to your mouth, typical Sup Forumsermin will have great troubles understanding it.
Same with people screaming that 2B is barely a character when the only thing you need to understand that she's way more interesting than she looks like is to pay attention to details.

>ending E was cool

Good thing i didn't dig deeper into the game, first walkthrough took me 7-8 hours and it was downright mediocre so i dropped it, my biggest buyers remorse in years and sorry, playing it more than that to actually get to the good parts is laughable.
oh well.. live and learn i guess.

Yeah, if you barely completed route A you'll never manage to complete route B since IT'S LITERALLY THE SAME FUCKING ARC THAT DIFFERS FOR LIKE 10%.
Route C is good, but the game fucking ends exactly when it gets good. It's a bad joke.

>this all subjective complaints!

and then followed by:


Is this post supposed to be ironic or something?

The game is overhyped nonentity, with maybe 10% of it content worth to be remembered more than 20 minutes after you put down your mouse/controler. But common acne ridded virgins don't need a good plot, story, fight or character developement as long as there are some panty shots or boobs tossed here and there for them to jerk to. And Nier is delivering this with admirable efficency.

Whiny people everyone

There's barely any fanservice beyond attractive robots. You dickslaves always project your horndog shit on others. You're like Muslims.

A2 is better than anyone in this game

only A2 was worth to play this game again and again

also dlc when

Patrician taste, user.