Hol up

So you be saying this nigga couldn't just bust down the door with that big ass club and leave nigga? like walk away from the screen nigga close your eyes nigga

>can beat gigantic ancient superpowered dragons
>can't step over a rock or climb over anything more than shin high

He's a manlet, he can't reach the handle.

>see him clipping through the door
>attack him through it
>the game doesn't know what to do so it just zips him back to his starting position after every hit

Has it ever occurred to you that Havel stayed in that tower out of loyalty to Gwyn?

>A team writing
>Based Miyahacky

>Implying that was the real havel

Everyone gets that. The question is, why doesn't he open the fucking down to club your ass.

i'm more curious as to why anyone had to use the door bullshit to beat him..

"Gwyn tells me to stay in the tower so I stay in the fucking tower"
A single (albeit annoying) undead is not excuse to go against your lord and liege


Nigga you are bringing that kind of logic to a game where you go slay legendary monsters against all odds to open shortcut doors you could easily have opened from the side you came from just by sticking your hand through the tiny iron bars to open it from the other side.

He may have forgotten what his reason for staying in the tower was but some things become ingrained into instinct over a long enough period.

Who the fuck was the havel in ds3 then

wtf i hate DaS now

ds3 is literally just pandering: the game

A Havel/dragon weebfan cosplayer

He can't even leave when the door is open. It's a psychological thing.

who the fuck was havel in dark souls 2 in chasm of the abyss

who the fuck was prince ricard in that one too

why did the four great ones drop dark souls 1 boss souls on ng+

why was ornstein in heide's

why were people okay with heides but not anor londo

>why was ornstein in heide's
It was obviously a Sunday you heathen

Lore fags Reeeeeee