Is he autistic?
Is he autistic?
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I think its kind of a fun thing to do. Maybe I should pick it up
Kind of like gambling but less damaging
>Mario is 5"11
He's autistic
>He's so in-tuned with his inner child he plays a game with himself every time he finds a new thing that has a size he's not sure of.
I love it. It's eccentric shit like this is why I can't give up on them.
Better hobby than randomly asking if strangers habits are autistic I guess.
when u see an arch
u want to go under it
that is the kind of game I want to make
I do that too but I don't care enough to actually check to see if I was right.
actually he has Todd's syndrome
a disease where things look bigger, smaller, closer or further than they actually are
so it's pretty much required for him to know to actual size of objects around him for orientation
frustrating as the disease is, it fueled some great video game ideas like super mario and the small pikmin
I do that with guessing distances and measuring them with the amount of steps I need.
>suddenly leans back for the bowling pin
what did he mean by this
The curvature makes it harder to estimate the length and backing away makes it easier.
is this actually true?
Autism is non existant in Japan (they are too pride to shame their families and just kill themselves or sit inside all day.)
So is the rest of their healthcare, people massively kill themselves, or get sacked by some cancer.
Yeah. Especially since the top of the pin is completely rounded. He has to focus on the very pinnacle of it and relate that to the bottom. All those curves and varying thicknesses have potential to throw your eye off.
t. took several drawing classes
Try to guess the diameter of a ball.
Surprised he hasn't made a game about it yet.
Did he measure his dick?
Imagine the kind of creative games he plays with his stream while urinating.
Good excuse to cop a feel
damn it now I'm doing it thanks a lot user
>did an interview with IGN discussing those Pikmin animated shorts
>said he made like 30 of them, but only released 3 and keeps the others for private viewing
Probably, yeah.
>actually he has Todd's syndrome
>a disease where things look bigger, smaller, closer or further than they actually are
That explains the fucked up proportions of his characters
They're probably sexual.
Phallic objects are scary.