Is this legendary good Sup Forums? new into wow

is this legendary good Sup Forums? new into wow

too lazy to evade your vg ban?

You get legendaries from BG's now? lol


>had to shop his rating higher
jesus christ thats sad

legendaries dont work in pvp so it doesnt matter its just for the ilvl
i love that server

wtf i love wow now

>new into wow
>BM hunter
I bet you even asked /vg/ something like
>what lvls the easiest/fastest

i even dated one of the guys on vg

get back on you containment general, pezados


really now blizzard?

>Klingon is now canon with WoW

I logged in for the first time this year and in less than 10 minutes got the BiS trinket for my spec. My buddy that runs the same spec was tilted.

you get better rng if you start again or if your sub is about to run out

Sounds like bs but I believe it

If I liked MoP and hated WoD how is Legion in comparison?

What's wrong with beast master? When I played WoW that's what I had as my farming charcter, get all those herbs so my main can craft enough pots to get through each run.
It worked well for subbing a couple raids if they didn't need another healer.

In my day, you would never see a legendary even if you knew the meta through and through.

In any day, youre a fucking fag.

My guildmate got a thunderfury. Another one got scarab lord, think that the mount is legendary for that right?

>tfw can't remember the account details or the email I signed up with 10 years ago
Can customer support help me get my account details based on CD keys or some shit? I think I used my real name to sign up but I'm not certain.

I got Thori'dal with my Warrior back then

That's not a legendary. That's just a fucking drop. All you gotta do is kill a dude a few times.