Left or Right?
Left or Right?
Left, ponytail is objectively the best thing you can do with hair.
left is for femdom right is for mindbreak
One of the left costs $40, one on the right is free.
I can go buy a good game and not this pvp shit and still get a fap, so right.
Right, please
I'm not into walking corpses so right.
Left for more ass.
Right for more titties.
I'm a tit man so right.
Both are shit, but right one is from better game.
I live a pathetic life where I haven't put a single second into Overwatch, but it's the one game I've fapped to the most in recent years.
Right all the way
right looks like shes from one of those cheap chinese knockoff android games
can't believe people actually shilled this shit here
they both look like that though
Sure kid.
P-post more.
Does Paladins have porn yet?
Right looks like my friend's avatar in SL
Can I pick neither?
Games don't have enough delicious furry waifus
back to your containment board
Sorry user I dont have much more and I'm too busy fapping to make webms or screenshots right now so have this
Damn... Well, I appreciate the pic.
That blocky ass. Come on now, that's her defining feature and they couldn't put more polygons to smooth it out?
Left. I have her in Honey Select VR and haven't skipped a day fapping to her.
And yet almost every fucking girl in Overwatch exclusively play Mercy/Dva/Widowmaker. Really makes you think.
This webm is from the beta and doesn't look like it's running on max settings
jesus christ muh
Definitely husbando and superior sniper but he's irrelevant because we're not comparing snipers. Skye is more like spy and sniper's color scheme isn't purple.
left. I'm saying left
neither, they are ugly whores.
>ugly whores
found the woman
>not posting best grill
pale blue / purple skin looks better than curry skin.
also right one has shit hair and disgusting elf ears.
nice body though
>not liking some generic plastic whores makes me a woman now
but that's not how it works sweetie :^)
Because women would still rather play as women regardless of them being sexualized.
But also take note I've never played the game so I don't know if there's a non-sexualized female to play as.
All you had to do was ask
>saggy grandma ass
>cutting off the legs area
Come on son
You are stupid if you think you can go up against Widows ass with that..
>don't play Overwatch since it's shit, but know people who do
>engaging in pleasant conversation with female friend
>ask her what she mains
>huh, a girl who doesn't main a healer or girl class for once, maybe the stereotypes aren't true
>hours later remember what Lucio does
Right, left is ultimate pleb taste
Right is for poor people
and left is for casuals, and both are for niggers
Left. She literally looks like a specific French pornstar I've fapped to.
Being sexually desirable is high social status for a woman. Guys do just about anything to get their favor. That's why ugly bitches want to tear that shit down.
Which one?
> so I don't know if there's a non-sexualized female to play as
Overwatch is a terrible game, but it's worth noting anyway that there is a character Ana who is old, and girls don't play her; and a character Zarya who is muscly, and girls don't play her, and a character called Mei who is fat, and girls don't play her.
Is right also a sniper? I love sniper chicks.
Right is naturally more sexier. Left is too superficial for my tastes.
They couldn't call her French is she wasn't superficial.
Discount boy
she's a stealth close/medium-range assassin
I don't play Paladins, but Grape Elf is hotter.
>elf ears for no reason at all
Sorry, but I can't choose that.
Also because it looks like a deviantart OC.
Paladins has some of the worst, most generic and personality-less character design i've ever seen.
How much reason does one need to give a character pointy ears?
I can't do anything with tits, an ass at least has a hole in between.
Yet all of them outright refuse to play Zarya because of how she looks.
There's never a reason.
Elf ears are given when you have absolutely no idea what to do to give that character a semblance of personality.
Anyone who does this, aside from, say, some fantasy RPG like TW3, gets automatically discarded.
So only RPG's are allowed to feature elves? That's kind of narrow minded.
>escorts cost money
>sluts do it for free
pick your poison
Yes because it's justified, otherwise it's an incredibly lazy design feature.
It's what you do when you think the character has nothing going for it.
So yeah, let's make all females elves.
>I can't do anything with tits,
You can stick your dick between them
I can do that with an ass too, tits are useless, all it does is make your dick hard at the sight of a pair, which asses already do that as well.
even for boys?
No, degenerate gays need to die.
What the fuck is this thing supposed to be.
>ponytail so long that it tickles her pussy and booty hole
must feel great
But that's not best girl OP...
Jesus fucking christ, the design is atrocious.
They barely look like they belong to the same game.
both are just taimanin ripoffs
Yeah some models need updated
>being a nigger
Part of being civilized is doing things that are useless or make no sense. That's why tits are truly patrician.
updating, not updated
Iceland is the whitest country in the world.
Check and mate.
>Island full of inbreds
Glad you compare yourself to them
>"check and mate"
the icelanders were descended from uncivilized rapist barbarians and their national pastime is committing suicide, dumbass. They don't count as civilized.
Who the hell searches for 'butts' on pornsites? 12 year olds?
I don't get it, what's the punch line here?
they're most likely lumping in all synonyms of "ass" under one word, user, and used "butts" in the title for alliteration
lucio is a passive healer
>tfw have a grill friend that's better at 76 than i am
Paladins is mostly a fantasy game retard.
You can't expect it to have repetitive design like Overwatch's futuristic style.
Right because she doesn't have disgusting purple skin.
A game usually has a coherent theme going all around.
Paladins has none, it's all characters that look taken from several different Korean MMOs that nobody plays.
OW has characters that look like fanfic porn tumblr tier
Not that you can expect anything but absolute garbage from cheap, bootleg TF2 clones developed by absolutely abysmal developers like Bliztard and Hi-Reddit.
Kinessa > both