what videogames made you mad?
What videogames made you mad?
What games let you eat big to get big?
can someone explain this meme to me
What videogames let me shitpost ?
Dark Souls 3
Colbert does nothing but rage about Trump. CNN reported on pic related.
TWO Worlds
RDR Undead Nightmare bugs and glitches, specially the headless NPCs one
Two Worlds One
What kind of mad? Like, giving it my all and throwing myself repeatedly at something only to fail and fail again? Because if so, it was in Bloodborne, facing off against Defiled Hotdog, and Isz Ebrietas. I felt really accomplished once I beat them.
Diddy Kong Racing 64, that's the only time I broke a controller. Ninja Gaiden Sigma made me mad too, but it was fun and no controllers broken.
Trumptards trying to distract themselves from their lord and savior's unending spree of failures by obsessing over an insignificant bit that Colbert exaggerated for comedic effect.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
This one
Explain this please
Is this real?
In a way, video games actually improved my life. I had always struggled with controlling my anger even before playing them. I remember one time walking home with two friends from school. I was telling a story about how poachers shoot tigers from helicopters, stuttered and I said something along the lines of “the tigers shoot”. One of my two friends immediately started mocking me for my fuck up and I just socked him out in one swift, natural motion. The anger just fuelled my muscles and it felt so instinctively to just punch him in the face. Anyway, fast forward to late 2015 and I’m playing Bloodborne. I’m doing real good against Father Casgoigne on my 13rd or so try, accidently drink a vial instead of using the music box, die and I just throw my controller against the wall. Then punch a hole in my television, take out the disc from my console and literally bite it in two, and throw the two pieces of the disc out the window like a frees bee. At this point I realise I need help. The day after I sought professional help and seven months after I’ve a much better time controlling my anger. Today, I’m doing okay, although I try to avoid extreme competitive situations where I might potentially look like a loser in front of a crowd.
What about it? It's a throwaway news story that they put in to fill time. Like when when Hannity bitched at Obama for ordering a burger with mustard.
Meanwhile trumptards prop it up as if it was the very core of all criticism against him and literally nothing else has been said since.
Need for Speed. Smashed several CRTs.
>Lol look at these drumphtards defending their god
>He says as he defends his late night TV host
The one where the late night host gets good ratings by making fun of the guy I voted for
The fact that sports games without gimmicks exist with such success.
I don't get it. Just watch the damn games irl.
>implying implications
Calling you on your bullshit does not mean I give a single fuck about your sworn enemy.
Lmao hes smug af, the only one who spergs out is Trump with his autistic Twitter rants. Colbert posting is literally the most transparent desperate damage control I've seen in 12 years on here
you're literally brainwashed by the msm. they were exposed as getting their talking points from the dnc. they are government sponsored propaganda ministries and they also control hollywood. you're fucked, buddy. on the bright side we won't make you suffer. are you really prepared to go down the road your jewish masters are pushing you down?
haha, tigers can't shoot guns you goof
Did somebody on the internet ever set off your Rage?
I used to get mad at video games up until I was ... 16 now I kind of just go pffffft and throw my hands up in a disappointed manner and then give my pc and peripherals a stern talking too.
Forgot what games really pissed me off.
Lol this is the sort of social outcast, mentally deranged people I share this board with.
CNN reported that Trump got 2 scoops of ice cream, and Colbert made a joke about it on his monologue that triggered a lot of pollacks
Why did you reply twice to the same post?
Sup Forumstards shill a tv show for free.
What did Colbert do that's worthy of mocking? Did he say something like "we don't know why the civil war happened"? Did he say healthcare was really easy, and then say it's so complicated nobody could possibly know how complicated it was? Does he randomly bring up how big and masculine his hands are? Does he give rambling incoherent answers that sound like someone in the final stages of dementia?
I like this meme because pol is so anally devastated at what a complete embarrassment Trump is that they've literally devolved into pure autistic screeching. They can't even pretend to defend him anymore so it's pure damage control deflection mode for them
His joke didn't trigger anyone user. It's funny because they're so desperate for hit pieces on this guy.
>good ratings
>muh msm
>this what every Trump shill immediately thinks when someone disagrees with them
I'm not even American. I just love watching the circus that Burgerstan has turned into from a distance.
The people who were unironically supporting Trump instead of just trying to meme him into the White House for the lulz are hilariously pathetic. Your damage control for this bumbling buffoon is endlessly amusing.
hello shareblue
thanks for correcting the record on Drumpfy
I like how you have to keep reusing the same image because that's the only time he showed an angry face, and it's while mimicking infowars
he got angry over two scoops of icecream
that and he sucks jewish cock
I dont get it, this is a picture of colbert doing an alex jones impression so hes pretending to be angry and crazy. Why is pol pretending hes mad when they're the ones who are upset about him?
Yeah he has the best ratings in late night
I don't think Colbert writes the monologue user, hes the host. Writers likely use a lot of Trump jokes because it's really easy to make fun of all his screwups and it gets them good ratings
You're welcome user
>american news
I already know it doesnt exist but can you link me to a video of Colbert getting angry over two scoops?
it's one of the most rage inducing games i've ever played. if you play ranked at a competitive level you understand. there's so many underlying problems with the game i just dont think they can create something that works like they/the community wants. also the cosmetic shit is fucking garbage god the whole game just pisses me off
Its actially important that we cover trumps eating habits so we can gauge how much longer he'll live. We already know he loves chocolate cake and ice cream and he admits he doesn't exercise.
>getting angry
You are in for a disappointement
I can't wait for this shittyforced meme to die. Seeing the image posted everywhere I thought Colbert lost his temper or something. But it's literally the same monologue he has given hundreds of times. I cannot for the life of me determine why this one has kicked the autismo into maximum overdrive. Overt butt hurt.
Stephen Colbert sperging out about two scoops
Five minutes and forty eight seconds in
>This is what Sup Forumstards consider "Sperging out"
>reaction obviously exaggerated for comedic effect
>Trump faggots take it at face value because it serves their narrative
Really made me think.
More like
>Sup Forums spergs out over a smug comedian
>But it's literally the same monologue he has given hundreds of times
That's the whole fucking joke user. This guy can't stop talking about him and is so desperate for negative things to say he'll waste time on stuff like him eating two scoops of ice cream. He's a mockery of the liberal media's overreaction to everything he does.
I'm a casual and playing some of the 3DS FE games on Classic annoy me. I'm too averse to playing it safe and grinding, so I end up resetting a lot.
Yes, this really informs me.
If you think Colbert hasn't become a completely unhinged mess because of Trump, it's on you for not wanting to see.
But he isn't sperging out at all
Is this seriously what started the whole meme?
Dark Souls 3's final boss
The hitboxes don't even match up to the animations properly for fuck's sake
What really makes me mad is this 4
I bet this is a big falseflag and retards like think it has some deep meaning.
I laugh everytime.
None, I'm not prone to anger. I'm very passive.
Wow he really FREAKED OUT haha
Trump has truly rattled him to his core.
No, THIS is what started the meme. Origin of his angry face:
One minute in
>Trump falls for an actor
KEK, how will trump drones recover?
I mean, if that's the joke it kinda sucks. He doesn't even make the face used in the meme. He is reading some piece some other guy wrote. The entire bit about it is like only 8 seconds long.
But I have seen hundreds of shit posts about "scoops" and dumbass threads like this it's just fucking annoying
I don't give a shit about political garbage I come here for >video games but this shit just make me hate everyone who posts this shit unceasingly
I'm playing The Last of Us for the first time. Playing it on the hardest difficulty and I can tell you some parts are borderline rage inducing from the shittiest AI, to questionable gameplay practices.
What's the run down on this?
>i-it's all ironic! y-you drumpfs are taking it too seriously!
WEW lad
>all of the poor employees who have to put up with disgruntled customers because of this shit
fuck those fags
Sure sucks being the highest rated late night show?
>I-If I just laugh at it that will prove my point
No but keep trying. Your helpless flailing is funny to watch.
>completely ignoring the picture
What's ironic? He tells jokes about Trump acting like an autist and it gets him good ratings. This is such pathetic damage control it's like you've given up
Holy shit the samefag in this thread is disgustingly thick. What is it about hating Trump that makes you crazy?
What point? All I'm doing is laughing at how much damage control you're dishing out after your goddess Hillary got BTFO despite the hundred thousands of retarded liberals (such as yourself) that were rooting for her. Your supposed "mockery" of Trump means jack shit.
What about it?
I dunno. What is it about liking Trump that makes you stupid?
>he's still whining about Hillary
LMAO you've got to move on dude
>disagreeing with my emperor makes you a hill shill
Like clockwork. Brainwashed faggot with his 2 party systems.
>muh Hillary
>muh libruls
>praise Trump!
Never gets old.
Two unrelated things (Two Scoops and Colbert mad a Trump) mashed into one.
I think the sarcasm in that post went over your head.
First time going for /fit/ to this and the first response i See here has already left humanity.
Because it means you have 0 awareness of public policy, international relations, history, and that you are okay with having an actually mentally handicapped person for president
the joke is exaggerating his passive aggression, sorry it is hard for you to grasp
Moba's because often the game is over after a few minutes but it takes way longer before the game ends and it just becomes a shit fest.