Is anyone still playing Puyo Puyo?

Is anyone still playing Puyo Puyo?

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no. even when there's millions of people owning the switch and the Puyo Puyo, no one plays this game at all!

I'm more curious if people are still talking about it, or if they are all circlejerking on a cancerous discord.

I can see up her skirt

>le discord le circlejerk
every game, every general
lord forbid people who come back to the same threads get along and want better communication

is that official?

i suck at puyo
okay at tetris though
make a room


R...ringo chan no pantsu!!!!


I bought it digital a few days ago because me and my friend were playing the demo over and over. I'm having a hard time gitting gud.

I'll jump in too, I also suck

bump while waiting for room to be set up

Can you recommend any good and easy to pull-off t-spin triple setups you guys use?
I would really like some help.

>tfw too much of a scrub for t spins
>just go for tetris

This is about £10 cheaper on the US Switch eShop by the way if any UKfags don't want to pay the retarded price they are asking for it here

>mfw finally reached 5k rating in Puzzle League despite being a shit tier newbie Puyo player who can barely muster 5-7 chains
Is it a bit easy to boost your ratings? It seems like the real challenge is getting to the next league.
>tfw still in professional ;_;
>tfw people still run away from me just for seeing my Japanese name even if I set my region to an American state

I'd recommend just doing doubles, triples are generally a recipe for disaster but each to their own I guess.

switch swap room up
pass is 7243

i can only play for a few rounds though

Teach me how to Puyo, I'm a Tetris bitch baby who beat the story by getting lucky in the Puyo levels.

I want to pump and dump Ringo

god i hope my shitty connection doesnt crash the room

Are rooms region locked? Cant see one

wont appear if we're in a game

I was also an only-tetris fag, but that sega tutorial really helped me understand how to t-spin.
They're not that hard to pull-off early game if you look for them. Mid takes some time to get used to and set them up, depending on how you build your field of course.

I can do a couple of those, but I would like to have the option of triples however. My field might be a mess and I would like a way to convert to something I can use.

Me too, I just can't get my head around the planning ahead required to be good at Puyo

ok you should be able to see now

Good game uncle. Sorry that I can't play any more at the moment, need to get some sleep. Have fun!

sweet dreams
i got destroyed. you're super strong

At least learn how to do combo : instead of building averything but a column for tetris, spare 2 or three columns, then almost every tetrominos would allow you to clear at least a line.
Combos are the best tool against puyo players

Are the GBA Puyo Pop games any good? I like the play my GBA Micro in bed and I'm thinking they might be good practice to get good at Puyo Puyo Tetris

I haven't played it since Street Fighter came out but I should before I lose all the progress I made improving.

Puyo Pop/Minna de Puyo Puyo is alright. It gave us this gem of a reaction pic.

Fuck that was close uncle, I was so close to losing in that last Tetris bit

gg zac. damn puyo messing me up

back in lobby if anyone wants to join
switch swap 7243

I only see dennisjp up and that's the wrong password

started another game

ok we just finished. should be able to see it

Lobbys up again

also it's dumb you cant see rooms in game so you can sit and watch while you wait instead of hitting refresh on the lobby list constantly

Ya gotta be more patient than that fellas

jesus christ silver tier puyo

This games just about over, lobby will be up in a sec

i got another one in me
not sure if the room dies if the host leaves

Consider the following,

Sig in a pretty dress

fucking nintendo network
thanks for the games though. i have a long way to go

who's best girl and why is it Draco?

She's adorable.

I just want to play but I've never seen the lobby go up

That's a funny way to spell Witch.

what happens if you lose that fight? asking for a friend

For switch? Just make a room.

That's a funny way to spell bitch

Why is there no Ess porn

But user Ringo wears shorts under her skirt

why do people pair these two cunts together anyway?


>tfw was planning to get into puyo puyo
>was going to be the elite and talk about this game and pretend to not be an EOP while laughing at anons who only know it as mean bean machine
>but then Nintendo release this game and everyone playing it all the time
>it's too popular

What about Yukata?

>everyone playing it all the time
Yeah okay

Every good christian knows that witches are the brides of Satan

Just got PPT a few days ago. Kinda wish there was a way to skip ahead in rankings if you win enough times in a row. Beating on new players for hours to reach people actually at my skill level felt kind of mean.

But that's Draco

An extreme close up of O about to be dropped into Draco's mouth with extensive detail of her teeth, tongue and saliva while she's making a face that looks like she's getting off to it.

Apple cunny

Sounds like something Karbo would draw. And I would fap to.


That's cute too

someone should gift him a copy of the game

Who is best boy and why is it Sig?

Close, but you missed. Best boy is a bit more to the right.

The only thing Ocean Prince is good for is as a snack.

We're going down this road already?

Because Ocean Prince deserves it.

is there a discord server for this game? if not then why dont we make one?

Probably really hard to find, even if there is one it's most likely dead.

english voice ruins her

Why is she yelling?

theres one on reddit apparently

i saw another on gamefags but the invite expired

Because she's wants to be lewd Puyo Sup Forums Discord English Puyo Nexus Discord

Is Sig even capable of Lewd?



Why do you even drink tea when you don't even have an esophagus?

I want to chain Ringo's puyo and make lot of garbage puyos


All this beautiful taste

this is too lewd.

no, this is the perfect amount of lewd


Does Sig even have any lewds, or is he too pure?

No but he gives gifts

Silly user, Rulue is best.

Why does he give gifts, when he's already a gift to mankind?

Post more lewds

Here's lewd Ringo


You're gonna get banned for that!