PS3 Manufacturing Stops



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Good night, sweet prince

>PS3 has no production

>if ps3 was worse than 360 why did it stay in production longer?

>nogames3 is now noconsole3


>Outlived the Wii U
>Outsold the 360
>After fucking up the launch by overpricing and stupid hardware architecture that made developing costs skyrocket

PS3 was the turtle in the fable

It will go down as one of the worst consoles

even though its objectively and statistically the best

Still better than wii yew and xborx mac45.

>turtle of the fable

More like Jeb of the race.

Good riddance. Last gen was garbage and lasted too long

Reminder the ps3 never made a profit.

Reminder the ps3 lost more money than the ps2 made.

Reminder the ps3 was in all business sense a complete and utter failure.

It didn't win shit though. It's direct competition was the 360 and the Wii. The Wii obliterated it and the 360 combined there was no competition there and the 360 was the multiplat home due to the PS3 being unable to handle them for some reason (look to Bioshock and RDR for examples) it was home of the decent exclusives though and I'm never getting rid of mine.

last time i posted on a sonigro thread, my hilarious comment granted me a warning

i will let michael do the talk


wrong the slim started making profit around 2012

It literally had no games and the multiplats were objectively inferior due to late content. Honestly the worst console in that era and this one including handhelds which were more entertaining.

it is the last guardian and ff7 remake machine

Did it make 6 billion dollars of profit retard?

If not then the ps3 never made profit. Learn 2 math moron.


Let's post some images that are no longer relevant, to celebrate the good old days when it had no games, and Sup Forums was slightly less shit.

PS3 sold more software than the Wii and it has less consoles sold.

ps3 was a shit console, good riddance
ps2 and 4 are better.

Did it get a game yet?

PS3 has no gaems


fucking kek

couldn't even outsell the wii before its timely demise, how sad. I see where most of Sony's money was being wasted at though.

No games is a meme. And they still doing for ps4 and even other systems.

Salty poorfags.

Because Microsoft stop producing their old console the moment the new one is released, and they stop releasing games for their old console a year before the new one is even announced.

>over 10 years
Now I'm wondering when the last PS3 game will come out.
The last PS2 game (Pro Evolution Soccer 2014) came out in November 2013.

>No games is a meme

Still made a profit in the dark sony days while other sony divisons was in the crapper.

Still sold more games which is more money. People bought the wii then dropped it later.

weebshit, sports games and walking simulators. Lmao @ this fucking post

It literally had to because Sony only made money from software sales whereas Nintendo also profited from hardware sales for the Wii

PS3 can be emulated nowadays. Anyone who missed out can find their games.

Ah the good old days


whatever helps you sleep better at night

Surprisingly It did, most of it are from PS+ and digital sales right before the PS4 launch. Also Toshiba and IBM shared the cost of the cell development so it is not really a big loss for Sony, They would have stopped the PS3 cycle earlier if didn't made profit. The PS3 is not a WiiU

hahaha i told you they'd give up on it eventually

sonuggets btfo

xbox won

Lots of shitty shovel ware for wii.

You still playing your failure called the wii u?
Not really. The 360 came out a year earlier than the PSTriple. So they were both on manufacturing for 10 years and a half. And they both sold around the same amount of consoles.

Nice moving of the goalpost you two.

Dude you were right all along

What other prophecies do you have?


So either that or fifa.

>Still made a profit.

It literally didn't though.

Best one still.

But it did retard. The crew at sony admitted it was the onkynthing making money at sony when all their other business declined.

Xbox 360 is money loser console wise and the wii was a fad causal meme system that peaked early.

No. They have kept the ps3 running to try and claw back the billions in losses.

The WiiU actually made a profit you retard. It has about $800 million in losses a in its first 2 years and then made a profit from then. Plus 80 million software sales and amiibo. The WiiU I was financially successful despite being a flop.

lmao at you right now.

Anyone else here still holding onto their PS3 for its exclusives Backlog? Some games like Vanquish have come out on PC, Ive still gotta play

Arena Ultimax
Ni No Kuni
Tokyo Jungle
Sly 4, R&C into the Nexus
Yakuzza 3,4,5

Anything good im missing?

The PS3 might not be expensive anymore but it still has NO GAEMS
and Sony has NO MASCOTS

>tfw tabbing between a pro/anti-Sony bait thread and a "Far Cry 5 Promotes White Genocide" thread instead of going the fuck to bed


Remove Folklore from the list, it's not good

PS3 probably close to 90 million sold when all is said and done, damn it almost broke 100 million.

Sonybros think they're so fucking good, they think they're on top of the world, they think they can shit on us nintenbros.

ur butt is fart


I miss the Ricky Bobby posting so much.

>here, have some weebshit, literal movies and GAMES PORTED FROM PS2 BECAUSE SONY WANTED ME TO BUY THEM AGAIN to prove it.


Lmao, that was one fuck of a ride, this is good isn't it?

Wii u biggest failure.

Anyway halting systems early is the new norm.

>Sup Forums used to meme PS3 has no games
>PS3 ends up having the most games of it's gen

ps3 has no gaems


This is gold

>Xbone ended up becoming the movie player with no games

Such is life

Thaaanks fooor tha memoooriiies

>not knowing the difference between profit and revenue
top kek idiot

That picture is bs. I don't see Lost Odyssey or blue dragon on 360's list and there's a lot more


>if my PS3 dies i am fucked

Wow what a nice way to start the day.

Back when PS3 was announced, they said they plan a 10 years long lifespan for it.
They kept their promise so I don't see anything wrong with this.




God damn, chloe moretz was so beautiful back then, so was emma watson and ellen page

what the fuck happened bros?

what about the wii one
and they're getting close with the PS3 one

>getting close with the PS3 one

No they are not, stop with this fucking meme

Cemu is current gen.


I meant Dolphin

Women age like milk. Certainly the cute ones even more so.

>Outsold the 360

Actually maybe not, sources seem to differ. VGChartz say it did, but has very little sources whilst Wikipedia say the 360 sold more and provides sources but old ones.

Anyone care to look and make more sense than i can?

What do you mean? I can emulate Persona 5 right now at a BLISTERING 10fps!

lmao ignore the Xbob 3shitty games, old pre -cucked Moot era Sup Forums was best Sup Forums

Rip sweet prince, you was the best 7th gen console.

wikipedia was edited by M$ shills obviously you retarded cunt

that pic is missing Katamari Forever, Dragon's Crown and MGS4

oh whoops I see it now.

That's because the pic says 2010-2013, blue dragon came out in 2007

Don't trust vgchartz. If you look at their methodology you can see that it's mostly prediction. They do shit like see how many people are talking about something on Twitter and use that person as a sale or some shit.

Old certified sources are always the go-to over sources who do predictions. Not even the world's best investment bankers can do predictions to the exact number so why anyone would think vgchartz has accurate predicted numbers is beyond me.

One of my favorites

Emma is even more beautiful now.

M$ only release sold to stores

fuck them

wow, only 12 years in production
at least wii u had 4 years
sonynyggers on suicide watch

Good god why are you Sony twats so insufferable? Get over it, PS3 was third last gen.