Are videogames fun?


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they are both fun and not fun at the same time
while playing a game and you're having fun it's only a matter of time you'll remember and realize what the hell you're doing with your life.

>saw this unironically being posted on fb

kek do normies seriously believe this pic is deep in any way?

damn . . . . . . . . .
this is really making me think . . . . .. . .
wow . . . . . .

Oh boy another artist that thinks he's relaying some sort of deep message about something popular.

Warning, your IQ must be over 150 to appreciate

I'm picturing the fidget spinner here starting to spin.

omg we're slaves

how fucking brain dead do you have to be to enjoy spinners? atleast beybaldes you could play with.

You know how it is, every new fad is going to destroy society

kill yourselves, contrarian fuckbags


Isn't it less of a toy and more of a distraction/thing to focus on for ADD people?


Really gets the ol' noggin joggin

wtf I hate fidget spinners now

truly the end times are upon us

we fought bravely and survived through the Pokemon GO menace only to be undone by this

woe on us, woe on humanity

kill yourself samefag. stop trying to make this a thing


It was, just like how vaping was more or less to ween people from killing themselves through smoking, just the normies co-opted it as a fad and made anyone who does either look like mouth-breathing retards.

How do you even play with those things? I saw my sister has one but what do you even do with it?

thats what im saying. people are retarded.

are u ok user?

You literally just hold it and watch it spin.

it's basically a yoyo that takes no skill

I don't know what's more autistic, the spinners or the retards who believe this is some life-destroying threat

What do you think you're doing?

Remember twenty years ago when everyone was playing with yoyos all of a sudden? Same thing.

are yoyos autistic? The tricks look cool

>20 years

Yoyos already take no skill retard

I had never even heard of fidget spinners before two weeks ago. Why are they a meme now?

>still assmad that he can't walk the dog or go around the world

i guess but it makes you look cool if you know how to use one.

It is interesting to be watching now as an adult. This exact same thing happens whenever something gets popular. It's destroying the youth and God has forsaken us. Seeing my friends who grew up during the Pokemon boom who had to deal with retarded parents and churches saying that Pokemon was literally the devil now are the same ones talking about this shit and buying into the hysteria just because they have kids. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Who are you quoting?
