>Fusion is my favourite metroid game
ITT: Opinions that make you diregard people's taste
>Fusion is a bad game
>Annemarie Reiter is the best girl
>I like games that focus on gameplay
>"This game is so hard!"
>It's a modern AAA game
>Prime is my favourite metroid game
>That game is a meme
Its definitely a bad Metroid game
>___________ is my favourite videogame
>Metroid is my favourite series
>I pretty much play only Blizzard games
Two people at work said this to me a while back. I actively avoid them.
>linear story driven "metroid" game
>If it's not an open world game it's shit.
>DmC was a great entry to the franchise
It either tells me you never played the other games or that you're an edgy faggot
>i like anime
>PS1 was my first console
Don't get me wrong. I had a PS1 too but those guys are the worst.
>I enjoy playing video games
>I like thing you don't like
>I am a user on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board
>X is a shit game! I never played it, but it's shit!
>[game name] is a good game but a bad [franchise name] game.
>i like playing the same MOBA for 2000+ hours
>As a pc gamer I
No you don't.
>Fallout 4 is my favourite RPG and the best in the series
Immediately ended that conversation.
>I play [game with RNG elements] competitively !
>Dark Souls 2 isn't that bad.
>This generation killed pokemon
Daily reminder to never start a conversation with any pokefaggot
>mario/zelda games are fun.
>talking to people
what the fuck even for
people who visit this place
That's not an opinion.
>he likes any moba
>Dick status: MUH
>csgo is a good competitive FPS
>i have been playing since [....] and [shitty uninformed newfag opinion here]
>Ever says "cuck"
>I like playing dating visual novels
>The steam controller is pretty good
>Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Adventure 2 are bad games
>Undertale is a good game
>Souls games are worth playing and aren't casual garbage
>BoTW is a good game
>Pokemon games past gen 5 are good
>Being edgy is inherently bad
>Realistic armor and weapons > impractical fantasy armor and weapons
Never heard this from anyone outside of steam reviews