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NTSC SNES looks like shit.
Why is a PS3 on there?
There must be a Wii instead of a PS3 if we're talking sales.
remember to sage
>Sony fags in charge of not being delusional
We may not like it but Wii and DS owned that fucking gen
Its winning but I have idea why, there are like only 4 games worth owning it for.
The Wii absolutely btfo the ps3 when it came to sales. The 360 also has the better games.
This gen isn't even close to ending so you can't call a winner yet especially when the switch is selling faster than the ps4 did in many places.
>Its winning but I have idea why, there are like only 4 games worth owning it for.
It's because the other consoles have less than that.
It's almost impressive how lackluster 8th gen has been.
>not even the good PS3
>Its winning but I have idea why, there are like 4 games
Are you tards being unuronic when you wonder why this is? News flash: pople don't buy them for exclusives. They buy them for multiplats. You can "objectivly muh PC" till you are blue in the face, people don't want to spend $700-1000 on a PC to play Resident Evil VII or whatever the fuck when they could just as well spend $300 or less when used.
Its really that fucking simple. PC is superior, its just that doesn't matter to most people at fucking all. They WILL be happy with the inferior console and they WILL continue to buy them.
>Its winning but I have idea why, there are like only 4 games worth owning it for.
i want this meme to die
>mfw Sonybros are actually pretendig that Wii and Xbox360 never happened
>mfw Sonybros claim vicory before the end of the gen
>Its winning but I have idea why, there are like only 4 games worth owning it for.
The Switch is fucking it up
>Its winning but I have idea why
its like sending a non-retarded kid to special olympics. xbone shat the bed, nintendo gave up years ago. pc isn't a part of the console wars in the first place.
If they are buying for multiplat then why is it selling more than Xbone?
Switch is technically 9th gen though. I wish Nintendo weren't so dedicated to the 5 year console plan.
Sonyggas suffered PTSD from the Wii/DS generation, and decided that "LALALALA IT DOESNT COUNT BECAUSE LALALALA". Embarrassing fanbase embarrasses itself further, news at 11
I'll give you ps3 but are you joking about ps4?
Master System beat NES by a mile. SNES and Genesis were kind of tied. PSX and PS2 are correct, I gave up on consoles after that so I don't really care which turd was the least foul smelling.
>They WILL be happy with the inferior console
I am. These "multiplats" everyone always talk about aren't worth it or are AAA shit half the time. Have a decent PC to play RTSs, CRPGs, and classics. Only reason for me to get a dedicated gaming PC would be the new Quake and Unreal Tournament so I could run them at a playable fps. Don't think it would be worth it especially since I wouldn't be able to play them because I don't have a decent internet connection. My PS4 is for my weeb games.
The Wii was November 12, 2006 and the WiiU was nearly exactly 6 years later, November 18, 2012. The PS3 was nearly the same time was the Wii on November 11 of the same year and the PS4 was 7 years later on November 15, 2013. Microsoft took the longest, releasing the 360 first on November 22, 2005 and the One exactly 8 years later in 2013.
The Switch was comparatively not even 5 years later, releasing this March in 2017. It was clearly pushed out early to meet the end of the 2016 financial year and make up for the flop of the WiiU, not because of any particular dedication to keeping generations around 5 years long. Interestingly, the 3DS was February 26, 2011, making the Switch slightly over 6 years after that.
Nice, friendly reminder that Sony always win
>But muh wii
Not a real console
Wii wasn't a real console
The Switch is barely a statistic at this point you faggot.
>this thread
>Not a real console
>underpowered, casual piece of shit hardware
Sounds like a console to me, user
Oh fuck I just looked at my Wii and realized it didn't exist all along! Damn, what a sham!
>this post
Because Piotr, Ali and Mohammed has already bought a Ps4 and Harry wants to play Fifa online with his friends
Fuck off retard. I don't give two shit about Nintendo but the Wii was a fucking brilliant console. I had (and still have) all 3 consoles that gen and the ps3 was by far the worst.
>PS3 worse than the 360
Nice try Spencer
I mean the Piss3 is ugly as fuck, X360 looks better. PS3 also has no games
>worse hardware
>worse software
>not a single good game unless you're some shut-in weeb faggot
>no party chat
>worse controller
>worse graphics and resolution
You want a pic of my ps3 to prove I'm not making this up? The ps3 was shit and anyone who owned all 3 consoles last gen and isn't a neckbeard fedora agrees.
Can Switch even be described as a 9th Gen console? Even so, Switch only just launched, it may yet be a failure like its predecessor
I wonder how many people parrot "Sony always wins" without having seen chadwarden.
>Playstation 2
>Xbox 360
>Playstation 4
This is objectively correct.
>release a console in 2006 for FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE U.S. DOLLARS
>doesn't actually become worth owning until 2010 at the earliest
What is it about Sony that makes people so determined to be as retarded as possible?
Because you only nees ONE affordable platform and PS4 didn't turn up to their E3 reveal and destroy all consumer confidence in their product. Am i seriously having to explain this??
Someone's forgetting the disastrous early years of the PS3. It only just managed to climb its way out of that pit by the last year or two with its own exclusive support. It still was worse with the multiplats because of the whole Cell meme. Even with the Red Ring of Death, the 360 was beating its ass for most of the gen.
It has lasted longer in Japan in the end because the nips don't particularly care for the PS4 and so it continued to get support there especially cross gen.
wii u and switch are both better consoles just by having more than 1 game
Enjoy that 30FPS Bayonetta goy!
Enjoy no grass textures, no support, a controller worse than the 360's D-pad, Forced motion controls, shitty triggers (So shitty, most shooters used L1-R1) bad screen tearing and a shitty online service. 360 trumped the PS3 in every single way, sans as a Blu-Ray player.
>a controller worse than the 360's D-pad
>most shooters!
Found your problem user.
Sonybros are the biggest revisionist fanbase around. They'll also boogeyman the fuck out of Microsoft and pretend the Ps2 didn't have a huge hand in ruining the industry, while also claiming that the Nintendo/Sony console project that was supposed to be the original 64 fell through because "Nintendo bullied muh Sony" when it was actually the other way around, Nintendo backed out because they were afraid that Sony had gained too much creative control of the project.
>We may not like it but Wii (...) owned that fucking gen
Yes, financially.
I'm not a Nintendo employee, I'm just a gamer, PS3 was the best console of that gen. As much as I love consoles like the Mega Drive, Dreamcast and GameCube, the OP's list is correct.
>and DS
DS won its handheld gen.
PSP was pretty good too, though.
Oh yes, a shitty hunk of plastic that feels worse than anything in the hands it totally better than a controller known for it's comfort! #thisis4thepayers
The only use the PS3 got for me was after the Dualshock 4 released, because that's a better controller.
And also, way to cherrypick a statement but not refute it at all. I didn't know fucking NeoGAF payed for crossposters.
>360 trumped the PS3 in every single way
PS3 has a Blu-Ray player.
PS3 has free online.
PS3 has really good exclusive games
PS3 controller doesn't need batteries
PS3 controller can be used on your PC
PS3 looks better
PS3 has better resale value
The PS4 has one so far but that certainly isn't saying much, the only competition it had was the Xbone but Microsoft is just making it more like a gaming PC. Sony and Nintendo are just fighting over the scraps of what's left of console gaming like a couple of malnourished vultures.
>PS3 has a Blu-Ray player.
Yeah, but it's been outshined by Xbox and PS4 now.
>PS3 has free online.
Free=/=Good. If you've played with all the Mexicans and BRs on PSN, you'd know.
>PS3 has really good exclusive games
Outside of inFamous 1/2, Demon's Souls and the Yakuza games, no, it doesn't.
>PS3 controller doesn't need batteries
Are you retarded? The fucking thing doesn't run on magic. Why do you think there's a Mini-USB port on the top?
>PS3 controller can be used on your PC
So can the 360 controller. And without chink adware.
>PS3 looks better
Oh yes, the George Forman grill, or the sliding panel to hide the disc.
>PS3 has better resale value
You're right about the Wii btfoing the PS3, but the I don't think the 360 has better games desu. Anyways, at this point, I don't think the Xbone has a chance to keep up with the PS4 anymore and Nintendo already moved on to the 9th gen with the Switch.
>Because Microsoft fucked up big on launch with their DRM shit which allowed PS4 to gain momentum
>Because Microsoft fucked up again on launch by forcing people to buy into their Kinect bullshit, raising the console price and allowing sony even further momentum
>Because Playstation has always been more popular in europe as a FIFA machine
>Because Xbox is, and always has been dead in Japan
>At this point Sony is so far ahead that your average gamer will just buy one over a Bone so they can play with their friends, all of which also have a ps4
>your brother and your mate own xbox ones
>you want a ps4 because it has games you actually want to play
feels bad man
>Oh yes, a shitty hunk of plastic that feels worse than anything in the hands it totally better than a controller known for it's comfort! #thisis4thepayers
Correct. Sorry user, don't fling shit opinions and not expect them back, all you orginally said was "nuuuuuuu its better, i say so!"
>Yeah, but it's been outshined by Xbox and PS4 now.
Well fuck me user, no shit. May as well not discuss the PS3 or 360 at all in that case.
Fair point
Xbox was paid but allowed party chat and had better servers. Many games would shut down their servers years on PSN years before they did so on Live
PS3 had better exclusives towards the end of its life thanks to 1st party games, but towards the start and mid of the generation 360 had heaps of exclusives
>Mass Effect
>Lost Odyssey
>Dead Rising
>Alan Wake
>Fable series
>Tales of Vesperia
>XBLA exclusives
DS3 is ass. Convex analog sticks and triggers as well as those short handles ruined it. Glad they fixed it on the DS4. Also the rechargable battery pack for 360 was like $20 and replaceable without replacing the whole controller.
I'll admit it did have a better dpad though.
>Controller used by PC
Wired 360 controllers are probably the most used PC pad to this day. Also the 3rd party drivers for DS3 are aids.
>Looks better
Debatable. Slim 360s and the fat elites look the best from that gen imo
>resale value
A more expensive console had a more expensive resale value... great.
>Yeah, but it's been outshined by Xbox and PS4 now.
What's relevant is what was then.
But also Free=/=Bad. Paying for online sucks for casual gamers.
>Outside of inFamous 1/2, Demon's Souls and the Yakuza games, no, it doesn't
and MGS4, Uncharted series, Last of Us, Heavy Rain, Ni No Kuni, Journey, (didn't play myself but good reviews: God of War 3, Resistance series, Killzone 2)
Meanwhile I can't think of any worthwhile 360 exclusives outside of Halo
>The fucking thing doesn't run on magic.
It has an in-built rechargeable battery that recharges while connected to the ps3.
>So can the 360 controller. And without chink adware
Not the wireless one which is the most common one. Not unless you buy a seperate adapter.
Just compare yourself.
>Playing on PC during the 6th gen
Lmfao. You needed to at least own GC + Ps2 to have any fun at all that gen, both systems had a ton of great exclusives and the games that leaked over to PC were brutalized third-world tier ports like RE4.
Also to add to this, heaps of multiplats ran like ass on the ps3.
Put both a Dualshock 3 and a 360 controller in your hands, the Dualshock 3 is only really good for people with manlet hands. Also, still had the worst sticks of the generation. Then again, what do I know? I was always told that loose and floaty analog sticks weren't something I should enjoy.
I was saying as a blu-ray player, jack off.
>Paying for online sucks for casual gamers.
That'd be fine if PSN on PS3 (and 4, but that's a different story) wasn't slow. Download speeds on PSN (wired) are awful around the board.
It was fun, but Konami killing MGO pissed me off.
>Uncharted series
2 was really good, rest are trash desu
>Last of Us
As much as I enjoyed it, it's overrated. And up it's own ass.
>Heavy Rain
>Ni No Kuni
After the asspull the plot puts out near the end, I can't tell people to play it.
It's not worth buying a console for.
>God of War 3
Almost as bad as the PSP ones.
>Resistance series
2 was awful, 1 was okay, 3 was really good, but if you've already played Half Life 2, don't bother.
>Killzone 2
Gonna be honest, the only good Killzone games was 1 and the Vita game.
>It has an in-built rechargeable battery that recharges while connected to the ps3.
I was having a laugh user.
>Not the wireless one which is the most common one. Not unless you buy a seperate adapter.
Again, it's worth paying for, because the fucking adware you have to use to get the PS3 controller working is sketchy at best.
>end up in last place
>still end up the winner of the generation
>this is the delusions of sonybros
>what do I know? I was always told that loose and floaty analog sticks weren't something I should enjoy
And yet you liked the 360 controller. Well, at least i never had to search for AA's once a month. Also, stop holding the DS3 like a 360 controller, they are to be held diffirently as an user pointed out before.
>Xbox sticks
>Loose and Floaty
You can get the charge kit for less than $20, and you had a longer battery life than the DS3, and excuse me for handling the DS3 like every other controller on the market, including the DS1 and 2. I should clearly bow down to the retar- I mean "brilliant" design choices that Sony has made! Man that Emoji movie looks great!
>You can get the charge kit for less than $20
Oh its okay guys you can BUY that shit.
>and excuse me for handling the DS3 like every other controller on the market, including the DS1 and 2
But i hold the DS 1,2,3 and 4 just the same as each other. Lets face it user, we won't ever convince each other. Lets just enjoy video games just fine with the controllers of our choice.