I just realised that in a month switch will have more games than PS4
I just realised that in a month switch will have more games than PS4
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I think the main issue is consistency. Unless you're a retard, you buy a switch for nintendo games. And chances are if you like one nintendo game, you like most if not all of them because of the similar aesthetics. This is not the case with ps4 as I only have interest in like 3 ps4 games. everything else looks unappealing
How so? It will take about 2 years for the Switch to rival PS4's Q1 2017 alone, forget the rest.
>more games than the PS4
>0 = 0
Technically true
second post best post
Dude, stop adding in multiplats to these lists. It doesn't do your argument any good, and even without them there's really good variety of games.
>kh 1.5 2.5
>residen evil
>persona 5
*also avaible on other platforms.
>Mario Kart 8
>Shovel Knight
>Puyo Tetris
*also available on other platforms
In the end no one wins
>b-b-b-but nintendoooooo!!!
this. sony needs more exclusive games and nintendo needs more multiplatform games.
this, pretty much. how the fuck did Sup Forums reach a civilized conclusion ?
1) I didn't make the list
2) It's only fair to include multiplats. Otherwise Switch owners would be playing "nothing" at launch considering that Zelda is a multiplat, so is MK8, and they sure as shit sold systems. Multiplats are still games, it's up to your personal situation to determine if they are a relevant factor or not
Read above.
Also I don't own any other Sony console, so I don't see why anyone would say that PS4 having those games is a weakness when it clearly is a strengh of the system.
I could buy a gaming PC + Vita + PS3 + Xbone + Switch.
I could just own a PS4 and get GuiltyGear (also on PC), Digimon Cybersluts (also on Vita), FF15 (also on Xbone), and DragonQuest11 (also on Switch, probably) all in 1 system.
Look at pic related. It's only January. If I didn't own a PS4 I'd need to have a PC, PS3 and Vita to play some of those games and I'd still miss out on the PS4 exclusives like GravityRush2, and I'd need to learn japanese to play Yakuza0 on PS3.
At best I'd get Bloodborne, Nioh, then a maybe for gravity rush or yakuza 0.
I'd probably pick up horizon just because I don't feel enthusiastic about anything else.
Switch has Zelda and mariokart which I know I'll love, and monster hunter on the horizon as well as some bonus titles like mario and arms.
Basically this, I know I'd probably only buy bloodborne, persona 5, and spiderman. That's why I haven't bought a ps4
So just how delusional are Nintendo fanboys?
And you would willingly buy a lot worse games that Nintendo makes?
calm down, user. this thread already reached the conclusion that sony needs more exclusives and nintendo needs more multiplats
If you cant 2 hour games branded with '' Nintendo Seal Of Approval'' then sure. The fact is I can play 10 Nintendo games and a single PS4 game will last longer and offer me more content for not even a 1/10th of the price you paid for $60 shovelware Nintendo games
Nintendo needs to make games for a proper console like the ps4. Everyone would be happy than.
Well, I'm not the biggest nintendo fan. I mean I don't like mario and haven't bought a new console in years but they do own some IPs I'm very fond of like zelda and metroid. Also monhun seems to be staying exclusive to nintendo for now and I really like monhun. Plus Arms looks very interesting and it'll probably become another IP they can hold over me. I'll probably wait until after E3 to decide which console I'm buying but I'm heavily leaning towards the switch. Sony would have to blow me away at E3 for me to go ps4 and unless that new spiderman game is 100% legit, I don't really see that happening
proper console? what do you mean? and careful, user. You're getting real close to the language of a fanboy
>says Nintendo is shovelware
>posts that pic
>tales shit
>resident shitvil
>nier is on PC
>autism hearts
>horizon zero white men
>gravity rush 2 is good
>yakuza 0 is ok
>more garbage
>nioh is like a worse dark souls
>more autism hearts
>lmao baseball
>shitsona for "I WISH I WAS JAPANESE" weebs
Zelda isn't multiplat. Why are sony drones so fucking retarded?
>ps4 game
>lasting longer than an hour
Okay, champ.
>is on 2 platforms
>not multiplat
What's next? Are you going to tell me there's only 1 fox on your image?
Zelda BotW is nintendo exclusive
NieR is a true multiplat.
Persona 5 is sony exclusive
kek there is only 1 fox. The thing on the right is a chimera
It's not like the thread was specifically created to compare the switch to the ps4 or anything
>Blatant flamewar threads aren't allowed
See you in three days
>I can't get those games on my Switch so they're shit: the post
Just report this shitty threads
I have a PS4 though.
Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza are pretty much the only worthwhile games on it. But I wanted BB so much I splurged.
>I'm highly autist: the post
You are not using the term correctly at all.
All the games you mentioned are multiplats. Being released for a company and being multiplat aren't mutually exclusive.
For example, a retard like you would say MHXX is exclusive to the Switch, but later I find out it's also coming to the 3DS, which I already own and then I realise I don't need to waste money on a Switch to play it.
Can you not see how you aren't using that word in the way that's intended?
Zelda BotW is a multiplat. As simple as that. So is Persona5.
The ONLY situation where you can kind of say a game is exclusive even though it was released on multiple platforms is when one of the versions is jap-only, like pic related. So it's ok to say that Yakuza0 is a PS4 exclusive because 99% of people won't care about the jap only PS3 version. But even then I would make a note of that to the person I'm talking with.
A lot of those are multiplats, so that means we can include multiplats for the Switch, in which case the Switch has a better year, not as much games but as far as quality goes it's far denser than the PS4, and the PS4 has not only reached it's height but has actually jumped over it, from here on out it's in decline in terms of quality launches in such a timeframe, whereas the Switch has literally just gotten started, and not only is it comparable, it's better. But this is just the start as the 3ds is slowly phased out Nintendo's development studios will be focusing on the Switch.
Maybe people can't see it now, but they are surely short sighted, Nintendo won't even need multiplats where it's going.
kek that webm can't be real gameplay
I didn't thought so much delusion could fit in one post
>Nintendo doesn't need multiplats
The same was said about the WiiU
You are so wrong in many ways
you have no idea.
To you maybe, half the "exclusives" on switch are literal shovelware.
There is no delusion, only eventuality, the WiiU was not the Switch, nor is it in a situation anything like it, but even though the Switch won't need those multiplats, it's going to get them anyway.
No, I didn't buy a PS4, so I'm not wrong in buying a waste of space, that's for sure.
can the old yakuza games be emulated?
>Switch good, ps4 bad
Not only you're delusional but also a biased fanboy
>implying it doesn't already
Fuckin drones
You are delusional
I mean, they are PS2 games. So yes.
Although it would be a better idea to play 0 and the soon to release remaster of the 1st one instead, the older ones haven't aged all too well and (I think) only the first was translated. But on PC that's the only option. Maybe there are fan translations of later entries, dunno.
Yeah, that's what I was worried about. I can never really get into a game if I just jump into a series at a random point.
I don't get the memetic arrows, what was behind them was the truth, any man that buys a PS4 is throwing his money way into a pool of mud, it's a system that in it's 4th year has fewer good games than another system has in it's 1st year, it's pathetic, and anyone could have seen this coming with the joke that was the PS3, and then the punchline that was the Vita, but now it's like someone is still telling that same joke, the joke you could have sworn had already ended, but you aren't laughing anymore.
Success breads jealousy
I'm sorry the ps4 left a gaping hole where your ass was but that's the reality
Nintendo has next to no exclusives though.
When it comes to a combination of multiplats, exclusives, and all around support, no one would ever choose the Switch over the PS4 unless they hate games.
>ARMS looks very interesting
>90% of the test punch response has been mediocre
I think you are just a retarded fanboy.
I get that some aren't strict exclusives but cmon, user. Nobody bought a wii u
Can't see shit, captain.
13.5 million is nobody?
SeeI can't even laugh at you anymore, I'm legitimately starting to feel pity for you
I don't know what threads you've been reading. Most news I hear about it is good news. Either way, I think it looks interesting
kek I'm not the same guy. I was just fucking with you guys becuase of all the "see" posts
My bad then
In the world of consoles, yes. anything under maybe about 20 million is nobody
> moving goalposts, the post
>Tfw when you have both consoles and that you can enjoy both of them
PS4 as one hell of a library and finally Sony made a good dualshock but in the other hand Switch is so unique and comfy that I play it every day
Can't you just enjoy 2 (or 3 if we count PC) gaming hardware instead of one Sup Forums ?
Maybe someday, user. Maybe someday
PS4 has over 1600 titles.
The Switch has less than 15.
The PS4 actually has more titles than the Wiiu, GC and Switch combined.
Yeah but only a handful are worth buying at full price
>stop adding in multiplats to these lists
Nintendorks always put multiplats on switch lists.
>2) It's only fair to include multiplats.
Not really. It is indeed just as valid to play BotW on a Wii U as it is to play Persona 5 or whatever on a PS3.
And yes the Switch launched with weak exclusives and an incredible cross gen game. But weak exclusives nonetheless. That will change though.
Barring delays the first year exclusive line up of the Switch already looks stunning.
>Look at pic related. It's only January. If I didn't own a PS4 I'd need to have a PC, PS3 and Vita to play some of those games
And the PS3 a wonderful system that was supported for a just short of a whole decade. And the Vita is a system that was sold for $30 up until recently. And everyone have a PC. It's basically required.
So with a PS3, Vita, and PC. What reason whatsoever is there for a PS4?
I am not saying multiplats are bad. But for people who weren't born yesterday, and whose first system isn't the PS4. What reason was there to get one?
It's finally starting to get some worthwhile exclusives. But until recently, there was no reason to get one.
>PS4's Q1 2017
>PS4 launched in 2013
Really makes me think