Is it really that bad? want to give it a go after just finishing Morrowind.
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It's not offensive but it's bland as fuck and literally requires mods for the progression to make sense and for quest rewards to not suck.
should i just skip it and play skyrim then?
no. the faction quests in oblivion are fantastic. Youre going to miss it when you go to skyrimjob
Okay, ill give it a look.
thanks for the heads up, user
It's my favourite game.
>install this shit once again
>exit prison
this game is boooring
You HAVE to mod it, but yes it's very good, but in a completely different way than Morrowind or Skyrim
Morrowind and Skyrim are exploration games, with Morrowind also being a dungeon crawler and socio-political simulator
Oblivion is just a questing game. Thats it. Don't bother exploring outside of traveling for quests, don't bother expecting to join factions outside of guilds, don't bother jumping into ruins or caves looking for loot. Just talk to NPCs and enjoy the good quests, join every guild and enjoy the quests.
noted, thanks
>Not "delete this"
Hello Facebook
Its not really bad desu, its kinda like skyrim with that you're on rails
I liked it more than Skyrim I think. I had to play both on consoles like a peasent and Vanilla Oblivion was more fun.
The questlines in Oblivion were better overall and completing a guild questline is actually rewarding. About the only thing Skyrim has over Oblivion is that the graphics are better and the overworld is more varied.
Oblivion's overworld feels more fantasy though and I think I was slightly more inclined to explore in Oblivion because after a while I didn't think I'd find much off the beaten track in Skyrim and all the cliff and rocks and mountains made finding a way to a point a pain.
The dungeons are about the same level of boring in both but saying that I generally enjoyed exploring Oblivion gates whereas dragon fighting gets to be a chore.
Oblivion's leveling is retarded but Skyrims is shallow.
Oblivion also has the retarded enemy levelling system where bandits attack you dressed in full daedric armor.
I usually start playing as usual, using potions, spells, you know, like a normal person.
But for some reason I always end up using console commands and making me OP as fuck, I cant avoid it.
Also you can make your own spells in Oblivion, which they removed from Skyrim because Bethesda are lazy idiots.
Don't listen to him. You need to explore to find several questlines.
I loved Oblivion
I was 13 though and I really took my time playing it.
Sometimes I would roleplay a hunter / assassin dude and I even slept every night... he had breaks aswell and I just soaked in the atmosphere
Its crazy what a young imagination can do to improve a game
not even true
My roommate is a legit autist and pumped rediculous ammounts of hours into Morrowind. He was obsessed with alchemy and crafted potions that would allow his character to jump from one side of the map to the other and land safely.
When his Xbox red-ringed and his save file became inaccessable, the physocal complexion of his face lost colour and he has never recovered since.
If you liked Morrowind you should like it. It's still a TES games and the basic gameplay premises are very similar, it's just that it does some things much worse than other games(while doing other very well)
Mod the retarded level scaling and the potato heads and you're good to go.
Don't listen to him, look for the troll under the bridge m8.
Asking Sup Forums about this game was your first mistake. I highly suggest you to just play the game, dont ask for mods, dont ask about leveling, nothing just play the game and form your own opinion.
There's literally three things in Oblivion to be found exploring: Umbra (which you can be led to through NPC dialogue anyway), the troll under the bridge, and the unicorn. Everything else is quest related
It's an INCREDIBLY comfy EXPERIENCE, but not that great as a game thanks to the absolutely bullshit retarded scaling issues and idiotic leveling system.
>Skooma caves
>Cheeky notes
>Decent loot
ONE change to leveling system (you don't pick your attribute upgrades on levelups, you gain them automatically depending on skills you use) fixes it all completely.
That's just a part of the problem. Doesn't change glass armor bandits that appear when you level enough.
Adding mods doesn't mean the game isn't naturally garbage and bethesda should be given shit for it
Daedric quests are what you find out in the wilderness, also buff altars. Umbra and the Unicorn are both part of one. If those are the only daedric quests that you've found then you suck at exploring.
Most comfy most immersive of the series
Don't listen to the austits here, play it
One thing about oblivion : it's the funniest and most comfy TES
And that's a fact
Closing the gates gets tedious but the guild quest lines are vastly superior to skyrim's. Oblivion had a certain sinister charm/dark humor theme throughout the game that was left out of skyrim so it wouldn't scare off too many normies.
Can I recommend you to Buy The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe includes Knights of the Nine and the Shivering Isles expansions plus Fighter's Stronghold Expansion, Spell Tome Treasures, Vile Lair, Mehrune's Razor and much more.
It's on Steam btw. You can't go wrong reviews are Overwhelmingly Positive.
No skyrimjob is garbage, nothing can make it good
Oblivion has bullshit level scaling where you never feel powerful and every other enemy wears deadric armor after a certain point. The dark brotherhood faction and shivering isles are the best parts
Stick some basic graphics mods on and play it pretty much vanilla, though maybe with some quality of life mods like portable beds and shit. It's worth experiencing the level scaling for one playthrough just so you can argue about it later.
who the fuck said it's bad ? Main story is better than skrim - good dlc too
Guys what's the essential mods here? Newbie here and vg ain't helping.
darnified UI
quarls texture pack
Absolutely indisputably essential
>Unofficial Patches for base game and SI
>Darnified UI or Dark Darn, whichever you prefer
Pretty damn important for anyone
>Oblivion reloaded
>Stutter remover (OBSE plugin)
>Lowpoly grass (free performance)
>Operation optimization (more of the same)
Beginner-friendly gameplay improvements that you want unless you like getting pissed off at vanilla bullshit
>Realistic leveling OR Oblivion XP
>Oscuro's overhaul and/or Maskar's overhaul
>Vanilla combat enhanced
Textures (generally safe on any modern system)
>Quarl's redimized textures+ Bomret's SI
>Really textured normalmaps
>Improved trees and flora
>OCO v1 or v2 depending on preference
Cool things added to the game with little to no conflicts
>Unique Landscapes
>Animated window lighting system
>Better dungeons
>Weather all natural
Framerate raping, but cool mods to use at your own risk
>Better Cities
>Immersive interiors
>RAEVWD + tes4lodgen
If I had 1070 will it died and can it run on w10s?
Everything on that list before the last 3 mods will work just fine on anything. The last 3 mods will damage your framerate no matter what PC you have because they eat through CPU like crazy and Oblivion is limited to only using one core.
I get >60fps with Quarls, trees + fora, all natural, better cities, RAEVWD and unique landscapes with 6700k 980ti on W10. Still stutters sometimes when it loads areas though.
One last question, can it be played with controller? Ds4
It's only as bad as you are. Using g spells, you can make a 200+mph running, football field jumping, crazy spell slinging vampire/ spellarrow who can jump from mountains and survive.
Probably, never tried it but I don't see why not.
fuck off
>recommending any overhaul except Francesco's for beginners
They all change too much, especially OOO, which is a meme.
No they didn't include support for controllers like they did with Skyrim, although it's an option in settings weirdly enough but it doesn't work.
What the fuck is happening since when did Sup Forums dislike Oblivion? I've seen tons of threads with nothing but love for this shit. The ost is a 10. Comfiest game around.
Fran's still is what it was years ago, while OOO went a long way with its new-ish content packs.
Okay is that all mods? Any other miscellaneous mods or script or whatever?
Is the story connected somehow or just a part of anthology?
I know. A beginner doesn't need "new content", at most they just need tweaks to the awful level scaling which Fran's provides. It's the best overhaul for a vanilla experience.
Oblivion has about 30.000 mods on nexus, so of course there's more if you want. But there's no point turning your first playthrough into a science project, just get the basic fixes and improvements.
Oblivion XP is also a nice one. It rewards EXP for lots of things aside from killing enemies, such as stealing, gaining fame/infamy, closing oblivion gates, reading new books, finding Nirnroot, etc. I recommend this as it removes the counterintuitive default leveling system, which actually punishes you for focusing solely on your character's main skills.
I'd also recommend this mod:
It modifies Oblivion so that it can run better on modern systems. Normally, Oblivion can only get around 20-40 FPS on modern systems due to dated programming. With this installed, it can consistently run 60+ FPS.
There's also various recent crash fixes released in the past year that seem to be related to terrain. I'd recommend browsing the nexus and installing those.
Could you recommend a mod for fixing leveled loot lists?
Just use Francesco's mod. Everything else is bloated (maskar's is alright though)
How tf havent you played oblivion yet thats like saying i haven't watched starwars.
If you're not a dumb faggot piece of shit that hates video games you'll enjoy it.
I'm actually doing an offensive restoration playthrough right now.
No mods, just vanilla oblivion.
Tell me cool lore stuff
It's pretty good.
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion
It's a really comfy game with a ton of fun and original quests. With a reasonable amount of mods it's even better.
Just get some to fix the leveling system and the scaling, immersive ones like weather and dark dungeons (pitch black without a torch or spells), better textures for trees, grass, cities and maybe some combat ones to add more spells, more weapon variety etc.
Pic related is a decent non-intrusive setup, easy to mod and has never crashed for me.
Trying to fit in I see?
Best way to play it is to not use fast travel. I always make it a rule to walk to another city before I can fast travel there, and go dungeon diving and explore around the roads on the way.
the only real problem mechanically is the utter shite levelling system
get oblivionxp and you won't get screwed over because you put too much emphasis on sneaking and lockpicking
>Oblivion is just a questing game. Thats it. Don't bother exploring outside of traveling for quests
>Just talk to NPCs and enjoy the good quests, join every guild and enjoy the quests.
this is the best advice I've ever heard for oblivion
Yeah yeah mods for oblivion blah blah
What are some essential mods for morrowind? And keep in mind my PC can handle morrowind barely with no shadows and high view distance.
Cliff racer exterminator
Fair Magicka Regen
dont listen to any one here they just like to shit on stuff. me personally i liked oblivion and skyrim and morrowind. so just play it and decide for your self its only like 10 bucks
Do NOT make the mistake of choosing security as a major!
Once you figure out how it works, you'll be able to open any lock easily even if you're low level. Not to mention you'll be able to get the skeleton key soon in the game
I want to add that I chose it as a major for my warrior character, and I figured out how it works, and got the skeleton key, literally wasted some good levels, and it's not a skill you can just easily grind
QoL mods like :
>non-homicidal ecosystem
So you're no more always stuck in fight for a fucking rat you didn't even notice
>rich merchant
Because playing with creeper or the mudcrab isn't really more lorefriendly, so let's just sell as much junks as you like
>better bodies/faces/clothes/armors
No impact on performances and it looks nice
>unofficial patch
For all the glitches in the game and its expansion
For the rest -> Git gud
And have fun, N'wah
Any good fast travel mods that actually let you fast travel from the map discluding the one for tamriel rebuilt (which I'm downloading right now)
as I said, git gud
I'll never get this "le vanilla experience" meme especially in a Bethesda game.
Don't listen to these people, OP.
If you think a mod looks cool and it's confirmed to not be shit, just get it.
I've wasted so many hours playing inferior versions of a game because I listened to Sup Forums.
Sometimes the developers 'vision' is just lacking.
Since the game came out you underage faggot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fast travel
Use silt striders and boats
>muh fast travel
there are spells called mark and recall
use mages guild teleporters
Geez guys, I already finished the vanilla game before. Granted I forget alot of mechanics.
Oblivion is offensively bad. Some of the quests are alright, but EVERYTHING else is bland in the worst way possible.
Oblivion might be the worst sequel ever made and probably the most valid example of consoles ruining franchises.
Hope you didn't forgot about the muatra
is there a mod that makes leveling up in OOO not take 3 years?
That's not OOOs fault.
OOO literally slows down leveling by 3x.
Which is a choice I don't understand, since the starting area is filled with enemies 5 levels above you minimum.
I've played Kotor 1 and 2, tried TOR and really enjoy star wars universe, but I never watched any movie.
So, I like Oblivion, I really do, but every time when I consider replaying it the thought of having to close all these fucking gates again makes me want to puke and I'm too much of an autistic completionist to just leave them behind. Are there any mods which make the process of closing them less tedious and repetitive?
dude I remember I've spent whole day once downloading 15gbs of mods for Oblivion, then started it, played for 15mins and never touched it again. You just know that every quest you did you will do the same way this time, no choice whatsoever.
I don't even think I've heard of that...
Yeah, I know what you mean. I usually go on for longer than that, but I hardly ever actually finish the game on subsequent playthroughs. Although I feel that mods can actually kind of a reason for that. I never use them on my first playthroughs and then when I want to replay the game with them I kind of feel that I focus more on what I wanted to put into game with mods than on the game itself and it quickly looses novelty. If that makes any sense.
The morrowind wiki site thing said it's Vivec's spear or something? I skimmed through it.
his "spear" is an allegory for his genitals
You can edit it when you install the mod.
What the fuck is OOO?
Obsene Oblivion Overhaul. It modifies all the leveled lists in the game to make it more static and adds a shitton of hand placed items and enemies (which vanilla Oblivion barely had any of) to make exploration more rewarding. Basically instead of literally every enemy and piece of loot in the game being matched to your level, there is now a risk/reward tradeoff with high level enemies guarding high level loot and low level enemies guarding low level loot.
Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul
I think it changes way to much about the game, Francescos leveled creatures is better.
The fuck are you doing? It's called Obscure Oblivion Overhaul.
main storyline is terrible, sidequests/faction quests are great. If you liked Morrowind, you will surely enjoy it.