Diablo 2 ladder reset is today.Are you going to play it Sup Forums? I personally want to try a Cleric build.
Diablo 2 ladder reset is today.Are you going to play it Sup Forums? I personally want to try a Cleric build
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I never did have the fortune of playing any of the Diablo games or Starcraft. Have they aged well?
SC got a graphical update.I can't say about d2,I've been playing it on and off for a long time.I don't mind the graphics though.
What's cleric build?
You play as a paladin with the healing and resist aura.You can use fist of heavens for damage,otherwise you heal your party members with holy bolt.It's a support build.
I stopped playing Grim Dawn as soon as I found out that Diablo 2 was still active and I regret ever buying Grim Dawn. If you ever want to give it a try online though you need to follow forums.d2jsp.org
this guy gets it
Thanks for those anons. The fact that I can pretty much wreck shit with a bunch of raised skeletons interests me. We need more necromancers in vidya. Two more questions though.
Should I even bother buying them, or should I just pirate it?
How about Starcraft 1?
I've never played Diablo 2 before, but I have been playing PoE for the past few years. Should I buy it and start playing?
diablo 2 is the standard by which all other left click simulators are judged, even if you end up not enjoying it somehow, it's still worth a shot
Buy it off the jizzardstore or I've heard you can fine pictures of boxart with the cdkey visible to activate keys off of those if you're a poorfag. It's like 10 bucks. Places like Bookmans and vidya-resellers might have it as well if you don't feel like giving your money to the blizzjew.
I've never played Starcraft 1 so I can't speak on that, but buy D2 if you want to play online and pirate if you want to play alone I guess. If you play offline though, you're limited to non ladder runewords and runewords are a massive part of the game so you'll be missing out a little. Trading is also fun but quite hard to wrap your head around the value of things when you first start out.
That's the saddest picture I've seen.Makes me laugh,because I've done the exact same thing.
starcraft 1 is a fairly simple game that's ridiculously hard to master
it introduced great concepts into the RTS genere and made it a competitive and serious standard that 2 decades latter nobody can imitate
the campaigns are the way you learn how to play, pretty straight forward and have entertaining story, great music, pretty great spritework and art direction
multiplayer is very fucking hostile, you'll get rekt easily, I lack the time to explain how complex shit is, it's a little like chess, pretty technical and strategical, also time and speed wins games
How does this work in a game where you can die in less than a second?
sc is pretty good if you like rts
It could be worse
That's what the cleric does.He can give you regen,resistances,armor AND heal you.For your own safety I would assume just don't stand in the fire.I haven't really played it,since It's next to useless in solo play.
Please no...
Jezus. Glad i always triple checked the correct order every time i did a expensive runeword.
Straight up dropped last season because of that.
Was a damn good geared Hammerdin almost through NM.
Thinkin bout Necro this time like the good ole days.
I'm as big of a D2 fan as anyone but lets be honest, Bots/Spammers ran by neckbeards ruined the experience completely and it's a clusterfuck from day one.
okay what I'm not seeing here?
why insight is not working?
it is because is a spear?
Has the reset hit already? I'll summon the bonearmy your paladin can support
It needs to be in polearms or staves but I put it in a fuscina like an idiot thinking it would still work.
Don't worry, I think most people have made that mistake at least once.
Played D2 for so many years. Godly geared summonnecro, Lightning javazon, Smiter, Hammerdin. Boosting with sorc.
Damn many many hours spent on that game. Wish i could go back to it. but nobody is willing for the eternal grind for runes.
Here is a "guide" to a community still active on d2.Please don't attack the person.He's a cool dude actually.
8h 30mins until reset.
I can spit hate all day about Blizzard and how fucking shit is the company, but they were the fucking beetles of the game industry
Blizzard is one of the few privileged that are capable to sell a 20 year old game and say it was well fucking spent
Shame that reputation is trash now thanks to their jewish overlords.
no, Diablo hasn't at least. the entire game is controlled by pointing and clicking on literally everything. click to move, click to attack, click to loot, etc. it's extremely fucking annoying not having real time movement and selecting be separate actions
uhhh, why is it so dark? you can barely even tell anything apart on that picture.
That's from before the expansion.
fix your monitor's setting
>When you accidentally put a ber on a wirt's leg when managing your inventory
Did they ever update the resolution? If not who cares.
How do you know where/when Uber Diablo will appear?
You get a message "Diablo walks the earth", then the next superunique monster gets replaced by him. An example is the mage skeleton in the cathedral.
With all the year I spend on this game, I have never see this "Diablo walks the earth"
then sell some stones yourself
It's triggered by selling a certain number of SoJs to merchants. A message is broadcast to the server whenever someone sells one.
People would get together on a certain server IP and pool their rings together to force him to pop in any games on that server.
>get to act 3
>stop playing
my entire life these last 10 years
>People would get together on a certain server IP and pool their rings together to force him to pop
That's exacly what I wonder. How do you know when people are going to get together?
You know that because you are part of the group that is willing to sell a bunch of stones. They arent so stupid to let some faggot come in and trigger diablo while they just paid 50 stones
People had Dclone hunting forums/IRC channels.
Only played Diablo when I was younger, what do I need to know? Most of the ranting about stones confuses me.
Look at the youtube video.The guys youtube channel also has tips,tricks and guides to help you out.And for the more "complex" stuff,you just google.
The only build I've wanted to play anymore after all these yeard was the trap WW hybrid sin for PvP. However, she sadly wears items made of diamonds, judging from the costs.
I don't remember what exactly made it so expensive but I think it was ridiculous rare jewelry on top of all the runewords.
1-14 - Amazon
15-28 - Barbarian
29-42 - Necromancer
43-56 - Paladin
57-70 - Sorceress
71-84 - Assassin
85-00 - Druid
is there a channel where Sup Forums can idle while we wait for this thing to reset?
rollan for something
ok I will roll but if its not sorceress i will off myself
meh ok I can live with druid dont worry im fine not offing self
rate my hammerdin's gear
I've been playing this game again lately and it's dope.
Got an HC bowazon w/ some passives going. In act 3 right now. Never got an HC char to hell but I'm determined to get her there.
>hc bowazon
Ill probably just play a frozen orb sorc and rush straight to hell ancient tombs and grind it from like level 50 to whenever I feel like I can switch to farming chaos
8/10 would read again
single player?
It resets at 2pm PST
Diablo 2 is only worth it if you play SP with PlugY and hero editor, the ridiculous tiny chest is terrible.
Also, having to pick up gold is terrible too.
6 hours reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
will there be a dueling scene in the ladder? is making a sorc to magic find the best way to start getting some pieces of gear
blizzard or private server?
Im lost ;__;
Play with MedianXL, the last patch autopicks gold when you walk over it
Hammerdin is the best start imo. You can run straight to Hell Chaos and start killing Diablo. Sorceress gets cock blocked by cold immune De Deis.
Necro is not to be ignored either with the screen clearing potential of corpse explosion but its total crap on bosses.
alright im sold
just max hammers and the synergy then concentration aura?
Force me to play something other than Necro please
heres a guide with the optimal point distrubution
you will want to start as a holy fire zealadin and respec
pic related would be a sample load out for starting to farm chaos sanctuary.
actually now that I look at it that gear is way better than what you need for chaos. It takes very little to get hammers off the ground. it can be done as cheaply as:
1. farm tal eth runes from normal countess first thing
2. shop or loot a 2os light body armor and make stealth at level 17
3. shop a 3os large shield from a2 fara and make an ancient's pledge with runes from barb quest in a5
4. farm a crystal sword in normal cow level and socket at larzuk, farm nm countess for runes to make spirit
5.before you go to hell shop resist boots/gloves/belt from charsi and top resists off with rals/tals in a socketed helm
druid or necro please
Ahh thanks man
why zeal holy fire? just gives the best bang for your skill points?
Must suck to be so handicapped. The game is extremely fast.
SC1's controls have issues but the game is still fun.
I think holy fire gives you the most damage.
Well speed runners have just found that to be the best level 1-18 build that lets you actually be able to kill stuff. Paired with throwing javelins through much of act 1 it is the easiest/fastest leveling experience. Oh and a Steel runeword in a scimitar is the ideal weapon and something that speedrunners will farm runes for as well.
You dont get hammers until level 18 and they do next to no damage until you get the second point in hammers and conc at 19 so its just a bridge to get there. If you do it some other way it just won't be nearly as smooth or efficient.
Dueling scene has been dead for years. You might get a couple of decent duels early in the ladder season. After the initial rush though the one dueling game that pops up every now and then will be full of jsp kiddies with decked gear.
>Been playing for two hours
>suddenly realize there haven't been any gold sellers
This motherfucker walks up to you in the cloister and smacks your amazon gf in the armor plated ass. What do?
ohhh nice interesting
ill try to make that steel runeword
whats the best time to respect to hammers? level 30-40?
pour a gallon of thawing potions directly into her anus
here we go
Its in that guy's guide. At level 19 and you end up with like 7-8 unused skill points that you slowly level conc aura up with alongside hammers. The damage is a little lack luster at first but it ramps up quick.
Alright lets do this
Can you play on official servers with a pirated version?
If you try to do that,you would be IP banned for a week.Even if you try to connect with a legit copy,the ban still stands,until the week ends.By week I mean 7 days since you got banned.
Rollan time
are there any discord groups for this ladder reset
Would you?
fuck discord autism and fuck you
i just got it yesterday to find people to play some obscure submarine game, whats artistic about it
Check for twitch streamers later tonight the most popular ones will have active discords.
Btw does anyone know what happened to Uncapable? He was making all these plans for ladder reset and then he fell off the map. Hasn't streamed in three weeks.
Charsi is literally my waifu
What the fuck is wrong with Discord? Are you just mad because you dont have anyone to talk to there?