Why didn't you like this groups of friends? It was fun

Why didn't you like this groups of friends? It was fun.

Anything except Gaston and Navarre are shit

Useless faggots. Nanashi did all the work and when I get a chance to achieve Godhood they attempt to stop me. Fuck you.
Toki is very hot though, I turned her into my megami.

I stalled it for a while.
Maybe i should continue it soon.
Fun game, but im a filthy casual.

Because they betray you over your plans to genocide the human race.

Only played SMT IV, and think I was turned off to this because their character designs are REALLY bad to me. Mainline SMT is getting shit on.

Love Persona 5, but we need Kazuna Kaneko back REAL fucking bad. Who fucking designed these guys? Holy shit.

Because Dagda was a better friend

Because they were pointless, especially fucking Nozomi.

Like really, fucking Nozomi? She was just in a sidequest that's irrelevant in SMT IV. Toki was cute though.

Kaneko's artstyle has a nice feel to it and contributes a lot to the atmosphere, but his human character designs are total ass user.

>le I like his demons but his humans suck and I prefer Soejima/Doi memeopinion
Get out.

They're not worse than these. These almost-cutesy deviant-art characters are terrible.

What's with the little splotches on their nose and cheeks? I really just dislike it.

Raidou and Tatsuya are pretty much the only well designed characters Kaneko has, and that's like 2% of his whole repertory.
Post something other than them and maybe I'll see your point.

The one problem with Kaneko is the sameface.

Everything else about his human designs are good.


That's terrible user.

>arguably the most iconic humanoid character design in mainline
>not well-designed

Don't get me started on demi-fiend
>retarded tribal glowing tatoos
>shirtless for some reason
>stupid horn sticking out of his nape
>gay tight as fuck shorts
>blue sneakers

take him out of context and demifiend's just a scrawny fag with a series of tattoos designed to blend into his jorts


>no Maya

>take him out of context

Take Michelangelo's Creation of Adam out of context and it's a swole dicklet pointing at an old man in a bed of children.

Maya looks stupid.

Because Dagda was right.


Why does she have hearts directly on her boobs ?

point taken

Demifiend's actual design is fucking trash.

His hair is terrible, with the cowlicks right, left, and center. His fashion sense is the FUCKING WORST. He barely gets bearable by taking off anything identifiable, but even then he's a shirtless twink with no muscle definition, shitty hair, who passively follows along like a little bitch.

I'm not a personage or a SMTGfag.

>shirtless for some reason
To have him with a shirt and tattoos would make his design too busy. The tattoos are the highlight, thus clothing is kept to a minimum.

>the best party member is solidly Navarre followed by Toki.

my only grip, its so clear cut that it ruins having so many.

>ready to kill me at any moment if I disagree with them

so can you fug the mir-looking loli or is this not that kind of game

Nozomi was okay for random encounters too.

I think you just have shit opinions. I'd say most SMT fans like demi-fiends design. I love it.

SMT IV suffered for lame-ish character designs, and FINAL just really takes the cake.

Strange Journey designs are amazing too, imo. Kaneko IS SMT in my eyes. I don't NEED them to be like his necessarily, just NOTHING like final or SMT IV would be fine, desu.

You and Dagda have it rough, I mean his own mom just shits out another him that agrees with her to replace him when she can't convince him.

Worst party members in the entire series. desu I'd kill of all of them except Toki.

Boohoo. Hero's mom tried to eat him.

>but his human character designs are total ass
Either you're a personafag or you have downright shit taste.

Your entire argument is "I bet most people like it" just guessing.

Why not say why it's a good design? I gave reasons I think it's shit and it makes me not like him immediately. That hair is fucking stupid, and it doesn't have a reason for it nor does it change when he becomes a demon. His clothing is stupid, and they ditch half of it but keep half of it. His lack of muscles is awful for being presented as a powerful demon that's highlighting his bare, human form (besides wearing fucking shorts and sneakers).

Even a fucking bullied chaos nerd has a more appealing, internally consistent design.

such is the fate of being a meta-physical being.

its one of the main reasons Dagda wants to undo what happened to make all the Demons and Gods the way they are now, he'd prefer they'd be how they started out, as simply concepts and part of things instead of gaining personification.

he's such a sympathetic character with a clear cut pure motive that has aims far above his own self, yet his required methods are pretty brutal.

Gaston was fantastic.
Asahi was terrible.
Everyone else fell somewhere in the middle.

>take him out of context

>the White were right all along

I would've preferred if it was just Nanashi and a small group (maybe just Asahi and Navarre), but you still met and interacted with the others. That way you could get their story bits, and it could maybe not force you to go along with their lines of thinking.
For example, I'd be OK with doing the Nozomi fairy stuff, and you can still say you agree/disagree with her opinions, but since I knew she'd stick around for the entire game it felt weird to be a dick to her (which were the only disagreement options IIRC). So if you just met up with her periodically it wouldn't be as annoying to me.
This didn't start out as a "why isn't this like Nocturne" complaint but feel free to point out that's what it is.

I guess I didn't specify because I didn't think I could make you agree, since I happen to like all the things you hate. I like the simplicity of his clothing, I really like the tattoos and neon-lining. I like that the horn and the tattoos ARE the outfit, his clothes had to be simple because they were largely secondary to his design.

He was just a sporty kind of kid before the world went to shit, so his clothes weren't anything special. I like all these things about his design, but you disliked all these things. Doesn't sound like we'll agree. I don't like the chaos nerd you posted either, that camo-coat seriously makes me furious.

No they weren't. They would fail to wipe out every universe because they're shit, mate.
When I become God, I am going to recreate EVERY universe and shit on the Great Will.

You know what I am going to do? I am going to car crash the Persona mainstream and SMT universes together.
Half of you faggots get Persona, the other half get demons, feel free to fight over who is better.

The only one i liked was Toki,others were boring and annoying as hell,so glad i could kill them all with Dagda

>Half of you faggots get Persona, the other half get demons, feel free to fight over who is better.


>I'll solve the problem by becoming the problem

SMTIV had some issues with presentation, but ultimately I love the power they give you with the endings.
Everything had powerful ramifications unlike the "Musubi" and etc endings in Nocturne.

It's a shame Apocalypse didn't maintain the atmosphere of IV.
I think IV is one of the weaker games in the series but the atmosphere and lore are so goddamned good that it's the only one I bothered to replay.

You get a single Slime demon