Sombra is actually pretty good if you know how to play her

Sombra is actually pretty good if you know how to play her

She's pretty cute too.

>if you know how to play her
As your team's cumdumpster?

She is shit. She is poor man's tracer.
The only thing she can do is flank the enemy team, try to create some diversion and finish some low hp survivors.

Tracer does all that, better and Tracer's ulti is actually good

>and Tracer's ulti is actually good
Stopped reading there.

Tracer's ulti is shit, but it is more useful than Sombra.
You can instant kill anyone except orisa if she is using her special skill.
It also has a aoe effect, small yes, but it is there

It can't kill most of the tanks from full health. And other heroes have ults that do more damage and have much, much, much bigger area of effect and duration. Anyway, I'd be fine with low damage and tiny AoE, if the game could at least let you land Tracer's ult consistently. Tracer throws like a lame nigger baby, the bomb only goes only as far as like a meter away, even if you aim it at 45 degrees. They should've let you throw it at least half as far as Junkrat's mine.

so you read everything...

That's the joke.

Of course, best girl is always good.

It is still very effective. You need some training with the throw and be very close to an enemy.
But that is why you have the warp ability. Get close to a hod, rein or dva (heroes with gigantic hit boxes) use Q and then E to run the shit out of there.

It is also useful against torb's turrets.

With that said, I'm not implying Tracer is good, or she has good abilities/ult.
I'm saying she is better than sombra.
Sombra, Orisa. Every new hero released so far is garbage. Ana is the only one slightly useful.
I'm expecting future characters to be all garbage. Gj blizzard

Honestly, I'd take garbage new heroes over broken flavor of the patch heroes like in some other games I know.

>Create character with amazing escape, very fast movement speed, mid range fire power, counteractive abilities and actual invisible stealth tactics
>Still fuck the character up completely

How is this even possible?

>Things are not as bad as many people claim if you apply something that most people generally lack
I see what you did there and I applaude your high-brow humor.

>create an offense character that deals no fucking damage safely as a flanker and can't actually catch fleeing opponents

you can make her work if you're great at tracking and coordinate EMP with your team. but honestly you can just switch to tracer or genji and do way more work more easily.

I've been playing Sombra a lot and I like her gameplay, but in a good round I usually just kill one support before I need to retreat. If I switch to Genji I can often kill both supports in one flank.

I just want them to tighten her spread a bit. It would still make her useless if the player is shit but good players would be rewarded.

but user EMP is objectively the best ultimate in the game

>eliminates shields
>builds faster than any other ult
>locks the enemy team out of their ability set
>can be used to insta hack priority targets like Mercy on the way back from spawn or nuke a teleporter/shield gen

>Tracer's ulti is actually good

do bronze-diamond players actually believe sombras ult is bad. holy fuck

>the bomb is better than the hack

>Tracer's ulti is shit, but it is more useful than Sombra.

You fucking serious? The only reason you pick Sombra in high tier play is for her ulti.

>all over offense class heroes have ults that can kill
>Sombrero just makes me people annoyed for a few seconds.
Sombra is shit.

>Sombra has an ult that can help the team initiate and can have massive combo winow
>tracer needs and a tank that has massive cc for her shit ult to work

This is the most tard thing i've ever seen

You mean like killable by everyone

Her counteractive ability is her hack, right? Literally all it does is neutralize the player field for her. She doesn't have any offensive abilities. You hack a soldier so that his stupid biotic field doesn't artificially give him 400 HP and instagib you with his skill rocket, and he still has the advantage in terms of damage output.

Everything about Sombra is good on paper but in relation to the rest of the heroes she is bad.

you see they made a hero that requires teamwork so yea she is shit

I don't play inbreed spic nigger.

>Orisa is bad
>Sombra is bad
>Ana only slightly useful
Jesus Christ dude

Stop trying to take on other DPS heroes who are designed for kills and nothing else. She disrupts the team then escapes, plus she can see who is very weak so she can target them.

>Ana is the only one slightly useful.
t.console cuck or

There is nothing wrong with being gold.

She is, she just requires team coordination that you don't normally find in solo q. EMP is amazing if you combo it well.

Taimou just obliterated some Koreans on Sombra, actually.

It just feels pointless to me. She does great if your team also does great so you share the damage, but then again Genji is even better at finishing off low health targets provided there is some communication and he can solo kill reliably


Torbjorn on the other hand is nothing short of amazing. He is always underestimated at low skill levels. Of course, to play at the peak performance player must be very high skilled. Of course teammates are usually very shortsighted and often stoop low and try to intentionally cut the game short by trolling but you must keep your chin high up and carry the game.

>With that said, I'm not implying Tracer is good, or she has good abilities/ult.
Tracer IS good.

shes good at taking futa cock

She's not really meant to be a conventional DPS. She's support-DPS, which is why in pro games you often see the support player flex to Sombra. In a game where cooldowns and ults are total game changers, the ability to completely neutralize them is huge.

That's not to say she's not a niche pick, but she absolutely has enormous utility in the right spots, especially health pack denial on 2CP defense. She can be super effective, but you can't play her like Tracer or Genji.

Just stop. Pretty much everything you said is wrong.

Also she's a hard counter to DVa, so she'll always have a place in my heart

I want to marry and start a family with Sombra

But her and D.Va are a lesbian pairing

How come the lesbians hard counter each other in this game?

No reason she should do less damage than Tracer. Her damage needs to be upped a little bit.

Or she shouldn't be put in the offense section. Put her in support like Sombra.

Hog, Sombra and Sym are all in the wrong categories.

>No reason she should do less damage than Tracer.
she has better survivability and a cloak.

Having a "hybrid" category would be kind of neat. Because Hog does have some tanking qualities despite not having any defensive abilties, and Sym has some support abilities while being mostly defensive.

Sym goes to Defense, Hog goes to offense, Sombra goes to trash can, right?

I think putting Hog in the offense category would just make it even more obvious that he really just is a broken dps and not a tank

She's my favourite of the offense heroes. I'm pretty awful with her but there's the moments where everything comes together and you sneak into the back line, take out a healer and then ult as your team goes in for a rush of kills and it feels fucking great.

She's probably who my next gold weapon will be for.

Bonus for being one of the sexiest women in the game. I'd let her hack me in spanish any day.


No, but really, support. Sombra is support.

She really is such a mutt. Can't do enough damage by herself to be a dps, can't assist the team enough to be support, sombrero is suffering.

Support feels awkward because she doesn't really support her team directly like other supports, the support comes from the sheer utility she provides with her kit.

I really think it would be neat if Blizzard reworks the hero categories the more heroes they add and include a hybrid category.

Sombra can now hack teammates to speed up their cooldowns for a short while.
How broken is this?

yeah I did too, mostly because it was the end of the fucking post.

>Empty a magazine in the back of a 200HP character
>they don't die

She's plain garbage.

Trying to hack in a cluttered teamfight would be a complete shitshow. It's already bad enough when you're trying to hack someone around an unhacked health pack and it hacks the pack instead.

Aim better.

You should be getting the drop on them 100% of the time and you have amazing escape tools.

learn to aim desu

Also all hacked enemy turrets/shiled generator become friendly for the duration of an emp

>Her best use is making other characters temporarily worse while putting herself at risk and then running away rather than being able to sustain it
>The characters she makes worse are still better than Sombra during that time
>Each team can only have 6 characters, so you would have to disable a team of 6 down to the point they have effectively the manpower of 5 for your team to even be on an even playing field


Ok now that's broken. Fund it.

Tracer has way better survivability. Her rewind restores health, her warps are much faster than trying to run cloaked and easily spammed. She can actually get in and out and recover super easily, while doing better damage and doing all of it faster.

Not as fun as the original.

>tracers ult is actually good
sure, Jan

I want to breed Skye

look up some top ranked Sombra player using her. She has a high learning curve. Some guy exploits the living hell out of her teleport, preplans his moves, jumps in to shoot shit and then bails out.

I love how Palacucks have been for a few days already getting in all OW threads to spam their MMO characters because they know no actual Paladins thread can remain alive on it's own.

I hate her stupid face, I hate her stupid voice, I hate her stupid character, I hate her stupid playstyle. The one thing she's good for is when she finally hits her ult to break the Rein's shield

sombra more of a defense than an offense character. play her on defense, hack health packs constantly, hack every hero that can heal and put down shields, and teleport when you're going to die. honestly how are people shit with her?

No, actually don't give a shit about the game fights. I'd pick poison/health rape over hacking simply because of the ability to stack damage. Sombra needs more damage.

>not eating mexican treats or candies
wtf i hate america now

>MMO characters
>while overwatch is literally scrapped MMO

>hating this cutie

And Paladins ended up with the MMO-tier character design.

Honestly, even though hack is great against any tank hero, my favorite thing about playing Sombra is hacking Tracers and Genjis and watching them panic and eat it moments later.

>Tripfag shilling his dirty beaner waifu

Character-based shooters can not be fun.


Great stealth character Blizzard.

>There will never be a silent stealth character because Blizzard needs to sell there limit time voicelines

>unironical usage of asterisks to describe actions
How about you go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out from?


I want to impregnate Sombra while holding hands and she talks dirty in Mexican

She's cute though.

what's better is when you hack someone and all they do is stare at you and run in circles as if their gun got hacked and can't shoot at all. Its fucking hilarious

I bet Sombra's a total tsundere

Best dance.

>hack Soldier 76
>he forgets how to run

why does no one pick healer in this game

Sombra probably has the most overall well animated dance.

There is no greater sexual release than hacking Genjis and watching them spaz out

>In Quickplay it's because it's no fun to watch your teamates run to their deaths over and over
>In competitive it's because you get ranked lower for playing supports

Murricans can't take any heat (they think jalapeƱos are really spicy), so they are locked out of like 75% of traditional mexican candies.

most dances look awkward as fuck
only exceptions being zen, reaper and sombra

>shoot genji with an laser orb
>he reflects it

>tfw hacking genji

>underestimating the power of nippon steel folded over 1000 times

Shes best girl is what she is

>tfw just had a game where they other team literally said I was the best player and created a ton of opens my team didn't exploit after my team tried to blame their loss on me

Its fucking horrible to snipe the shield gen take out the Mercy Ult when the rest of the team is literally right the fuck there on the fucking bridge and they just refuse to move in. Its also insane when I have literally every relevant health pack hacked and I keep getting kills when the other team tries to use them but my team never fucking uses them and instead demands a mercy so that they can just stand in place and fire instead of staying mobile. I literally watched a in mech stand in the corner for for 2 minutes spamming HEAL ME! instead of walking over to the health pack that was not even 10 seconds away.

>Murricans can't take any heat (they think jalapeƱos are really spicy)

That's just an anglo thing in general. They're really bad at handling spices, probably because they're descendants of a people who can't cook for shit.

It's the same thing in Australia, knew a guy who thought pepper was too hot. I mean actual pepper, not chilies but the stuff that sits on the table next to the salt.

>hack Roadhog
>forgets how to inhale canned farts

I want to play her just for that dance.