Your favorite game

>your favorite game

>most cheap strat/item/character in it

Other urls found in this thread:"I_Will_Avenge_You!"

Gotcha Force
Acceleration Ninja

Dragon's Dogma
>stacking attack/stagger buffs out the ass with liquid vim(or whatever the buff that gives you infinite stam is called)

>Implying it's not already piss-easy
Maybe berserker-multi hit-time slow combo

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Elincia with Imbue

aoe 2
Persian douche


Final Fantasy Tactics
Using Calculators

slow time/multi arrow and chugging exp potions when your multiplyer is crazy high.

Multi arrow was crazy as fuck.

most fun skill was summon though, just because the progression from wasp to white balverine, to even crazier shit was so cool.

Dude just spam spearmen lmao

>deus ex
>pistol/dragon's tooth

>letting your enemy get an economy that can spam elephants

a bow with double or triple Silver aug on it
just breezing through zombies and balverines.
and lying to myself at the start of a new character that I won't Buy/sell myself into obscene riches

>not english memebowmen

Google persian douche please

>falling for a DA rush that's not from the huns
wanna know how i know you're a shitter?

cheap doesn't mean good you absolute fucking retard
>wanna know how i know you're a shitter?
Wanna know how I know you're one?
Tip: it's because the first thing that came to your retarded mind when I said persian douche were war elephants


The future is ours.

There will NEVER EVER again be a strat so cheesy, so easy and so successful that it survived 10 years of focused nerfing and maintained the meta status.


mending wammos wtf



Witcher 1 full Igni build

Been a while since I've had a "favorite."

Let's see...DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2, the Halo/Majin Seal + any character with a rapid-fire homing energy-blasts Blast2. Also, that easy stun-lock combo of hitting the same three buttons over and over again until your opponent dies. The only way out of it is to kick the controller out of the other player's hand. Then LSSJ Brolly's AI does it in the story mode so you can't ever let him within meelee distance.

Not favourite but favourite of the series.
>Dark Souls 2
>Blunt weapons and/or black orb

Iway was a strat in Guild Wars 1 that abused the skill"I_Will_Avenge_You!"
The strategy involved abusing pets that were sent to die at the start of battles so you could use the skill, the players themselves didn't need to kill themselves or anything.
There were multiple builds using the skill but all revolved around it. The first build was created by a south korean pro gamer if I remember correctly.

Mount and Blade Warband
Shield bashing enemies constantly keeps them stun locked and has no adverse effects
AI cannot shield bash

Its a strat around this skill in Guild Wars.
The more you and your pets died, the better for you. This thing had pretty much every skill used nerfed to oblivion and back and it was still meta. 8 uncoodinated pub random faggots would reliably stomp coordinated teams using legit strategy. This thing is nothing short of genius, now that I am able to appreciate it.


Cammy and Akuma

This is amazing. It's like learning about the Corrupted Blood thing in WoW all over again

This build was also a great example of how you can smartly abuse skills. It involved this skill
Basically you and your team would suicide yourselves at the same time to deal mapwide damage to any humans (so basically all players) thus creating a chain reaction killing everyone except a designated player that stacked spells that mitigated the damage. You'd wipe an entire team in pvp if you coordinated well and killed yourselves at the exact same second.

character: engi of infinite skill
strat: just run and spam missles. spam missles AND mines when a boss appears.
items: infusion and ceremonial dagger.

GW was full of weirdly interesting builds. Feat your eyes on this ultimate legend.
jesus fuck fellow gwfag, stop stealing my posts.