So, does it?

So, does it?

I don't know are there different positions yet?

I didn't even know the guy had died until that thread

I doubt it was him, the pressure probably got too much considering all he did was make a blowjob sim so he fucked off.
He could be in this thread right now.

Yeah but I never used mods for it

Explain that please, i have a life and i don't come here often

You haven't fapped enough

Ok, maybe i should have avoided telling you the last part but i still don't get the OP joke


i don't get it

That's because you're a newfag. Don't worry, it'll stop eventually.


i should reinstall that shit

It's not really a joke, just a slowpoke. The OP pic is a character mod for Super Deepthroat, different positions was a highly requested feature but the creator is RIP.

Hell is too good for your kind.

>dead meme

i've been here for 8 years but ok

I don't get it.
>SDT hair pack
>someone asks if there's more positions
Seems like a valid question.


There's no more positions because the creator is dead. Now why there are that many (You)'s, I don't know about that.




I've been hearing "the creator is dead" since 2012, without confirmation ever since I first heard it.

>~le creator died rip in peaces F to pay respect meymey

Oh. Didn't know he was dead.
Why do these hentai game creators always seem to be so sickly?
The Slavemaker 3 guy seems like he's on his deathbed every post he makes. Hell, I haven't even followed it in years now, he probably is dead by now.

I know all about SDT, but I don't understand why that post got a gorillian replies

well it's been 5 years, if he wasn't dead back then he sure as hell is dead now


who's that? that's not the Sup Forums mascot, the hair is all wrong

>they haven't nodded their game
There a shit tin of positions.

>Dungeons and Prisoners will never see release


>he doesn't know that /hgg/ on 7+1chan is translating it at a decent pace

>implying nu-mods and jannies will understand

Think you've got a different game in mind there bud, D&P exists only as a demo and the creator already translated it

Unless you mean the latest update,
but that's still just a demo

That's not Sachiko.


Uhh, reddit here

This is a sex mod for skyrim, right? You guys are weird

is this a Sup Forums screencap? where are the reaction faces and enlarged comments?


There's literally a thread up right now with people to translating it and editing images and stuff.

I don't get it

Nigga it says right in the OP that its mainly just feature creep.


>people like are allowed to live

I was in this thread. All the replies to the post were made by the same user. And now this is a screencap? Probably shared on reddit too. Haha look 4chainz is so memes. I forged a screencap, look so funny.

Jesus how much attention do you guys crave?

>complains about reddit
>uses reddit spacing




I bet you're a Canadian.

you monster


nice meme

>Why do these hentai game creators always seem to be so sickly?
seems to me hentai-game development is a last resort for most of them. Half of those "sickly" devs are just scamming their audience though instead of being genuinely sick. Or they're both, in the case of Dungeons and Prisoners.


That's it, you are sleeping out tonight.

What was it

A sin too great to bear


Use the archives, phoneposting faggot.




Why must you do this

oh shit already deleted MODS ARE IN THIS THREAD

because half of them are
>put me in the screenshot

This kind of degeneracy must be closely watched

w-what was it lads


I missed it. But I bet my ass it was a yotsuba sdt mod.

Fucking hell they even deleted the .png of the mod

fan mods exist so that 'user' posting was just a retarded reddit 'put me in the screencap' cancer

What was it

it was then he loaded it in and made her choke until she was asleep

>being this new



So why doesn't some other faggot just make a new one then? What a shitty meme.

I don't know, but it almost seem like a curse for hentai game dev. Pixel factory (creator of parasites in city) also went dark after his last blog post (at the end of 2014) without any warning

that dev actually posted a few times in the ulmf thread for his game after 2014 iirc