
Anyone still play this? It's a fun game but it seems pretty dead since the Win7/8 version never got an open beta.

wait this came out?

I've played in most of the betas from last year and I'm still waiting for this bitch to come out.

Still open beta on Xbone and Win10

It's in open beta now, and apparently release is Soon™

Well I guess I'm playing again. I just hope they eventually release it on Steam, I'd hate to see the game die so young, its really fun.

Same, I'm on Xbone and I wish it wasn't fucking exclusive, Micro$oft is killing this game. It's way more fun than Overwatch or Paladins.





Why i can't get it on W10? It says that is not available.

Got a friend who does art for this game. Apparently it's coming out on steam early july.

Probably gonna play it because i'm so sick of Overwatch. Paladins was a refreshing experience too.

You should be able to user, it's an open beta.

I like it a lot more than paladin's. The ability to change how your skills work is important to me in these games.

Usually I don't believe the "my dad works at Nintendo" posts but I'm hoping you're right. This game needs a steam release to survive. Xbox/Win10 exclusivity is an easy way to extinguish a game quick

it will get a steam release but in one or two years, so you can consider this game dead already

It's only on windows 10. Fuck that.

A-And Xbone...

No it isn't, it's on w7/8 too. Why would OP mention those versions it they didn't exist?

>open beta
>not available outside US and EU

From what i played it seemed fun but very shallow and it has zero staying power.

Win7/8 version still hasn't gotten an open beta, and you need to use the shitty client to play on Win7/8 so it scared people away from that platform

I play it from time to time. Matchmaking errors and disconnects are still plaguing the game. I would like to see some options for self moderation in the game. For example if a person left a match you would be given the option to flag them so that you can't be paired up with them anymore when queuing.

>very shallow
It has way more depth than Overwatch and Paladins. Not only do you level up in-match like a MOBA and your skills evolve down different trees, but it also places a lot of emphasis on map control through use of creature/towers.

To be fair all mobas are pretty shallow. Probably to appeal to a wider audience.

That'd be nice. With the limited release and how little anyone seems to discuss it, I was starting to think someone was trying to pull a Dawngate.

Compared to what? Sure it's shallow compared to something like an rpg, it's a totally different kind of game.