>That guy who used to make good videos
>Now all he makes is excuses
What's his name?
That guy who used to make good videos
Other urls found in this thread:
Jerma main
>that guy on your Steam friends list that wants to be Youtube famous and keeps sending you his mediocre videos that get like 10 views each
>even made a Steam group for his "fans"
Joseph Anderson.
Dude is a fucking god at making in-depth video game reviews and critiques.
Too bad he knocks his wife up all the time. Will probably be a couple of years until we see him more often again
jon :(
raging ricardo
yup, these two. at least Jerma's stream videos are entertaining at times
Seven Dollars Sanchez
Other Joe needs to detatch himself from him and start making videos on his own: he's such a nice guy, but he's wasted by standing alongside that waste of a Channel Awesome scrap.
I tell him to stop sending me his clickbaity trash videos
This above all else.
Hahah! Try another!
Hahah! Try another!
Hahah! Try another!
>youtube channel filled with creativity and entertainment
>slowly turns into a gaming channel because people kept asking to play games.
Mecha please I'm waiting on that E3 2017 video.
obviouslyjesus, at least i think that was his name. I vaguely remember enjoying his content and then i guess shit happened in his life and he stopped, he post the odd video now and then but they're usually 10 second clips of some game he's playing. The longest video he put out recently was a video saying if you were voting for trump to unsubscribe from him and before that i think it was a video begging for patreon donations.
Flustered Fernando
Pre-cuck Retsupurae
angryjoe.... holy shit has the channel taken a nose dive.. why does he let that fat fuck delrith stream on his twitch and dilute his image? the guy is so fucking boring that he needs to stream under a different account to trick people into accidentally watching him..
then there's fucking joe himself that hasn't done more than like 2 reviews in 2017... then there's his swedish girlfriend that is literally just "eye candy" and is gamergurl#41120...
OJ needs to start his own fucking channel
>Actually attacks and mocks his fans for asking for video game reviews and not half-assed film "reviews" or trailer reactions
I never took him serious but that is fucking ridiculous.
it's actually theatrical at this point. the people who defend him in the youtube comments are even more funny to be honest.
he's such a shill
Watch him becoming Spoony 2.0
What a waste.
Leave joe alone, he only has seven dollars.
Really anyone from TGWTG.
Egoraptor. His content 5-10 years ago was actually fun.
His name is notvidya
He isn't Rockcock.
SSoHPKC, except he just disappeared again.
what did he do now? idk how he managed to live in korea for an entire year yet not pick up any korean
youtube e-celebs are not videogames
Most of TBG reviews were Skype audacity recordings which were edited together by Dingdong. Rockcock did some of the editing himself, but Dingdong still played a large role.
Well, apparently politics and waifus are so it's all good.
>12000 subscribers
>not a single video
>tfw u find out the reason his uploads are erratic is because he's a surgeon at a children's hospital and any time one of his patients dies he sets aside time to go to the funeral
no they aren't and it doesn't justify this shit thread you dumbfuck redditor parasite
>uses a picture of himself as his channel icon
WTF this isn't fucking facebook
May he RIP
He should prolly just get into streaming and start uploading the past broadcasts he does desu
Seriously fuck them.
h3h3, the guy legitmately made funny content years ago. Now he's reddit's guy and everyones pal, now everything feels like scripted and less genuine, does alot of messing with people in publuc stuff and makes fun of inventions and things now because he's too afraid to be offensive now. Its a shame really, it all went downhill after he started including his wife in every video
Maximilian_Dood, formerly Miles923
Assist Me! was great. His older videos were great. Now it's a bunch of speculation and overdone hype.
He does occasionally give some good insight on games though.
Must not be a very good surgeon then.
Rockcock's GF sure is annoying to listen to
>that friend who's icon is his face and his channel name is his real name and his videos are just him sitting in front of the camera and talking about his opinions
>tfw he brags to me that he got 16 views in one day
>tfw he doesn't know I have a 11,000 subscriber channel and get more views per minute than he does per day
Is it wrong for me to say that I regularly have the misfortune of seeing people worse than DSP playing games?
Like how can you be worse than DSP? Why are they worse than DSP? How dare they have the audacity of making jokes about DSP?
im glad hes happy but it doesnt feel right
>Nobody's posted him
Post the channel
This. Goes from making great video content to being an entertaining, plain, relatable streamer to a snide, screeching cunt who shits out highlights and doesn't even enjoy streaming or playing the games he streams.
8 Bit Brody
nothing he makes is video games, just cars and shitty interviews
I kinda disagree and think Hila is a great addition. Plus he's been doing the messing around in public shit for literal years. But keep in mind that they're still being sued, so you can't really blame him for trying not to step on people's toes as hard.
I wouldn't hate him so much if he didn't fucking bail on trying to be an artist, and didn't pretend to know anything about video game design.
Epicnamebro, he doesnt go on youtube anymore but he goes full dsp on stream alot, its kinda funny
He is married to an asian chick. I've seen them playing Binding of Isaac together on stream. Have been married for a while if I recall correctly.
They seem to have a good relationship.
He should really go back to doing animations
To be fair, he is still being sued to the ground by that one guy he made fun of over a year ago who is apparently burning a lot of money to keep the lawsuit going.
yes they have you blind fuck
2nd Jerma is basically his old content, but with new games and sometimes funny edits. It's very good, I recommend
I think Jerma's content has gone downhill recently. Especially when his gf is involved.
I miss Counter Monkey.
I would but I'm talking numerous examples, for many games. They have no ground for making DSP jokes when they've spent the first episode bragging about being a "big tough souls fan" then dying so many times that the enemies despawn.
Retsu got cucked?
I never agreed with an user so much...
Angry joe has gotten fucking lazy with his reviews, and none of them have been all that funny anymore, his last good video was the saints row 4 one.
They made a gaming channel that only a part of their group plays games at on occasion, why is that bad?
The main channel remains as it was.
Girlchan will always be the greatest thing he ever put out
this guy?
>That guy who used to make good videos
>Now he's gone
What did they do to rustle your jimmies user?
They are being sued because of this video
>used to make 5000 per month, and nearly hit 6000
>is now the ultimate cautionary tale of internet hubris
>to the point where a 40 minute video documenting his fall doesn't even scratch the surface of everything that went wrong
An ocean is not an excuse
So, what is the issue with NorthernLion? I am not a big fan, but never heard anything bad about him before.
Seems to be a chill guy who minds his own business and hangs out with the same crowd of friends for years.
They keep doing nuzlockes but keep breaking the rules, theyve wiped and gotten caught but they continue anyways, takes the fun out. At least projared had the integerity to end it when he wiped. Their fan base is one of the most cancerous on youtube
Give me a quick rundown on spoony
I never followed him or any of his videos, but I remember him being popular
>That guy who used to make good videos
>Now he's in hell
Season 2 is coming.
Expect a follow up to sand niggaz.
Is that the guy that tried to get onto RLM with a top 10 rhythm heaven song list?
It's been over a year now
That is it? That is your outrage? "They keep breaking the rules of NuzLocke on their forfun game channel"
Jesus christ, user.
You must have a great life if you have energy to get mad at this nonsense.
>LordKat blaming this for his failure in the gaming press industry
I am sure CA is cursed, NONE of them had a happy ending.
Can I get a quick rundown on what happened?
Hi, Brody. When's the next Double Your Dribble?
I miss this dude.
You could just stop watching the videos.
This can't be the reason you're mad at them. Also, every big fan base on YouTube tends to be terrible.
the state of this fucking guy
>was among the first of the angry video game critics, and is one of the few that can be said to have not just ripped off James Rolfe, since he started at pretty much the same time
>got popular due to his decent commentary skills and more eloquent angry persona than most
>eventually joined TGWTG and got a GF
>the former infected him with skits, the latter blew smoke up his ass and started banning all negative commentary
>broke up with her a ew years later and went into a depressive spiral
>video content slowed to a crawl, he had an internet meltdown that got him kicked off the site, and later was diagnosed as bipolar
>temporarily had an upswing, until he got a patreon account
>swiftly got a lot of money, then decided to mooch off it for years while releasing less than one proper video per 4 months
>this despite the fact that he'd bought a house and needed to pay it off
>slowly bled money until it got to 700, where it is now
>still does nothing but bitch on twitter
Mister Metokur has a longer video on the subject if you can spare the time.