So with the announcement that DD is coming to PS4 and XBONE, is there a chance of DD2 being announced or have Capcom literally just become a company to re-release/remaster old games.
Dragons Dogma
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They have no incentive to make a full sequel. DDO is a low-risk cashcow (they won't give it a western release) and even if DD2 would obviously turn a profit, I doubt they project enough profit to make it worthwhile.
No because Capcom is fucking retarded.
Never knew why DDO was JP only. It would turn a profit with a localisation. The same with Monster Hunter Frontier, is it because they think the west don't like to grind in games?
They don't want to invest in Western server and customer support infrastructure.
Dragon's Dogma was a bigger than expected success in Japan. Japan likes f2p shit and Dragon's Dogma, so Capcom gave them f2p Dragon's Dogma.
What announcement?
They said a week back or so that they're releasing it this fall for PS4/XBONE
>10/31 release
Why is it taking so fucking long? They're just going to port the PC version.
>Why is it taking so fucking long?
It's Capcom.
DD for PS4, guess it's another reason to replay it.
It's probably a new game/reboot like the New Prey.
No way in hell they re-release DD just like that. It's like 10 years old.
Is this game actually worth playing? I started a run on hard mode and just kept getting massacred by wolves outside the first town, it didn't seem very fun.
It's Capcom
Not only is it just the PC version, they're going to spend a few months doing it.
May be wrong but I thought you do a normal game first and then a hard run afterwards?
Hard mode is weird. Early game you get 1-shot by the majority of enemies but you get more exp. Eventually you will overlevel everything and the game will be a cakewalk. Just play on normal mode. It is still challenging.
It's definitely worth playing. Don't start on Hard Mode on your first playthrough unless you like challenge. Sadly, Hard Mode (once you get used to it) actually becomes a little easier than Normal towards the end just because Hard Mode gives a lot more gold, so you end up having more than you'll ever need.
Base game is fantastic and the Bitterblack Isle dlc is pretty nice too.
>It's probably a new game/reboot like the New Prey.
How would Capcom manage to reboot an entire game in just 5 months?
An English release of a DDON would open the gates for for Brazilians, Russians and Chinese to flood in and completely ruin the game.
I hope to christ DDON is never localized.
No it's literally a single player MMO. Empty world, and the combat relies on a single gimmick (Wow you can hang on to big monsters!)
nice magic kiddo
These guys are literally the reason I switched to Archer.
I bet they will never add proper NG+ or post game with RNG spawns. What a waste. There is no even point for "140" lvl builds
>implying I'm not going to throw my staff away and start climbing your shit and going muscle wizard on your ass
*casts grand bolide*
heh nothing personnel pebble
Recently bought the steam version. Thanks to mods, I can finally have more than 3 skills as a warrior. Good times.
fuck that, just give us Dragon's Dogma Online.
Or at least if you're rereleasing Dragon's Dogma, for fuck's sake make a goddamn fast travel system and fix the way gear works, add more enemy variety, make enemies spawn in different locations, and make pawns mute.
>fast travel system
There's already a fast travel system, you get 10 crystals to put anywhere on the map. I used to have them at quest locations to basically rush through the game.
Doesn't that require going through NG+ multiple times?
Also keep in mind I never played Dark Arisen, the original game was such a piece of shit I never bothered going any further with it. Still though, I doubt Dark Arisen starts you out with 10 or even 2 portcrystals.
Also uses a limited resource for fast traveling as well.
You can buy them.
>Tfw even when consolefags and PCfags buy the game a shitload of time, DD2 will never be a thing
I think you can buy them in NG+
>make a goddamn fast travel system
The fuck are you on about?
If you carry a port crystal and eternal ferrystone, you can literally fast travel to and from anywhere on the map any time instantly for free.
>and make pawns mute.
You already can in the options.
Are they literally 5 gold each? If they're expensive, fuck that.
They are expensive. Anyway you have enough portal stones without buying them and you have infinite ferrystone at least on PC.
>Also keep in mind I never played Dark Arisen
Jesus christ, stop posting then because literally everything you have to say is irrelevant and has been for almost half a decade.
>DD is coming to PS4 and XBONE
Pls don't be troll
There is no point in NG+. You kill everything at 70 level
It'll only be 5 years old.
And they release RE4 all the time, and that is over 10 years old.
I don't know why you think it will be rebooted.
>Dragons Dogma thread
These are the only threads I genuinely still enjoy on Sup Forums. You guys are top tier as far as fanbases go
Maybe they shouldn't have released the original version as a complete piece of shit where literally 30 hours of the 40 hour playtime is spent walking down empty roads while repeated dialogue happens over and over again.
Fuck Dragon's Dogma.
>promise that pc port directly influences a sequel
>Dragon's Dogma is apparently a huge success on PC
>do the same for DMC with DMC4:SE
>just keep re-releasing the same game over and over again
>don't even think about at least pushing DDO to the west even though that's where the core market is
classy capcom
Dark Arisen gives you 5 per playthrough compared to the original's 1, and the cost of ferrystones was cut from 20k to 2k. Also I think there's an extra permanent porstone placed outside of Cassardis that wasn't there originally.
Dark Arisen really "fixed" the travel system, but it can't really fix that the open world was the worst part of the game.
I don't think there's a company more retarded when it comes to decision making. I want to know who's at the top making all these fucking terrible decisions.
The fuck is wrong with you that you feel the need to post in a thread about a game you didn't like 5 years ago, haven't bothered playing the updated version of since, and then sperg out about ignorantly?
That is some seriously unhealthy shit man.
Anyone know exactly how much of an exp multiplier the Bezel Crown gives? Like 1.5x?
Double exp, as of Dark Arisen. It was much higher before.
Maybe they'll announce DMC5 and DD2 at E3 this year!
yeah, right
Damn thats still pretty good. Should get like 50,000 exp from killing the drake in Devilfire Grove
Only thing they would show off at e3 is a shitty tease like the 5th year anniversary logo on a big screen followed by a proper trailer for the PS4/Xbone version of the game.
I can see them doing this. Everyone getting hyped and then just knocked back down.
>he doesn't use his wealth to destroy monsters
lmaoing @ your lives
haha holy shit, I had no idea it did that sort of damage.
Reminder that throwblast is also a vocation
No chance of DD2 being announced for at least another 3-4 years, and that is assuming that Capcom likes the numbers of both DA on PC and on current gen, brings over DDO and THAT doing well by their standards, and in that scenario, Capcom choosing NOT to go full jew with their MMO instead of making a sequel to a game that has a cult following.
What the fuck
DDO localisation is more likely than DD and even that won't happen.
even DDO though is the exact same game engine
makes me think that if there is a sequel that it won't actually improve on anything
>it's literally a single player MMO
hey buddy, think you got the wrong thread. kingdoms of amalur general is 2 boards down.
post your pawns or something so we can judge you on your ability to create characters within the character creator of Dragon's Dogma™: Dark Arisen™
>>promise that pc port directly influences a sequel
That was never fucking said.
Hush user, you're ruining his autistic narrative.
Im not throwing my shekels away
Why does this game love bloom so much? I barely see anything aiming a bow when I've got a holy light enchantment. Wasn't there some mod that changes the effects?
Well, it wasn't an official confirmation, but the following was said:
>We’d love to hear the opinions and feedback from players of the upcoming PC port of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, as that will increase the chances that we can look into the possibility of continuing the series.
Removes some other useless effects like the aura around people for max affinity, but who cares when it stops you being blinded
More shit you can change lol are you sure you even played the base game man? Sure didn't look around much it you couldn't find one fucking pawn chair
Well DD's director is working on a new project.
It could be DD2. Could be DMC5. Could be a new IP.
It could be mobage gachashit
Why is there so much hate for DDO?
You people do realize it's not an MMO right?
>find the golem inside the forest
>destroy most totems
>last one is up on a tree
>i'm melee
>pawns are too retarded to hit it
I did, and I literally sat my pawn down over and over again telling him to shut up, and he never shut up.
Demonswrath is pretty decent
>magic archer
>blind playthrough
>golem in forest
It was horrible
How often does the drake respawn in NG
>Why is there so much hate for DDO?
Because none of them have bothered to play it.
>You people do realize it's not an MMO right?
Please don't say that, DDON is all I have left, I don't want these faggots ruining it.
Roughly once a week.
For some reason this song reminds me of a person who has fulfilled their dreams beyond their wildest imagination and ended up going insane in their corrupted dreamworld. I haven't finished BBI yet. Is it good?
>was the company's most ambitious and expensive project
>that is after it had already gone through several budget and content cuts
>didn't sell too well
>its online spinoff isn't even worth releasing in the west
Yes, it's coming for sure, laddie. It will be here tomorrow.
Lets not jinx it
Besides would it take this long for a mobage to be announced? Its been months since he said he had a new project
MMOs get made all the time in japan without getting a western release. That doesn't really mean anything.
I need mod for DD that will spawn BBI enemies randomly. And NG+ hp/damage/ mod. Or mod for more "aggressive" enemies.
If you like dungeon crawling and a challenge, then you'll enjoy it a lot. Strangely plays differently to the regular game and even has a pseudo-randomised loot system. Some vocations have a much easier time with it than others, but other than that it's probably my favourite part of the game.
>>didn't sell too well
What? But when it got to PC it got sold very well.
So in the time it took for this garbage to be announced:
>I graduated college
>I had already beaten DD:DD years ago
>DD gets released on PC. Its better
>I researched info about PC parts and starting making a budget for one
>Picked and ordered parts
>Built PC
>Bought DD for PC release for 7 bucks
Fuck these re-releases. They won me over for the MGS and the DMC HD remasters but that's about it. Other ones are for games that are too recent. This is like releasing different versions of street fighter 2 but shittier because they don't even have any real new content.
>we'll never get tools to make custom BBI rooms
And yeah, NG+ could've used some scaling, it's pointless going through the game again when you just kill everything in one hit
The only HD remake for a last gen game that I really approved of was TLoU because it honestly should have been a ps4 game to begin with. It pushed the PS3 to its limits and kinda ran crappily because of that.
Really so much wasted potential. I doubt PS4 version will be different. Probably just PC port
Have you read the thread? Nobody hates DDO, they hate Capcom for not localizing DDO.
>releasing the same game four times
fucking hell
At least this time there's no reason for me to buy it again.