Why is the average gamer so violent and anti-social?
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because of normies being narrow minded bigots and bullies
Cause ur a faggot
Because what OP said is actually true, violent games like doom can actually really help to relieve the stress.
Also, i can't dismember people in real life :)
>gamer wants to murder gays
>nah it's the normies that are narrow minded
That's not healthy and you know it.
8 years commie faggot
stop supporting sodomy you faggot fucking shitposting OP
went to the dentist today
cute girl arab dentist and cute mullato girl assistant
brown combo working me over and the heat from miss dentist felt so nice, haven't felt that in a loooong time
see if I was violent and anti social I would have used my bear like frame to knock out and rape them both on the spot
but im a good guy ya see
Violent crime has steadily gone down as videogames have become popular over time. It's a myth that videogames cuase violence when it actually reduces criminal activity.
kill yourself reddit
>criticize someone who wants to murder people
>Sup Forums defends it, saying I'm the weird one
I know you're trolling but you can stop anytime.
t. randy pitchforks
I don't know you tell me
people don't become anti-social because of games
some people play games because they're antisocial
the violence comes from the frustration about not being accepted by the society
I think you're missing something:
This is the fault of the men, though.
>guys look this guy wants to kill people
lmao it's men who ask women to marry.
>Gets facts
>Tells others it's bullshit because of anecdotal stories from anonymous users on the chans.
lmao look it up it's true, violence has gone down in general as a result of people playing videogames instead of commiting crimes in the real world.
>It ends by stating: "Overall, violent video games lead to decreases in violent crime
"Violence online" is a load of shit.
Sup Forums is that way retard>>>>>
>Why is the average gamer so violent and anti-social?
because of people like
Not gonna sit here and defend some fuccboi that thinks boys kissing is yucky, but I will say this at least;
Would you rather they murder demons in a fictional video game or actually go out and find some real people to do it to? Games can be a vent for a lot of heavy shit, and if it gets the "rape pillage kill" mood out of them in a healthy, controlled environment, who are we to say otherwise?
>tfw no Harry Potter like Monsters Inc. game
>violence has gone down in general as a result of people playing video games instead of committing crimes
So you admit that video games are being used as a substitute for criminal behavior? Do you not see the problem with that?
>Posting online is a violent act
Where do you think you are? This isn't Facebook.
lmao Not commiting crime is a crime now? Such non-sense
And what would you suggest instead? In case you forgot, violent behavior and similar tendencies are a part of humanity. These tendencies are also overlapping with such traits as confidence and motivation. You can't just sever them, put them somewhere safe and go around smiling, unless you bleach your mind with extremely potent chemicals.
Why are you quoting his quote?
>So you admit that video games are being used as a substitute for criminal behavior? Do you not see the problem with that?
So you're saying, if we take away and ban loli porn, and it ends up making pedophiles actually get desperate and act on upon these urges with real kids it's a good thing?
Are you an idiot?
I'm arguing that gamers are awful people. You're confirming this by agreeing and saying, 'yes they are terrible, so we give them games so that they can take out their hate and aggression on the games and no innocent people.'
We need to fix the people.
>We need to fix the people.
Yeah, a couple of gulags wouldn't hurt. Can't keep em around healthy and functioning normal members of society, can we? Your ignorant, sheltered kind can do nothing but inspire anger with the drivel that you spout. No wonder they get violent, I would get violent too if I heard someone this fucking stupid talk to me.
>Also, i can't dismember people in real life :)
You can, you'd just be penalized for it.
Real talk, why are Ameribros so mentally cucked like that? Do they seriously think letters on a piece of paper have any power? I think it's religion's fault.
>s-s-stop arguing against my narrative
Pathetic replies for a pathetic thread.
This isn't reddit, nerd.
>Helping Saudis kill Yemenese
Fucking subhuman, with his fedora-tier replies.
all commies must die
>capitalist nigger in charge of thinking like human being
Sasuga, subhuman.
Sup Forums
You...fuckers. No, I'm sorry, but I've no intentions of holding back. I'm going all out here, I won't hold back in telling you, Sup Forums, the reason you suck.
I won't post so much as a single image on YOUR God forsaken website! No! Not one image, not one discussion, NOTHING! You people are sick!
You bunch of sadistic fucks! Do you have any idea what you're doing!? Alright, let me explain it to you.
Let's ignore the fact that the videogames are a jew made derivative from the computer technology, machines which bring evil. You guys play systems and stories starring imaginary people, humans that are made out of ones and zeroes and written by informatics. Until now, that's okay, educational even. But you don't stop there, oh hell no. Your games? Your plots? They are not violent, no. They are SADISTIC!
I have seen what you've played. I have seen hundreds of games that have been made. I have seen you simulate little, innocent people get eviscerated, shot, beheaded, burnt, ran over, stomped on, the list goes on. I have seen you record your snuff movies, I have read with these eyes of mine what it is you imagine happens to these people. And I wish I could say, I wanted to vomit, but that's not even close to how I felt.
They make the "NPCs" sapient, with looks closely resembling actual people. That makes EVERYTHING you do to them so much worse! You are intentionally training yourselves for genocide, for war, for the most horrifying acts man can unleash upon their fellow brothers! And for what reason? Huh? Why do you do that?
I have heard your excuses. "they're not real. Sure they look real, but are only programs. I give exactly as many fucks about a program's feelings as I do for a virus on my computer...zero. ." That is a direct quote, copy pasted, from Sup Forums user Anonymous. And really, that just sums up your attitude, doesn't it?
>*blocks your path*
The obsessive hatred, bordering on psychosis, against products — i.e. against man-made objects — seems to be the hallmark of the pseudo-intellectual today. Hatred of consumption, a problem which no sane, healthy person has ever had. As if food and clothes, as if eating or dressing were bad. Such is the pseudo-intellectual's craving to appear to be raging at something, that he will rage at life's basic necessitities if need be.
The "consumer society" should have been called the "slave society", since there's nothing wrong with consuming, it is indeed the basis, the prerequisite, of all growth. Marx was at least healthy in focusing on production; Baudrillard's obsession with consumption is neurotic. Why not reduce it to zero and die of thirst in a few days, you fucking nihilistic little prick? Better yet just stop breathing; oxygen too is something that we consume.
What is "capital"? It is simply another word for money, which is a medium that facilitates exchange. Capitalism, then, is merely a state of things in which individuals are able, and allowed, to enter into exchange. That's all it is. Capitalism = Exchange. And since it is impossible for any culture and civilization at all to exist without exchange (indeed exchange is the number one prerequisite for civilization, with language itself understood as a form of exchange, the exchange of feelings), we might as well say that Capitalism = Civilization. To be against capitalism, then, means to be against civilization — which is par for the course for the kind of subhuman dreck which perpetually champions this nauseating, decadent notion. Just take a good look at them and you'll see.
You know what? That excuse doesn't fly. Life is life, no matter its origin. Didn't you watch Mewtwo Strikes Back? "The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." Mewtwo, another man made creature, spoke those words. I am also reminded of the novel Frankenstein. I assume you've read it? No? Well Google it.
Don't you tell me that videogames are an "allegory", no. They give them sentience, they give them emotions. All so you can rid yourself of the """"""weakness"""""" that is empathy. And when you do get rid of it, the way you make them suffer goes beyond any kind of "allegory". You burn them, you mutilate them, you forcefully abort their babies, you drown them, you feed them broken glass. And yet they are the allegory for 'greed'.
You know what? I would have bought the excuse that the videogames were "for E-Sports", if not for the obvious GLEE that you people express every time these images of suffering are shown! Oh my God, what the hell, people? Is that really what makes you happy? Seeing someone else suffer and die, in the most inhumane ways possible? Are you in ecstasy every time a person of color gets shredded by a frag grenade? Are you euphoric every time a child gets eaten by an alien?
That's the REAL reason you make these works. This is how you get your jollies. Your hearts leap with joy at the sight of a woman's corpse. You smile as you watch a little girl starve to death. Your eyes twinkle at the prospect of a mother crying over its dead baby. You are all sadistic monsters.
"But that's just a few developers!" I hear you yell with indignant anger. "You can't judge the whole based on the works of a few!" Yes I can. I can because the fact that works like "Hatred" are permitted to be sold, that they can be searched for on google, is proof enough that you CONDONE the works!
I don't think the average gamer is violent, but games, like sports and most physical and team activities, are used to vent stress among other things. Besides, it is a competitive field, even in single player games. People who play videogames challenge each other and themselves, thus, is not friendly all the time and it doesn't need to be.
Overall, I believe so called "gamers" are just people trying to enjoy something they are passionate about and if you are cucked enough to feel bad about what some fucking bitches on the internet say about that, then you should probably kill yourself or become a normie.
>*Claps in your general direction*
Man, ain't it great dying in Afghanistan whilst my wife is being plowed by Tyrone at home?
You know what? I get it. One makes art to show the world something, to give them a message. The message videogame makers intended was that mankind's anger must be kept in check, and that the children of man's intolerance has no place in this world. But that's not the message you received, because it got drowned out by something you've sent to the world. You have exposed the darkness that lays inside of you, your sadism. You have shown the world just how truly despicable you lot are, and we are sickened by you.
"Come on, the world's a dark and cruel place. This happens to real people, dude, so grow the fuck up." I hear you say in that arrogant voice of yours. Yes, this happens in real life. Men, women, old, young, strong, weak, guilty, innocent. I know about it, I read about it all the time in the news. And what, you expect me to excuse you? To believe that you are making this art as a statement against cruelty? Because let me tell you something. People are tortured by people exactly like you. People who, like these subhuman polacks (Slavs aren't white) from Destructive Creations, give zero fucks about the beings they torture.
You want an allegory for mankind's evil and disregard of others? Look in the mirror. YOU are the same people you supposedly condemn with the works you consume. You are the destroyers, the sick, the twisted, the downright evil. Yes, I know you are following works of fiction, but that changes nothing. You can't like something this sick and twisted without possessing those qualities on the inside.
These games of yours, this torture porn that put you in the director's seat, starring innocent creatures, this is more than just a catharsis factor for you lot, it's mental masturbation. You don't play them to escape real life problems, you play to create more of them. And that's the Reason you Suck.
>Trying to argue about one specific group over something thar every single living being do since the beginning of time
Everyone suffer from stress and social pressure, and everyone attempt to release or escape it their own way, we do it with those
>Video games
>Shooting ranges
>All kind of fighting
And more.
tl;dr version: Copypasta
>Americans killing americans
Should I have a problem with this?
I thought that was Rich Evans in the thumbnail
libtards/antifa are not american
theyre not even human
"Oh hey Chad you playing cod I like to play that sometimes too :3"
"oh anons playing his weird video games. Get a life"
Same reason they voted for Trump desu
>fags want to talk about gender politics in a video games board
This board is for the discussion of vidya, it's not rocket science.
You're generalizing a group of people that statistically have commited less crime than their previous generation counter-parts. You think players are violent? lmao crack open a history book and you'll soon find out that professional criminal career killers literally run entire governments for thousands of years all without videogames.
This has to be bait.
>We need to fix the people.
History has shown that has the opposite effect from what's intended.
>*americans are not even human
Fix'd that for you.
Reminder that Trump is a disastrous president and Sup Forums was wrong again
Trying to teach a commie history is like trying to teach a fish to fly.
It's always nice to see rekt clapburgers.
libtards/antifa are not american
theyre not even human
And what insignificant nation are you from? How does it feel knowing your people don't matter on a global scale?
Hey man like 50% of the voter base in the US didn't even bother to vote because the system is bullshit.
Are they trying to show their american pride by shoving their flag up some guy's ass?
What's the difference exactly? Both parties are under the same corporate jews.
I live in a fairly nice and small country, the fact that it's irrelevant on the global scale is the best part.
I know, I'm just trying to rustle some anons. Hell, I even fell for the Trump meme myself at first.
Trump is the best shot we have
He also severely upset leftards
Based Orange Emperor
>things are fine because the people I disagree with are mad
Things aren't fine, we're on a highway to the danger zone right now
Why the fuck would you want to socialize with people? How can you actually enjoy hearing other shitbreaths talk?
What should we have done then? Voted for Boinie Seandiz?
Do you think that matters to me considering your president is still doing the same shit as your previous president, when it comes to geopolitics?
>why is the average teenager so edgy
>tfw neither me personally or my ancestors fell for the Honeypot Nation
For The Uneducated: en.wikipedia.org
Because my possible mild Asperger's causes me to lack empathy at almost any given time.
Implying Trump and Bannon aren't using him to collect all necessary information for the day of execution
Level up, shill
He meant actual, real bigots, not what SJWs think "bigot" means.
Yes, we should have
>Implying Trump and Bannon aren't using him to collect all necessary information for the day of execution
Yeah, and selling all those weapons to Saudis is to have a huge international case against them, right?
>Level up, shill
Oi vey!
>implying the "Saudis" are not out new greatest ally
hmm you really are behind the times
watch for falling rocks in the desert
Why is it considered bad to be "anti-social"?
What's wrong with only having a few but true friends?
>be feminist
>Take extreme opinion, from sites you normally never visit
>claim like its the avarage
This is why i cant take you guys seriously
>implying anything matters on "muh global scale"
going by your logic, you're literally just a fucking dot in the universe
good argument, got any more?
No? ...o-oh
>having a few but true friends
>not having a few true butt friends
>i would like to go back to the time violence was frequenter and heavier than now for opinions i put zero thought in
yeah, you REALLY are this stupid